Regrets of the Traitor (WIP) (Updated: 25/05/2020)

  #I thought... Maybe things could be different.
    *set emotional +5
    *set apathetic -5
    *set regret +1
    You knew that it was probably a long shot to just make up; say you're sorry for everything you put him through, but you wanted to try. And this is your
    *goto scn05
    He was always mild-mannered and polite at the best of times, perhaps a bit naive, you didn't expect him to come after you with such intensity. He's changed now, and you
    don't think it's for the better.
    *goto scn05

There’s either an option missing, or an extra *goto.

*if (apathetic < 50)
  But you are above such trivialities and superstition. It doesn’t bother you.
*if (emotional < 50)
  And even you must suppress a shiver as you stare into those glowing eyes cast upon you with suspicion and judgement.

I think those should be > signs instead?

*if (enchanters < 4)
  *set enchant_stay true

And this one as well?

Spotter hesitates once more before giving you a concerned look, “Please take care of yourself. Take a rest or…” They shake their head as if clearing it of lingering thoughts.
*if (spotter_training)
  “I’ll be training tomorrow morning if you need me at all.”
Another beat, and they slowly incline their head, “Good night, ${master}.” With a somberness you haven’t come to expect of them, Spotter takes a step back before spinning on their heel to scamper off to their next destination. Something was definitely wrong there, but you simply don’t have the energy to find out what.

This isn’t indented, and shows even if you didn’t bring Spotter.