Projekt Liquid Fusion W.I.P Minor update added 2018/11/20

What I really meant was, I will do big chunks of scenes at a time but at the same time, when people suggest changes, when I have the time to I do the changes and then go right ahead and upload them. Just wondering if you guys minded, because often people read something and then some small part is changed and suddenly they think huh…did I read that wrong last time? Some people may find that uncomfortable, so…yeah.

Edit: Also for the breakfast, I know people like their choices so…instead of giving set choices of like say ham, eggs and orange juice. What if people got to choose the main they wanted and the drink of their choice? Then add them all together to make what they want for breakfast.

Edit 2: I’m just wondering what people thought of that idea, is there such thing as giving players too much of a choice? I want the game to have as much free choice as possible so players don’t feel hampered by the choices they are given. instead, doing this I could allow them more free will.