Otome Games

I actually thought Arcade Spirits came out months ago and I just forgot about it until it started making the rounds again and reminded me.

Arcade Spirits is a great game! You can tell a lot of love and passion went into it and it has some cool features. It has a few issues tone and pacing wise as things can go from serious to bonkers really quickly. But overall I really enjoyed it. Definitely recommend and it was well worth the purchase!


I didn’t expect much at first but this game is absolutely worth my while. Cute game with witty dialogues.

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Has anyone already mentioned When the night comes? There are six LI: 4 males, 1 female, 1 non-binary + 2 poly routes. You can also pick your own pronouns.


Mm, yes, where Arcana MCs lie side by side and collide. I was lured in early by the alluring promise of plot, polys and pretty, yet my MC has gone devilishly rogue by being surprisingly sated with only one pretty, the midnight angel, Finn. Plot is nearly as darkly cute as he. :black_heart:

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I hate/love you for this suggestion- stayed up forever playing every route (bc they’re all so compelling) and can’t get the characters out of my head :joy::sob:


If you’re 18+ and into furries/monsters Blackgate is pretty wicked. However: 1:It’s still a wip and 2:there’s a lot of… haze?..drama?.. surrounding the patreon so I’d advise to just play the free releases available on the patreon page. I’ve had trouble using it on windows but none on my samsung phone.


It’s not an otome because it’s M/M with a side of M/F. Otome means maiden, so female player or at least the option to be.


my bad i thought it just meant dating vn lol

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Muriel’s Strength chapter is out on the Arcana! :bear::bear::bear::bear::blossom::blossom::blossom::blossom::eyes::eyes::eyes::eyes:

No gods no kings no masters! The authors suck at writing non-binary characters so in my eyes EVERYONE is non-binary! :nonbinary_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :nonbinary_flag: :heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::rainbow:


I’m not sure if this has been mentioned, but ( P )lanets!!!

Tokyo After-school Summoners would be so dang good if it was a full release had a full and up-to-date translation, but right now it’s in a shaky beta bothways. Shame!

I’m so excited for Muriel’s route :heart_eyes:

spot on about non-binary though. Maybe I wasn’t paying close enough attention but I literally didn’t realize Asra was supposed to be non-binary until I read something about it out of the app? I know it’s my fault for making assumption, and no one has to announce it or look a certain way to be NB but I just honestly didn’t know. He uses he/him pronouns and never indicates he’d prefer something else.

Asra’s romance path is my favorite so I felt so guilty for not noticing sooner :confused:

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in bed reading about this game neat, ok time for bed.
15 minutes later still not sleeping welp im not going to sleep without trying it.
gets up to play the game

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It’s already on the third chapter!

There’s nothing in game about Asra being nb at all. When questioned about it the authors basically went “oh well we uh couldn’t find a way for him to say it outright you know duh uh and we’re never going to say it in-game because it just DOESN’T fit his character to say it or something to anyone ever. not his childhood friend or anything. ever. not his sexual partners. nope. uh anyway buy our merch”

The other nb characters are one (two? this game I s2g) of Nadia’s sisters, which you don’t even meet for long in some routes… and of course, the torturing evil doctor. Which means that if you’re playing on certain routes the only non-binary you’re going to be seeing is Evil Doctor Bastard. Which is bad.


Awesome, let me know how you like it. It’s the game that got me hooked on the genre.

For the Arcana, Nadia’s and Asra’s routes were my favourites but Muriel’s legit got me squealing. I’m normally quite stoic so it was very weird. God, his route is so awesome!

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So you guys I need some recs because I can’t find anymore interesting games to play!

I want either otome games or more interactive fiction but they have to have some form of extra gameplay behind them whether it be stat raising or RPG like elements. Of course romance is also a must :smiley:

choicescript games i have liked: Choice of Romance, Choice of the Vampire, Samurai of Hyuga(MY FAVORITE), Guenevere(OTHER FAVORITE)

Otome games I have liked: Magical Diary, Rock Robin(THE BEST), 7KPP(only the demo of course), Backstage Pass, C14 Dating, Demonheart(LOVED the more adultish content), Loren the Amazon Princess, Pastry Lovers

Also I can’t stand the otome games that currently saturate the app store where you get like 2 parts of a story for free and must wait or spend a stupid amount of money for yet again just a fraction of the story. Those are disgusting. BUT - I don’t mind paying for a game either. I actually prefer to just pay upfront for a FULL piece of quality content than to get it in bitz and pieces.

Lastly, I feel like Heileen is going to be recommended a lot but I played it and actually didn’t like it all so theres that.


Have you tried this?


Er, I’m not familiar with stat based dating sims so some of the stuff I’ll list will probably be wrong.
But they’re similar.
Wayhaven Chronicles: Book One(Link: https://www.choiceofgames.com/user-contributed/wayhaven-chronicles-1/#utm_medium=web&utm_source=ourgames)
Always Remember Me(Link: http://www.winterwolves.com/rememberme.htm)
Nicole(Link: http://www.winterwolves.com/nicole.htm)
RE: Alistair++(Link: https://sakevisual.itch.io/re-alistair)
This is all I got without going into Ds or PS games.

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Thank you for the recc, but I have actually played Long Live the Queen and literally everything else by Hanako.

That was one of the few games of their’s that I didn’t really dig. It was TOO focused on the stat raising and romance was minimal.

And thank you Alexis, but yet again, played them all. I feel the need to mention that I don’t really like most of winter wolves games. There super polished but bland. Wayhaven - on the otherhand - excellent story but mediocre romance.