Reports from Philomena (58K words, Now with a Discord Server!) Updated: August 29, 2018

It’s fine :smiley: And yes, Planes is my old thingie.

Are you still working on it I remember really liking it


Not at the moment, no. I do hope to return to it some day, but for now I’m working on Philo and another WIP.

Good luck Philomena is really fun


Wow. It can’t be done with a subroutine? Well, you know what? Never mind. The best way to ask that question is to test it myself. BRB.

Edit: Well, I did exactly what a programmer shouldn’t, and searched the forums for an answer after trying to test it out for myself. For the record, the thread I read is here and also, the wiki does not (yet) document this usage. It seems a little unpopular. I can’t imagine why. Thanks, Leem, I learned something new.


Happy to help :+1: For your own sanity, don’t make more than a handful of options. I didn’t learn that lesson :V


And that is exactly why I cut the appearance code out of my WIP.


The update is taking a solid minute so have a small scene I wrote a while back!

You call T684 on your secure line to update them on this new development. They answer promptly, and rather loudly.

“Heya, friend!” 684’s overly cheery voice comes through the headset, “What can I do for ya today?”

You try to update them, but they ramble on before you can even get the first word out.

“OK, so you remember that coffee shop I told you about? Opened three streets away, named Deja Brew? Awful name, in my opinion, a pun, but you remember it right? I got you that mocha the day you came in to be briefed, remember?” they’re speaking far too quickly, and you can barely make out what they’re saying, “Anyway, 378 and I were analyzing the information you sent us, cross-referencing it with the IIA’s databases and stuff, ya know, the usual handler agent stuff. You field agents are so damn lucky you know that? You don’t have to look at numbers and words all day long. Or have to talk with annoying fellow agents. But you guys would be running around headless without us, so somebody’s got to it. And that’s what 378 and I have been doing the past few days. He insisted on staying late and deciphering all the code and I, amazingly sweet person I am, couldn’t just let him do that alone!”

You try speaking again, only for 684 to cut you off, again.

“So yeah! We’ve been up for some three. almost four days now! I kept having to make coffee runs to the cafe just so we could stay awake. I’ve had like ten large coffees that would be enough to kill a Jineenian but here I am! Still picking away at that damn code.”

They pause for air, and you hear them take a large sip of something before continuing.

“We’ve got a good chunk of it already figured out, 378’s just going over a few things with another department, who are much better at cracking code than we are. We’ll make sure update you when he’s back and we’ve got that! Don’t die in the meantime! Okie dokie then, bye!”

And they cut off before you can protest…


Take your time! Just looking forward to the next update and continuing this fascinating story! Also, I appreciate that the spy agency you work for seems more as normal bureaucrats as opposed to some evil sneaky organization. I feel like it more like IRL intelligence agencies, and it would make more sense why you would not want to betray them if they are not actually evil, and just normal people who work for an intelligence agency.


Merci!! And yeah! With this story, I was going more for a mundane and everyday sort of feel. Like nothing too fantastical.


Not an update, but apparently I forgot to mention that I added the list of introduced characters and ROs to the first post. Update is taking a min cause my fingers refuse to do with the words :U


Mini update! I wasn’t able to write as much as I’d hoped to this month cause I was busy, but have a small update! I’ll update as soon as I finish writing this chapter!


I seem to be having trouble with the saves plugin.



Iirc this means there’s no command for them in the startup.
As quicktest does not work with it it’s easy to forget to add it back in before uploading. I think everyone uploading to dashingdon has done that at least once

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*casually fixes it when no one is looking. *
You’d think I’d learn after all the times it’s happened OTL. Note to self: no more coding at 4 AM.


But isn’t 4 am the best time for coding?

Naw, really, get that sleep and don’t worry. Forgetting that command is as common as indenting a stray goto proper


I apparently had a few mistakes I missed, but they’re fixed now!!


Gosh i really like all the choices, it’s really enchancing the experience. Can’t wait for more update!! Im gonna miss T684 but i hope they’ll visit MC’s bar and Orion’s seems so cute i can’t wait to woo him lmao


The sentence:quickly pulls you inside the Rabbit Hole to duck behind to bar

Should be the bar

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So now I’m replaying and recreating all my old choices, so that I can have the save on this computer, and play it at my convenience. Instead of keeping it pointlessly stuck on my laptop.

…Good thing I posted a screencap of my stats page earlier, eh?

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