RANDOMTEST FAILED: Error: line : No selectable options

I was running some randomtest and I’m getting the error:
RANDOMTEST FAILED: Error: line 5917: No selectable options
In quicktest it goes through and when it’s played too, but it can’t pass the random test.
I’ve been looking at previous threads but didn’t find an answer that could help me.

My code looks like this:

*label f1 
The next thing you do is
    #move your right hand to the right and up.
        Nothing happens, so you try again.
        *set elemental %-5 
        *goto f1
    #move your right hand up.
        Nothing happens, so you try again.
        *set elemental %-5 
        *goto f1 
    #move right hand to the right and down.
        You keep moving your hand up and you end the movements 
        *set elemental %+5 
        *goto a1
*label a1 
You continue 
    #moving your hand up and left.
        *set elemental %-3 
        *goto a1 
    #moving your hand left and down.
        *set elemental %+5 
        *goto forms 
    #moving your hand down.
        *set elemental %-3 
        *goto a1 
*label forms
"Well done ${firstname}, now think some shape, maybe something easy… or whatever you want to try."  -->

The thing is that this is in the last scene I wrote before beginning another and it passed the randomtest and I didn't make any change in it. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

I think you have to put the *hide_reuse in front of each option instead of before the choice?
Try and see if that works, cause it looks as if it’s hiding the entire choicebody otherwise.

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Randomtest is probably doing through each option and hides it after each use, until there are no options left. Try *allow_reuse command somewhere, like this:

    #moving your hand up and left.
        *set elemental %-3 
        *goto a1 
    *allow_reuse #moving your hand left and down.
        *set elemental %+5 
        *goto forms

Things like this happen with *hide_reuse or choices with conditional options (with *if or *selectable_if).

Edit: It appears *hide_reuse can apply to the entire scene, so you don’t need to repeat it before each choice.

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I’ve been using it before *choice before, and in this other ones doesn’t give me any error.

@Kotosinica That’s why I use different labels, when the correct choice is selected it goes to a label that takes you out from the *label choice so the story continues. I’ve used in previous choices without problems but I’ll try your advice about allow reuse. If it doesn’t work I’ll try the previous advice and put *hide_reuse before every choice.

Wish me luck :grin: :crossed_fingers:

I think I had some similar problem a long time ago, I dont remember for sure but the way I ended up using the *hide_reuse that doesn’t give me problems is the following.

*label before_f1
The next thing you do is
*goto f1
*label f1 
    *hide_reuse #move your right hand to the right and up.
        Nothing happens, so you try again.
        *set elemental %-5 
        *goto f1
    *hide_reuse #move your right hand up.
        Nothing happens, so you try again.
        *set elemental %-5 
        *goto f1 
    #move right hand to the right and down.
        You keep moving your hand up and you end the movements 
        *set elemental %+5 
        *goto a1

You’ll need a separate label for the ¨The next thing you do is¨ if you don’t want that text repeating after each choice.


Thanks for you advise @Loudbeat at the end the one that works it’s adding the *allow_reuse in the one that moves forward, in that specific case, in front of the goto a1 in the choices labeled as f1 and in the other one in front of the choice with *goto forms.

@Kotosinica You’re a lifesaver and I’ll build you a statue :rofl:. Thanks you all, for your answers and for your help!


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