Norif I: The Lost Raven (WIP RPG Fantasy) Updated 7/24 in my last comment

Manage a few hours of writing, yet only a small dent into the battle system. Have to develop a lot of different areas to make it all work together. Such as the inventory system, speakof which. I am building a fairly large inventory and wanted your thoughts on what you would like to see, such as clothing, odds and ends, etc. I do not promise to add everything or I may tie them into a group. Thanks

I expected to be heading from CA to IN tonight but the load was delayed until later this morning. I spent the time well coding on the inventory system and shops. Manage to knock out a little over 5k, have about 70% of the inventory system filled out and working. Made a huge dent into the first shop and how it works. I really was close to finishing but after five and half hours of straight coding my fingers are starting to swell, lol so having to call it a night on this. I still have to finish the first shop then program five others, the shops are reusable, just change the name of the shop and what they carry. In the small bit of testing I have done has worked flawlessly, makes me very happy. :sunny: I have also left plenty of room to add more to the inventory, wont require huge amounts of coding.

Added another 6k to the work count and feel as I finally over came a small hump in the game design. As many know I have restarted this game something like five times. The battle system has always ground me to a halt. While the battle system is still a long way from being finished I manage to implement the stat vars and and have the stores working. The next step in developing the battle system will be putting the inventory system in the stats section, enabling changing gear and then magic. I have a good start on the magic so i feel a lot better about this part of the build then I have in the past.

The link below will only you to play with the stores, more or less to see if you all hit any bugs or can break it. Will leave it up while I work on the next section. Thanks for any feedback.
Link removed by Lordirish


Alright manage to get the inventory system into the stats screen. I am also working on being able to add the different items in the inventory wearable. Right now you can go into Head and Upper body. I am breaking things down into zones, this means a lot of clicking, which I know some will really hate. This is more suited toward those that played the old table top RPG and used to massive amounts of options during the game.

I have a request; Could you please, for the love of English, correct the title of this thread? The misspelled “writting” has been bugging me for DAYS.

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Well this sucks :anguished:I must have forgotten to upload my current files up onto the server from the house computer. Now I have to wait til Sat. to do any coding. Hmm well I have four hours before I start rolling I can do some world building, have outline magic and how it works just need to fill in the details. The over all story I have mapped out over three books. Raven’S Loft Vol 1 Daughter of Aine, Vol 2 The Dead Planet, and Vol 3 The Heart Shield. I have the whole story done in my head just need to get over the hump of coding the battle system then I can get back to the story. I removed some 700 or so variables from the original game I started, still a ton to track, but has made the game a lot more manageable. Well need to get some writing done so cya all later.

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The G.C. has found by the Writer’s act of 2013 A.M.W., this material to be a nonconformist view of actual word history. Possession of, or reading of said material will result in swift legal action being taken against you and your family. To avoid possible life imprisonment we encourage you to only read State sponsored writer’s. We deeply care for the mental and physical welfare of all citizens of the Norif state.

To truly understand magic one must know the history of magic. Magic was once not a natural product of our world, hard to believe I know. Thankfully the lus na hoíche monks secreted away great vaults of historical documents. While I was never allowed direct access to the vaults the monks went to great risks in numerous meetings allowing me to view hundreds of scrolls and tomes. After a time I felt the risk to the monks was to great and thanked them as we parted ways. I have put down my thoughts and notes below in hopes that one day I may continue my research and complete a full write up of our history.

Earlier I noted ‘our world’, that is not a true statement. We are invaders to this world, brought here as slave armies during the time the Black Towers were built, for what reason I have failed to discover. The true inhabitants of this world were the Elves. Today’s Elves are a spattering of tribes that dot the landscape. They have nothing in common with their ancestors. But I digress as this is on magic, I will however endeavour to write up a more comprehensive tome on the Elevin history and why they have fallen so far.

I bring this up as it was the power that brought these invading armies that flooded the land. Still magic was not prevalent but the world absorbed the power like a sponge and thus the planet was changed overnight. The close of the war left the multitude of races stranded here and they began to build homes and grow communities. It was this time the Gods came.

The Gods were the ones that unlocked the power of magic from the earth, perhaps it was the sheer raw power that drew them here in the first place. The Gods were petty and cruel and the inhabitants suffered greatly. Until they to learned to use the magic, they came together and sealed the Gods away from our world, hopefully to never return. The Gods magic stop flowing with the sealing, it was still there but trapped in the earth.

There are only two races that are able to draw magic naturaly from the ground. The Yeti, a peaceful and intelligent race that unfortunately are believed to be extinct. The other being the Fay, which are highly prized but decidedly an horrendous act to transform a Fay to use their magic.

Magic is broken down into three types. Green or natural magic, Red or strong magic, and Black or illusionary magic. It was the discovery of Aegirine crystals that truly gave magic back to the races. They are used in strong magic. The title of strong magic is a bit of a misnomer. There is no difference in natural magic and strong magic other than it take a very strong will to force the magic from the crystal. Being that it is forced from the crystal it can be bent a bit more than natural magic causing a few spells that we would not otherwise see.

The Fay are the only ones that use the black magic. It is a commonly held belief that due to their small size that they cannot fully absorb the magic thus it does not have the same power leaving the spells a mere shadow of the the real thing. This seems to suit the wee little ones as they use the magic in defense and hiding.

There are many gaps here in my notes that if given a chance I will research further, for now this will end my summary of notes.

Signed anonymous

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Got this error when I played your main project (first link) its after I choose to laugh at the party

I will fix this on my next update, thanks for finding the bug.


I will try to put out an update by the end of the weekend but we will see how it goes. I have finally decided on how to approach the battle system, will be using an interpreter. You will type in a command letters to take action. The current list of commands I have.
a attack
r right side
l left side
h head
b body
t torso
m arm
h hand
g leg
f foot
d defense
s switch item
g magic
k kick
t target
i inventory

Need someone smarter then me to help figure out what I am missing.
The player will enter a command such as right arm to head which would be ‘armh’.
Now the game is finding amrh and goes to *label speed. Then display the results but does not seem to be returning. As you can see I put TEST Return from speed check, but this fails to display meaning I am missing something. Any ideas, please and thank you. I should note for this section of testing the results will always leave the player with the faster speed so they will attack first and they are only facing one opponent.

*edit here is the var setup for testing
*create action “arhm”
*create number_of_targets 1
*create first_strike false
*create target_1_speed 0
*create mod_speed 7

*if (action="arhlm")
 *gosub speed
 TEST Return from speed check
 *gosub attack
 *comment the return is temp while testing this section
 *comment this is resetting the stats for next battle
 *set number_of_targets 0
 *set target_1_speed 0
 *set target_1_number_of_attacks 0 
 *set target_1_attck 0
 *set target_1_armor 0
 *set target_1_dmg 0
 *set target_1_health 0
 *set first_strike false

*label attack
*if (number_of_targets=1)
 *if (first_strike)
  *temp t_ac
  *temp t_thaco
  *temp t_dmg
  *set t_ac target_1_armor
  *set t_thaco to_hit
  TEST You have reached the combos
  *gosub combos
*label speed
*comment To simplify some of the code I have set a rule for myself that when faced with more then one opp0nent they will all share the same speed as the code would grow out of control otherwise.
*if (number_of_targets=3)
 *if (target_1_speed>mod_speed)
  [i]Opponets speed (${target_1_speed})[/i]
  [i]Your speed {${mod_speed})[/i]
  [i]They are a bit quicker then you so will attack first[/i]
 *if (target_1_speedmod_speed)
  [i]Opponets speed (${target_1_speed})[/i]
  [i]Your speed {${mod_speed})[/i]
  [i]They are a bit quicker then you so will attack first[/i]
 *if (target_1_speedmod_speed)
  [i]Oppent speed (${target_1_speed})[/i]
  [i]Your speed {${mod_speed})[/i]
  [i]He/She/it is a bit quicker then you so will attack first[/i]
 *if (target_1_speed<mod_speed)
  *set first_strike true
  [i]Your speed {${mod_speed})[/i]
  [i]Opponet speed (${target_1_speed})[/i]
  [i]He/She/it is a bit slower then you so will attack last[/i]

I took this section by its self and set the variables accordingly then began testing. I am getting an error: invalid return, gosub has not yet been called This is after we have gosub to *label speed. I am thinking that this may be as I am using if like I am that is causing the problem. going to change it around and see if this fixes it.

*edit even changing this way did not help. Seem it is forgetting it is a gosub call from *if (action=“armh”). This may be a big problem if I cannot resolve.

**edit The error occurs at the return following He/She/it is a bit slower then you so will attack last. It claims I cannot return as a gosub has not been called. The sun is starting to come up and so is my frustration level. Time to call it a night.

*if (number_of_targets=1)
 *gosub not1
*label not1
*if (target_1_speed>mod_speed)
 [i]Oppent speed (${target_1_speed})[/i]
 [i]Your speed {${mod_speed})[/i]
 [i]He/She/it is a bit quicker then you so will attack first[/i]
*if (target_1_speed<mod_speed)
 *set first_strike true
 [i]Your speed {${mod_speed})[/i]
 [i]Opponet speed (${target_1_speed})[/i]
 [i]He/She/it is a bit slower then you so will attack last[/i]

Alright going to dig into the code for about four or five hours then work on a wip, not related to the comp. On a great note I finally figured out what I was doing wrong lol, it was a simple miss step just needed some sleep. I am going to try and put up an update by morning, it may not be complete but should show the direction I am going.


Take one step forward then three back lol. I am making progress, ow so close to figuring it all out. Did a huge chunk of code and realized the math did not work. I have resolve the attack against armor class, but will have to go in reprogram all the strength stats to make this work. I have a strong notion on how to handle the dmg system but need to clean of 1k+ of code before I approach this section. Hench I will not be putting up an update tonight. I am eager to get something up but it is far to lacking to be nothing but bug city. I will be heading out tomorrow and out for two weeks. I will work on this as I get the chance. More than likely it will not be until I get back home will I make a large enough code dent to put an update out.

*edit after spending way to much time on this, having to rewrite the code five completely different ways. I have solved the problem, Woot :stuck_out_tongue:. Now the attack verses armor will work 100% of the time. I still need to do a bit of tweaking, but this is minor. The next time I get to work on this I should make a very sizable dent into the battle code. :smile: Even with all the frustrating hours resolving this code I still manage to add 6k word count so I am very happy.

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I ended up working another three hours, still had a lot of problems. As I threw my hands up and told myself I was going to bed a thought struck me. This resolved the problem. It still needs to be refined but it works as I want it too. However the code is going to be on the massive side and uber complex lol. Meaning I am going to have to build each little section then test the crap out of it.

In a realistic view it may take a little over a month to code this as I also have to tie in weapons, inventory, armor, and magic. There will a huge amount of options for how you attack or defend. The reason I decided to go with the interpeter is the choice buttons would be massive pages of choices which woould not be fun to play. This game is not going to be for everything, but one I have wanted to do for a very long time. Once I have the three books done I have six other projects that I will be working on that will suit a wider group of people.

As much as I want to put a part of the battle system up to show off the system I will have to refrain as there is only two commands you can enter. When I get a chance to get on my laptop I will post the spreadsheet for the list of commands.

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Here is the battle commands

cannot add here will have to put it on my server then link the page here.

Here is the link:


Progress update, spent a couple of hours mapping the code with yED as it fairly complex. This has helped alot in cleaning up the code. Have run out of time for the day, once I have the map and the code seems stable I will but it up for testimg, there will only be one comand option. I want to see if it can be broken before moving onto the next couple of attack chioces.

Since this will have a bit of a learning curve for players it will be setup as a choice at the start of the game as a traing session. You will start with a wood dummy then be able to move through four other types of opponents. I have left the code set to handle up to three attackers. I thought about handling more as the code can easily be adapted for more but I think it would slow the play down far to much.

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I after a few more hour I have a workable test for the battle system.If you follow the link it will take you to the shopping which I am still testing. If you click done shopping you will go into the battle system. I will be adding a massive amount of code over the next month.

@Jeffrey_Foster I have not forgotten the bug you found but this will have to wait until I have the battle system done. :smile:


Another small up date with commands for the battle system, but my server is slow to update text files changes so may not show until later tonight. I have added a few commands which I list in the game notes, added the gosub for armor class so it shows correctly, and added left arm armor choices. Once I have all the left and right arm commands in then will be moving to the hand command which will be a lot more code as it checks to see if your hand is empty or using a weapon, and if so which weapon. At this point I will also be working on the inventory system as I will be needing to change items often for testing. I am also adding q for quick items, this will be for potions. You will be able to hold up to five quick items that can be used in battle. Right now it is just rough notes on how it will work, probably wont figure it out until I write the code for it lol. I had look for a way to do a plug for Tavern Tales, may be a fun way to add this.

*Note: This is for myself for later programming. On dmg need to add in for the possiblity for broken bones or severed limbs, and possibly have a few scars for both player and opponent. if they do three time the dmg of players total health in one hit depending on weapon will crush or cut off. If weapon P instead of B or C then it will leave a gaping wound that will leave a nice scar. Will need to pull out my body dmg chart and set up points for where they can have scares. Hmm can’t forget lose of an eye or two. So the pc can really change during the game.

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Updated another chunk of code that should show up in a few hours. Added two new feature, If a limb is cut off the system will know and say something, and non weapon attack skill that can be increased during the game. I have a few more hours but need to do some beta testing so will get back at it tomorrow. I’ll keep chipping away at the battle system, aim to have it done by the end of the month, crossing my finger as it is such a big part of the whole game.