Purity guide if anyone needs it.
★ Represents a choice
Purity guide
•Purity Guide•
·Polo club:- chase after enchanter moon(+1 purity), but will be removed by choice:-
★Actually, what the hell am I doing? I drop back to a sensible pace and let Adrian attempt the rescue instead. (-1 purity)
·Fence club:- choice:-
★I pause to give my loose change to a panhandler at the next intersection(+1 purity)
★ Remove my bully fencing glove and apply pressure to the area directly below the artery.(+1 purity)
★Remove my glove and clamp my hands around his neck(+1 purity)
Removed by:-
★Still i remain silent (-1 purity)
·If you choose to do nothing, specifically:-
★Still I can do nothing more but stare at all this happening, •If you are a cop(-1 purity)•
·Your Ultimate Secret:-
★Serial Killer(-1000 purity)
·Hellhound chase:-
★I wonder if I can trip Adrian without slowing too much?(-1 purity)
★"Adrian we need to help M_pronoun" I’ve no idea what’s going on, but feathers or not that M_man can’t possibly take on that beast by M_pronounself(+1 purity)
·The Tentacle Incident:-
If you get molested by those disgusting tentacles,
★"Let go and save yourself!"(+1 purity)
·Merlin Loredump:-
If you ask a question about gods
★Still I want to believe in them (+1 purity)
·Kidnapped:- (I think atleast)
★ “Isn’t there anything more we can do about helping now?”(+1 purity)
★Atleast I’m not in the building (-1 purity)
★I stand up in detemination, intent on leaving this RV and returning to help at the apartment complex(+1 purity)
★Oh well. At least it wasn’t me(-1 purity)
★Perhaps this is my true nature after all. (-1 purity)
One option for killer but you are already negative purity(-1000) so what’s one more
·Opinion on Merlin:-
(Total -1 purity)
First option:-
★My true opinion doesn’t matter.I Fully intend to take advantage of this situation.
(No change, but unlocks the following choice):-
★I will play nice on the surface and try to manipulate Merlin(-1 purity)
·Opinion of Adrian:-
(Total -1 purity)
First choice:-
★My true opinion of Adrian doesn’t matter. In circumstances like this, it’s best to play nice to someone’s face for one’s own benefit.(No change but unlocks following choice):-
★That’s right, I fully intend to manipulate Adrian for my own benefit(-1 purity)
·Elevator scene(if the magic dance is still active):-
★I MC_motion my MC_weapon and wave it menacingly in the interloper’s general direction(-1 purity)
Security guard scene(if magic dance is still active):-
★I MC_motion my MC_weapon and point it straight at the approaching security guard.(-1 purity)
·In the RV:-
★ I shrug and sit back down on the sofa. In the end, it has nothing to do with me.(-1 purity)
«If you haven’t cursed and have a zero pothymouth variable you will get +1 purity»
·Dream sequence, specifically the fight with Lancelot:-
★Never mind, fair play and the rules of engagement, I charge straight at him before the match has properly begun.(-1 purity, only if you are a lucid dreamer)
·After waking up, you decide what do with cursing in the apocalypse(at gas station):-
IF you haven’t cursed ever (zero pottymouth):-
★As usual my mind remain pure and free of any swear words that might fit this exact situation.(+2 purity)
•Every other option that indicates you will now start to curse more often reduces purity by 1 point
•Trying to not curse entirely(0 curse) increases purity by 1 point.
•Every other option doesn’t change purity.
·If you stay at the RV:-
★One never knows until they try. I attempt to hot-wire the motorhome(-1 purity)
At the end of the gas station, if you didn’t go to shop or had too much fear and ran back to the RV:-
★"You paid for all this stuff right?"(+1 purity)
Killer option to reduce purity doesn’t really matter
If you decide to ransack the whole store:-
IF your Purity is greater than one then:-
♥Purity is set to zero
♥-1 purity.
If you take zero items whilst shopping(+1 purity)
If the RV has been sabotaged then, You will get a option to visit a shop:-
★I head off into the small attached shop to see if there’s anything intresting in there(no change)
♣Pick a item or all items
★No sales clerk.No security camera.No problem with me walking out the door with this MC_Purchase(-1 purity)
There’s the guide done:clubs:
You only need 3 purity points for one of the requirements for being Percy’s soulmate, and according to the code you can still be a pottymouth and have atleast 3 purity.
Sorry for the bad formatting I wrote this all on Tumblr.
Requirements to become Percy’s soulmate
To become Percy’s soulmate:-
Will>=7, cuckoo>=30,no corruption, don’t be a coward, 1 or higher hero stat(the easy way is to rescue your clubmate), have 100 sweetness or your inner mind is sweet, have a pure stat greater than 3 (no serial killlers)