Devil's Heart

When I say that the idea is based off of the DMC franchise, I’m specifically talking about the franchise before the DmC: Devil May Cry alternative continuity where Dante is a half human half demon hybrid and not a half angel half demon hybrid.

  1. A mixture of both/depends on the demon. Some “small fry” who are instinctive creatures - no more intelligent than an earth predator (still intelligent, just not human intelligent); some have grown to Cthulhu otherworldly intelligence; others have human intelligence. This is where the Evolve video game mechanics come in: eat more, grow, repeat.

  2. Undecided. I’m leaning towards the ‘creatures from another dimension’ origin. They come to ‘our’ reality to feed and then move on, once they’ve had their fill.

  3. I don’t know if the MC will assemble a group of other creatures to fight demons, but I’ll probably have scenes where you can interact with other creatures. Beyond that, I’m not sure where I’ll go their existence. As exciting as it would be to include them, if there’s no narrative/plot relevant importance to them, then I’m scrapping that idea.

I’m currently undecided on how the antagonist will manifest. It might be a mixture of all those things: a “big bad boss” - maybe not that big - and possibly swarms/armies of demons. I might have some demons carry a notion that the MC is an interesting challenge, or maybe an abomination, that should be killed.

From there, I think the inspiration for the PC’s motive will arise by itself. Or even better, you won’t need to define their motivation. I mean, yeah, let us the player decide that

Eh… I’d rather have several choices for the player to choose as possible motivation. Even Dante from Devil May Cry has a motivation that evolved throughout the games: originally a demon hunter as a sword for hire, found his brother and went on search quest for him to save him, and money.

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