Quicktest and Randomtest Problems

The normal CSIDE game player and both automated tests are disagreeing on what is an error or not.

Basically, both automated test (quick and random) are saying that there errors on “falling out of a *choice statement without having a *goto or *finish cmd at the end of the indent block”.

I’ve looking through it and the errors don’t even make sense. The normal CSIDE game player runs it fine, too.

So: the two errors

  1. The Quicktest error says there is a falling out of *choice error at line 159 of ‘feedingtime’
  2. The Randomtest error says there is a falling out of *choice error at line 133 of “visitrelative”

Quicktest error (line 159 is the ‘#Ignore your parents’ at the very bottom)

        #Open your mouth just like your Mother
            *label curioustry
            *set gentleness %+20
            You try and open your mouth, just like your mother…
            You are communicating!
            *set communicational %+20
            The happiness doesn't last for long because the metallic tool enters your mouth and you taste the most awful taste on the planet.
            It's incredibly awful.
            *if strength >= 60
                However, you are strong, and you manage to swallow it down. Good for you! Your parents seem proud…
                They also feed you another scoop of that stuff.
                But because of your willingness to try new things, you learn something about solid foods, and that exploring can bring you new information.
                *set intelligence %+20
                *goto analysis
            *if strength < 60
                You are not strong enough to keep it in. You spit it out! But you do get points for trying.
                *set strength %+20
                Your father cleans up the mess you have just made. You don't want to eat that stuff again, and you begin to form a plan to avoid eating that stuff again.
                So far, you only think of one thing.
                *set intelligence %+20
                Maybe another way out will present itself. Who knows? For now, all you came up with is to take a quick dump. A big number 2.
                    #Number 2
                        It's time to stink it up.
                        You try and try to get something out, but it's not enough to convince your parents.
                        Your parents keep feeding you that stuff. What a shame. Your intelligence sphere has grown, however, because of your craftiness.
                        *goto analysis
                    #Another way
                        *goto milkbottle
        #Ignore your parents
                [i][b]How would you be curious yet ignore your parents? This combination is not allowed.[/i][/b]
                *goto originques

The ‘#Ignore your parents’ thing is a suboption. It is included in the other half to original *choice statement so that can’t be the problem.

Now for the randomtest error (133 is the ‘#Cry for Mother’ option at the very bottom)

                #No (Continue)
                    *if thoughtfulness <= 50
                        You decide to give this lady another chance, but for the situation you are in, that's asking too much. You already have a bad impression of your relative, and right now your simplistic mind can't handle this. You cry.
                        Your mother takes you back, and the woman laughs nervously. But, she's not done yet.
                        *set goodexp "false"
                        *goto receivegift
                    *if (thoughtfulness > 50) and (thoughtfulness <=60)
                        You decide to give this lady another chance. You just barely do that, thanks to your strength thoughtfulness, but it doesn't last long. You shift around, trying to find the least cold spot, but you slip.
                        You fall for a short period of time but your mother catches you.
                        You already do not like this lady, but your mother brings you to her again. You notice why. 
                        *set goodexp "false"
                        *goto receivegift
                    *if thoughtfulness > 60
                        You decide to give her another chance. You do that more easily than you thought, but those boosted thoughtfulness skills do come in handy.
                        *if strength >= 60
                            And, because of your improved strength, you fight the cold and even snuggle into her arms! After a while, you figure out that they're not so bad at all. The woman seems to be charmed even more by this. First, the cute cheek pinch, now snuggling up!
                            Your mother is proud of you.
                            You notice that the lady is now moving around, and you look to see that she has picked up a bag. You look inside.
                            *set gentleness %+10
                            *set familial %+20
                            *set goodexp "true"
                            *goto receivegift
                        *if strength < 60
                            You make some cooing noises in her arms, and she is flattered. Your mother is proud of you as well.
                            Soon, you are returned to your mother, and you see that the same lady has pulled out a bag. You look inside.
                            *set goodexp "true"
                            *set familial %+20
                            *goto receivegift
                #Punish her once more!
                    How could somebody get so worked up about [i]cold arms?[/i] They must have been bad, because you reach out with your hand once more. This time your hand forms a fist, and contacts with her nose.
                    *set gentleness %-20
                    *if strength <=50
                        She doesn't even flinch, but your mother says "Oh, I'm so sorry.", and is embarrassed. She puts you back into your playpen, and soon eats dinner with the relatives. 
                        Later that day you are punished lightly. Just a small spanking.
                        *set strength %-5
                        *goto_scene adventurehub
                    *if (strength  > 50) and (strength <= 60)
                        After your fist leaves her nose all she does it say a small "oh!", but for the most part it seems like you barely even touched her. Your mother instantly apologizes and returns you to your playpen. Your parents soon after eat dinner with the relatives.
                        Later that day you are punished lightly. Just a small spanking.
                        *set strength %-5
                        *goto_scene adventurehub
                    *if strength >= 70
                        You hear a small crack. Nothing big, but you definitely did something. The woman says "no no no!" and wiggles your finger in your face. You feel threatened even more.
                        Your mother soon takes you and apologizes to the woman. They eat dinner together and soon the people leave. 
                        Later that day you are punished. Just a small spanking.
                        *set strength %-5
                        *goto_scene adventurehub
                #Cry for your mother
                    Yeah, it's time to get out here. You cry for your mother, and stop when you reach her warm arms. Yup, it's much better right here. The woman shrugs it off, and she pats your head. If only she did that from the beginning.
                    Soon you are put back into your playpen and your parents and your relatives eat together. 
                    Right before they leave, the same woman encounters you again, and has  a bag with some stuff inside.
                    *goto receivegift

This is my first project within CSIDE and also my first forum post…I hope this wasn’t messy or anything.

And rebooting everything doesn’t change a thing.

Thank you for helping!

Is the indentation on your file exactly like the one in your post? Because I see a few errors with that but I’m not sure if your file is indeed like that or if the forum messed it up when posting.

You use 4 spaces for indentation?

I’ve gotten falling out errors occasionally with if statements within choices, even if all the options are covered and there doesn’t seem to be any bugs when playing through. Add a goto in line with the if statements (as if you were putting a goto outside the if statement if that makes sense on line 158) and see if that fixes your first error. I’d recommend playing through with your stats above and below 60 though to make 100% sure there is no problem with the if statements as it could be a real error.

Edit. Just realised there seems to be a choice marker missing or something else odd happening with the code? You have #curious with no text, and then there’s #open your mouth below it indented. That’d be probably why it thinks you’re falling out of a choice statement later down.

        #Open your mouth just like your Mother

# Curious

What’s this bit?

Yes. I have noticed too that in some places it just forgets out the indentation, and it’s not like that normally.

Or, just in case I’m wrong, which places have incorrect indentation?

I think I see the possible issue. If you compare the two choices under #Curious

        #Open your mouth just like your Mother
            *label curioustry
            *set gentleness %+20
            You try and open..
        #Ignore your parents
                [i][b]How would you be curious yet ignore your parents? This combination is not allowed.[/i][/b]
                *goto originques

…You can see the choice bodies here don’t have the same indentation. Given that they’re choices under #Curious, the choice body under #Ignore your parents should have the same indentation as #Open your mouth.

The reason there is not a *choice after #Curious is because #open is a suboption. However right now I am trying out your old suggestion.

The main reason I posted this is because both tests won’t move on until these errors are “fixed”, and until they are I can’t use them to find any real bugs later on.

Thanks, but when I went to change that indentation problem the error still came up…

It’s funny that through all of this the game player within CSIDE is completely unbothered by the ‘errors’ the test has come up with

Used your old suggestion, and it worked! Thank you very much for you help!

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What do you mean “suboption”?

Uhh i dont know where is another death thread

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Just got a message that we are not allowed to point out dead threads so better stop now :rofl:

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