Problems with the save system

Kuwa’s right – your indentation is

*goto_scene ...
 *sm_init ...

Whereas the correct indentation should be:

*goto_scene ...
*sm_init ...

You see the difference? Think of indentation as grammar. Instead of telling the code you’d like to invite your grandma to have dinner, you’re telling it you want to eat her.

So, just take out the space in front of the SM_init in this case?

Yep, but just telling you to do that is like handing you a fish and declaring you a fisherman! You’ve got to understand the importance of indentation in all cases.

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DOes anyone know what it means when I get:

Non-existant save mod, on Dashingdon? I put the *sm_init in the variables label, without an indent, and that’s what I got when I tried running it.