Scapegoated (WIP) - '70s Hollywood, Music '&' Murder [56k words]

Very polished and hefty for such an early demo. The inclusion of stats is also very nice. Definitely awaiting new updates.
EDIT: Is there a plan to include the save system?


That cliffhanger thoughā€‹:sob::sob: I usually have a hard time with genderlocked ifs for gender reasons (duh haha), but I completely understand why you made that decision and honestly, I think it was a good one. It will be interesting (and painful Iā€™m sure) to explore more of the misogyny the MC has to endure :,) I have to say, even though people already have said it haha, this is sooo good already and your writing was very immersive! Also, I really love Vince, I hope we get to meet his momā€‹:pleading_face:


Ohh and thank you for including androgynous clothing style<3 Ofc anyone can wear anything, but I like to think my MC is maybe a bit non-binary even though she doesnā€™t know it herself hehe :,D


Loved this demo, amazing work! Drew me in right away. Very excited for further updates.

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Can we have a save function please? I got an error and lost all progress. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thank you so much! I was struggling to add a save system for a long while and finally figured out how to do it! It should work now :slight_smile:


Ahhhh!!! Thank you for your understanding! There a multiple identifiers that the main character is shaped around and I knew it would be disputable but Iā€™m hoping going forwardā€“if it doesnā€™t make sense in the prologue alreadyā€“that it will fundamentally makes sense. I really appreciate this, thank you!! P.S. Vinceā€™s mama will appear, yes, and I hope you love her <3


Sorry about that! I have added one! I initially tried and didnā€™t know how when I was posting, but this led me to deep dive and I finally figured it out! Hopefully you can make back your progress, again really sorry!


I love love loooove this, I love everything music and yours has such a great premise :grinning:
Who blabbed about MC having a steamy night with Vince? :melting_face: Or is there something else going on? :thinking:
We didnā€™t have Sex with more than one, right? :thinking:
Iā€™m looking forward to know more about what happened while we were gone.

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Wait I have a question, if itā€™s not too spoiler-y; has Vinceā€¦perhapsā€¦written any song(s) about the MC (too)?:eyes:


Beyond belief spoiler-y, haha!! But it warms my heart that youā€™re curious at all :')


I havenā€™t read it yet but I love the sound of it and canā€™t wait to get a moment alone to get reading.

Iā€™m from Northern Ireland and grew up during the tail end of the Troubles so this has made me even more interested in this.

Good luck with your story, canā€™t wait to read it.

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This is great!!! The setting, the plot, the characters, I love it! Iā€™m also really excited to see the treatment of the MC as a foreign woman in the 70s, the moment I saw she was the only female member of the Voyeurs, I knew things were going to go to shit. I really enjoyed what you have so far and I canā€™t wait to read more!


Wow, this looks interesting so far, the characters are intriguing and I love the brooding bandmate so much.

Thereā€™s a bug when you meet Penn in the morning and I cannot proceed further

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Thank you for sending me this! I have made an edit to the script, so hopefully this should work now. If it doesnā€™t, I think I will just remove the included if-statement entirely because Iā€™m perplexed as to why it isnā€™t working :frowning: Super frustrating!!

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Thank you so much for reaching out! I have a lot of notes down on the 1969 riots and IRA, and I know how much of a big part of Northern Ireland history that has been, so I wanted it to be included somehow. Optioning Belfast as one of the main characterā€™s city origin options felt like the perfect way to do that. Iā€™m glad you can find a piece of yourself in her <3


Heya! First wanna say that I really loved this, the writing is so freaking good- cannot wait for more!

Second, I had an issue when trying to load a save where it took me back to the conversation with Vince at the beginning- Oh wait lmao, I just realized that it was probably because I was reading when you did the bugfix. Disregard that then lol


Sadly, I donā€™t play Female MCā€™s, but I wish you lots of luck with your project. I like the idea and would definitely check out a game like this with a gender choice MC.

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INCREDIBLE demo I loved it so much- will DEFINITELY be keeping an eye on it


You have absolutely no reason to be nervous sharing this story, it was AMAZING! :heart: I donā€™t understand those complaining about it being gender locked. If anything it wouldnā€™t have the same impact if it were gender choice. It leaves you feeling like a bit of a rarity being a woman in an otherwise all male band.

I adore all the characters, Iā€™m going to REALLY struggle picking who to pursue but Vincent has my heart so far :face_holding_back_tears: Keep up the fantastic work author! I have a feeling this story is going to be among the greats!