Pulse University - a Mech Game (WiP) - Updated 5/3/2020

Heh. I can’t make up my mind whether I want to follow Astrid or Chloe’s route first, yet somehow I got the Hannah scene. Aaah, it’s truly tough to be a people’s person (hides that 2% social rating / 70% lone wolf).

Yep, I just checked though and somehow I had 45% with Hannah even though I chose Chloe every time :thinking:

Thing is, spending time with people actually give pretty modest relation boosts, while the choices during the vacation (who often seem unrelated) give much larger modifiers. Sometimes it actually feels a bit excessive, I think - I mean, +8/-10 Astrid / Hannah just over an itinerary disagreement?

As long as this game doesn’t all end in Instrumentality (Evangelion reference) I’m fine with this game! :rofl: Although, it might be awesome if the game had a parody of it in a bad ending.

Hmm ok so it sounds like I need to work out the numbers here,

How I imagined it was the story will pick whoever you have the most relationship stats with. Choosing to hang out with them during the cabin and doing stuff they like will earn another hidden point system and unlock what I call the “good” option during the night scene.

I still want it to be somewhat automatic, as in I don’t want a choice right before saying “who do you like.” I want it to be building up to it the whole time and seem more fluid

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Yeah, after you mentioned it shouldn’t have happened I figured it was a mistake.

I agree, this is the most fluid way of doing it without taking you out of immersion.

Is there any way to romance people by choosing the piloting as the highest stat?

… why wouldn’t there be any way? Your stats don’t influence your romance options, as far as I can tell.

I think that’s (a small) part of the problem. I spent as many free time events with Chloe as I could, and I’m talking about the whole demo, and I don’t think I did anything to piss her off yet she was still second lowest in the relationships (the lowest being Connor at -3 so not much competition for last place there) where as I spent no time with Mikey at all, was just nice to him, and I ended up getting his night scene in fact I didn’t see that coming at all so it made me think there were no other night scenes but his cause I couldn’t imagine why I’d get Mikey’s when I spent all my time with everyone else but him (and Connor). The real problem seem to be that the relationships don’t build evenly which is realistic but then when you incorporate a system like this it makes it hard to end up with certain characters


I love this story and awesome update, keep up the great writing

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Word. I literally done the same only that I ended up with Astrid. But she’s hot so I can’t complain much

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Alright I fixed a few things today, it should be easier for you to get with the person you want (specifically when you chose to talk/hang out with them and during the cabin scene)

Is anyone else having the issue where you hold hands with someone other than the person you get the night scene with?

Is it just me or do only SOME companions grant attribute bonuses from hanging out with them? Also, my favorite person to hang out with is Connor, but not due to romance.

No, they all do. Just not all the time

Astrid and Connor - Physical
Mikey - Social
Hannah - Mental
Chloe and Tex - Style

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spelling error

coding error…?


lol idk if this for comedic purposes but you cursed earlier so I dont see the point

Some few mistakes I found and there are a few minor plot holes, but overall it interesting

Are you kidding me, I had a spelling mistake on the very first page and am only finding out about it a year later :persevere:

Yeah it’ll go back and forth. I thought this would be funnier with a semi-censor,

lol if you want i can keep looking and point out the little things i see…but Ive been waiting for a new chapter so I’m just trying to get to the new content honestly for this first read through

-like one minor plot hole i found so far is that if the reader choose a MC who won his national highschool competition and is from the United States…how did we not even know of Tex since he is ranked so high and from Texas?

No I really appreciate the feedback, I’m currently fixing what you’ve pointed out right now haha

I’m curious about what you found regarding plot holes, because no doubt I’m not a great world builder.
I can almost guarantee you it happens because I write day to day and have a hard time picking up where I left off, possibly creating a shift or two

I put one I found in the previous post

but yea ill read through again and look for mistake and stuff I dont quite get.

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