Just to make you aware, Dashingdon hosting will be closing soon so I would recommend moving this to cogdemos or uploading a compiled html file:
Hey guys!
Phew it’s been a long time since I updated you on Press Play. I do apologize, I had a lot of stuff going on. For one, work and academia are constant stressors in my life, but there’s been some really wonderful stuff, too (mostly in the form of one exceedingly wonderful person, but that’s personal, excuse the pun XD). As for Press Play, the next chapter is still in the works. I’ve been more active on tumblr, but in total, it’s at 40k words now. This is a huge chapter, so it’ll still take a while until it’s finished, but I’m very happy with how it’s going. I’m quite sure you’ll enjoy the options on offer, when it’s time.
In other news, I’ve heard about Dashingdon. Truly the end of an era. I loathe change, but it is what it is. I’ve ported Press Play to cogdemos:
Party with Lincoln and the rest of the band, this is going to be good.
Yeah, you would think, right?
“You would think” uh oh
Why, good Sir or Madam, I’ve no idea why you would be concerned.
Come on! First real chance to really make some moves on Linc, my mc is going to take it!
I bet Link has a really cool, sexy costume.
Yeah Lincoln would never disappoint costume-wise. And a lot can happen at the party, even with Lin, but only with a certain set of circumstances. I haven’t finished the party section entirely because it’s lengthy and branchy as all get out, and I need to conserve mental energy by chipping away at lighter parts of the chapter occasionally. But even in the current version, there’s some stuff going on with Lin you’d probably approve of hehe
The first comment makes me worried, but the last one makes me happy, and now I don’t know what to expect
That is the intended state I want my readers in 70% of the time
Just read this again after awhile and it’s even better than I remember!!!