Resonance WIP - Community Input Appreciated

Well, nothing ruins a vacation like a rag-tag band of adventurers trying to kill your boss.

I assumed that’s why Adika was there, though. Or maybe the MC could bribe them with barbecue. Don’t know how well that would go over with… actually, anyone.

I could do the poi… I mean barbecue :-)) and kill that horrible general


I must be doing something wrong, my Elf ended up being a better fighter than my Monaire soldier lol

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Um, you aren’t playing wrong. I just forgot to add stat bonuses in a few dozen places at the beginning of the game. Whoops. I’ll have it fixed in the next version.

Although, I guess that it might still be too early in the game for a soldier to catch up with an Elf in terms of battle abilities. The Elven PC does start off with a huge bonus.

There are other factors that affect the rate of your stat gains as well as the difficulty of battles and other activities that require skill checks. Haven’t had much of a chance to put those features into use until this current chapter, though.

I was as surprised as Syphel when the bandits knocked my soldier off her arse lol

Fighting bandits isn’t like a cushy gate-guarding job in the safety of Imperial borders. :slight_smile:

I guess that’s why (in most RPGs) fighting the guards at the start of the game is easier than fighting anything in the overworld. They just really don’t get out much. :smiley:

@CS_Closet Would it be possible to have a ‘Spring Break’ Filler story?

Possible, yes. Probable, no.
I don’t have much time or room for fillers, myself. The only way such a thing would exist is if it were a separate game, or if I get around to making the “extended” version of Resonance (In which case it would be kind of like a bonus story available if you complete the game.

It really sounds like fun to write, but it definitely wouldn’t be canon. :wink:

Awww! Someone should make a Fan-fic! Either way hope it’s going OK, writing can be a pain.

Sounds like it would be a good read.

I can’t wait for update I just love playing thru it again an again

Can’t wait update ^^

Sorry I couldn’t get around to this sooner, but I missed the section about an invasion of the Empire by the Imperium. Is it really so impossible?

IF one was particularly disloyal to the empire, one could initiate an invasion or revolution anyway. For example, the elvven archer could initiate a rebellion of the elves, and assassinate Dain.

The Asylian (spelling?) could contact all of the leftover Syrilas and make war on the Empire, maybe even spreading the message to others by paintings.

The Fate sage could gather the followers of the goddess of Fate, declaring a crusade against Dain for the desecration of the true religion.

The Imperial Soldier can call on the force of the army to install himself as a dictator, even, or at least rebel against Dain.

All in all, it would be very interesting to have a rebellion path. And it certainly should be possible from a reader’s standpoint, so to make a storyline about the empire beinginvaded would not require a singular scene for the Imperium’s linguist.

Sorry if I’m always campaigning for more things, but it sounds like an interesting idea to me, to have an invasion of the Empire. You could rebel from inside, and install yourself as a new God-King. You could completely destroy the empire and let the scattered remnants reform into the countries they once were. You could turn the empire into something more democratic, or you could cause your own people to rule the Empire. Or, there’s always a good chance that you’d fail miserably…

@CS_Closet hey how’s the progress on this? ;o just wonderin

@Wyrmspawn the ehl have done a kind of reconnaissance or peace diplomacy thingy but it was stopped by the storms and they are more technologically advanced than the empire. if they can’t do it then it won’t be possible for them to do it quite yet all depends in the writer. The rebellions from around the continent would be probably possible. I mean it has happen in civilizations before.


Out of all the kingdoms in your world is Monair the current World Power?


If you select the language professor they mention of your character being from another continent, one that Monair probably doesn’t know about.


Ah thanks I’ve yet to try that background yet.

I try to create another character not from Elh but the Elh linguistic origin is so awesome the elfs are terrorist scam the sage painter is a bitter loser and being a imperium soldier is boring is my opinion :-)) nothing wrong with other people options my character is less strong than a dead fly but she has a beutifull gown and poison …

Excuse my long absence. Out of commission for a little while and no one would bring me my laptop. :frowning: Work can continue now, however.

You aren’t campaigning for anything more than I mean to add already. Rebellion options will pop up. The Empire isn’t invincible. It’s not even that large yet, and could be overthrown by the rest of the continent if they were led and inclined to do so. And, ditto with @Blackheart’s assessment.

Currently: In editing… I think. I have to figure out what I was doing before I got sick.

The Empire is one of two major powers on the continent, but Ehl would be the major world power.

I would be surprised if anyone other than me liked every origin. There’s nothing wrong with having a favourite.