Samurai of Hyuga Book 3 (Patreon/Early Access info on Post 1297!)

I literally had to restart about 50+ times to get 100% attunement, lol.

I eventually got it though so I encourage other perfectionist not to give up.:triumph:

Yeah… I am not a perfectionist. I don’t really pay attention to attunement, other than checking in once or twice during the game and being mildly surprised at my less than stellar score (huh. sounds like high school all over again).

So I’m just wondering, is there a reason for getting perfect attunement, any cool tricks I’m missing out on?
Does it just make you glittery inside? :tada:


Other than the achievement, not really. That said, it seems like gameplay os trending towards “high attunement = spirit animal, low attunement = Jigoku Itto Ryu”.

Considering the consequences of using the latter, it might be wise to keep your attunement high…


Hmm… good point.
I guess I’ll start adding to my kinda unstable ronins some more controlled replays, even if just to safeguard against future disasters.
Then again, using the Jigoku does entail some good drama.


Some of you guys were talking about your straight female ronins and the broken immersion. It happened to me as well. This is linked to the body descriptions of some character, like Toshio, when the fem!Ronin notices his “curves” lots of times. It looks like the LI were supposed to be women and the ronin a straight man, and it’s kinda weird when you’re playing a straight female ronin. The author has improved a lot on this regard, however, because in one of his previous works you had the choice to be a woman and the LI to be men, but it was almost meaningless: it was clear that the LI acted like women and MC like a boy. SoH does is far better in comparison and I know it must be a pain in the ass to write so many different combinations (gender, sexuality, etc.) but I can’t help but feel the immersion breaks a few times for those reasons. It happens as well with sexual innuendos (“Mount me” -Toshio to fem!MC / “Take me” -Jun to fem!MC). This is why I liked Toshios sex scene in Book 3. It felt like MC was a woman and Tosh a man. I was satisfied. Also, having Toshio in his masculine form in the cover made me happy.


Something important to keep in mind, on the topic of straight female ronin, is feminimity. MC’s feminimity is extremely repressed—this is mostly intentional. Harsh upbringing, brutal training and years as a rough and tough assassin has all but closed off those aspects of MC.

Feminimity is not something to be fought and overcome, or kept hidden and closed. It needs to be accepted and embraced as part of who she is. That’s a huge area of growth for female MC. It must be addressed.

But the one who is going to help her address it won’t be among those who add the tremendous responsibilities of Hyuga atop her shoulders. This is an important facet of the struggle between her and someone with a three-letter name.

Should be interesting!


Ohhhh! This sounds really interesting! I really cant wait to read how you explore it! Now the wait for book 4 is more excruciating! Though im not fond of overly showing off my female characters feminity but thats just me and other people can feel differently, though im super excited to see how youll handle it :slight_smile: though for me the ronins action, particularly female, havent been so jarring that it takes me out of immersion but thats just me…


Well, to me the Fem Ronin not being feminine is a big plus. Also, I loved the moments of her “mounting” Toshio.

In my personal taste: dominant men = 200% turn off :laughing:

So I LOVE how our ronin is not the typical sexually submissive woman that a lot of authors try to shove up on us :laughing:


Wow, there. I’m not trying to make our brutal assassin for hire into a submissive maiden, far from it.

With Jun/ko I think they’re both kind of dominant, regardeless of gender. But I’m really glad to hear that her femininity will be addressed in future books. It’s important for me to know that I’m reading the story of a woman, whether she’s a skilled fighter with a dominant personality or not. Especially considering how most of the women in Hyuga are so different from her. Nishi and her have many things in common. I understand why our female MC must act like a man, because she was raised that way.

But there are moments when her true nature (being a woman) and the way she was raised must clash. And something really interesting could come of that. Like when Roderico gave her the kimono. I thought we would get more of that choice (wearing it) because it felt important to me. It was like stepping in a role she’s not used to. And we got Masa’s reaction and little else. I’m not really complaining. I liked the scene. But maybe I felt it was more important that it actually was.

I’m incredibly excited to watch her character development in future books!


I’ve always imagined my FemRonin as being a woman who wishes she was more feminine… which is how I explained her, ah, interest in Momoko’s assets: she has some serious boob envy.

I agree with @Kirlett that the part with the kimono was something really big for my MC and I would love more little parts where she can get in touch with her feminine side.

Though I did think Jun telling her to “take me” was actually kind of funny. I could just imagine my chivalrous MC wanting to yell at him that that was not how it worked while she was fighting him.


I don’t want to change the way you see your MC, but I think it’s canon that fem!MC has big boobs :rofl:

But, apart from that, yes, I agree completely.

See, I know that’s what’s canon but it’s not brought up enough for it to really change how I see my MC, and the few times it is mentioned I can just shake my head because my poor girl is lying to herself.


Ok, now that’s hilarious. :joy:


I personally really enjoy that my FeMC isn’t very feminine. I like that she’s tough and rough and masculine because it’s nice to see a female main character that’s more like me. Her attraction to Momoko never seemed strange to me either because my ronin is a giant lesbian, but I can see how it would be off-putting if you’re trying to play her as straight.


It’s not so much about me not liking that the MC is more masculine, it’s just that for how I see my MC I would like for her to be able to embrace her feminine side, and I would like that for Male Ronins too. I don’t think everyone should play their Ronin like that, but I would like the option personally.


I need Male Ronin to steal Momoko’s shampoo because he deserves to smell like a flower, too. And unironically.


Yes. That’ll be a thing of beauty.
I can just imagine the look on our enemies’ faces when they realize the person who is going to kill them smells like flowers.


I do love that the female Robin was not too feminine and with such upbringing, it is understandable that one will grow up in such a way.

I look forward to the development for our female Robin amd it’s nice to see that this will address in the future!


The foreboding.

You can’t drop this on me now author-san, not when we have another year to wait for the next book! Ahhh, all the possibilities…


bless you @MultipleChoice

I finally got around to playing book 3 and MY GOD I was hoping to write a mini review on it like I did for book 2 because holy crap it’s so good but I’m just too overwhelmed by emotions right now damn you but also bless you.

Quick question though if you don’t mind, will Kohaku be a prominent character (like maybe Hatch/Momo level) in the future or kind of just be on the side?
Not expecting him to be in the next book with the likely focus on Jun(ko) and all but as someone who’s super interested in edo period samurai culture and how samurais would deal with the growing irrelevance and power of the social class itself, I loved seeing his internal struggle as well as the whole deal with his heart problem. Absolutely love this angle you’ve taken with him and how he kinda acts foil to the whole MC’s transition from ronin to samurai as you mentioned earlier. His attraction was kind of sudden but cute and I think it made sense if you refuse to throw the first stone. Such an act of upholding your principles over risk of condemnation and a likely painful death by stoning would understandably make him attracted to MC tbh.

Also, tbh I loved seeing the MC being weak in the 2nd half!!! I hated it at first and when Kohaku fucked me up I wanted to smash his face in lol but damn the MC feeling depressed about their rapid decline was just too relatable. ((Besides the rapid spiraling decline of my life lol)) As a kendoka who took a looong break to focus on my studies and rarely practiced (even forgot a couple of kata, sorry Kohaku!), that feeling of shame, guilt, confusion, and just overall disappointment when I tried to practice again is just OOF ow ouCH my heart.
And when MC muttered an apology to his sensei after the first showdown with Shatao !! Like DAMN that was me a week ago before contacting my sensei after my long break. My emotions and soul has been defeated.
Anyway amazing work as always dude. Looking forward to the next book! A bit early of me to ask but will the next books continue to be released every year or so? I’m so excited the 4th one keep up the good work ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

Idk if this is even coherent as I’ve spent 12 hours straight restarting and playing this book over and over and finally beat it once I’m just so exhausted lmfao.