Resonance WIP - Community Input Appreciated

I don’t want fight in all game no weapons and no training a high intelligence and charisma I could be successful?

Yes! I like not needing to fight through the game, too, so I’ve made sure that it’s an option for the entire game. A high intelligence, high focus, or good relationships with others can be just as successful as good fighting skills.

@CS_Closet glad to hear that know I only need conquer Dain love :X


High intelligence and good relationships eh…? It seems my friend to all creatures professor was a very good choice.

But I’m guessing that the protagonist will be involved in some scuffles during his journey, so I’m not getting rid of those daggers yet. (And it has NOTHING to do with the fact I’m lusting over throwing daggers almost as much as I’m lusting over Dain. Nothing, I tell you!)

Interesting… My imperial soldier character had 25 intelligence, but only 24 combat. I challenged the king to a spar

Did anyone else go unarmed throughout the game? I wanted a combat master type of character.

My professor is unarmed, but then again, I don’t think he expects (or wants) to have to do a lot of fighting…

Challenge the king to a spar, how do you manage that? For me the game ends when I go up to the king, it asks me if I want to rethink my strategy, I say no, and then the game ends.

@CS_Closet Will the MC be given the option to train/form his own private force directly loyal to the MC? (maybe the MC could lead/have his own legion or guild or cult or followers of some kind). I also thought that each reaver could have their own thing, like the reaver who is a warrior could of formed a legion, and the reaver who is kinda of nerdy could have a guild of scientists or archeologists or something like that, but I don’t know which reaver fits in what category but you understand what I am getting at right, one reaver leads the research and development branch and so on. And to add some comedy to the atmosphere, each reaver could have a fan club, kind of like they are celebrities, you know?

Error: line 12: bad label thanks_for_testing
Scene: ending
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3
Load time: 1361249953088
Persist: whatwg_db

@MocktheWeek6 That error is intentional. By reporting it and sending an email, you supply CS_Closet with your stats at the end of the game, for testing purposes. It is optional, of course.

All reports sent in are very much appreciated, everyone. You have no idea how much time those save me! :slight_smile:

I get’cha. :slight_smile:
I started doing something like that with a personal guard, but it ended up being entirely more complicated than it was worth taking the time to fully implement. Doing something more specialized like what you’re talking about is likely out of the realm of what I can reasonably do with my current time constraints.

I do like the idea of the Reaver gaining celebrity-like status as their renown grows, though. It’ll be nice giving the renown stat a few more uses, even if it does end up being extra fluff. A fan club wouldn’t be impossible for me to add in, either. I mean, those obsolete personal guard set-up scenes haven’t been taken out yet and could easily be repurposed…

Great. Now every time I think about the Reaver having a fan club, I picture the creepy Captain Hammer fan club from Dr. Horrible. :-))

Well I don’t think CoG would appreciate it if the fan club offered to do the weird stuff, so it would probably be best if you avoided that.

Now a party ending where the MC celebrates their fame, fortune, and glory after selling their soul would seem thematically appropriate.

So…I was interested in romancing Adika from the start, and when we get some “alone time” in Barith she gives me a friendship bracelet. Did I just get friendzoned? Or does it mean she has a certain…fondness for me? Just wondering.

Who is adika?

Adika is the spy/cloaked figure u meet in the tavern

I think

Yeah your right


If the MC is armed with one/two daggers and chooses to assassinate the king of Barath you should let them throw one at him.

I can see it now…

“You stupid Elf!” the king spits

Flinging your dagger as hard as you can you watch as it cartwheels through the air. Guards try to intercept but are too late.

The dagger hits the king dead centre with a wet thunk, its blade swallowed up by his chest.

With a smile you watch as he dies with the look of surprise still etched into his face…

I think it would be a better idea to go for the throat. If you aim for the heart you’ll run into the sternum, and it’s a thrown dagger, not a crossbow… Just sayin’. :stuck_out_tongue:

well if the thrown dagger is poisoned don’t need to reach the heart one of the poison advantages