Thanks! Sorry, knew I shoulda double-checked… But like, how does a mute detective work? Logically, I didn’t even think to check. Even beat cops gotta talk to people
If your character is mute, they will type things on their phone whenever gestures are not enough or resort to writing in certain situations. It was the same at work I suppose)
I mean I figured as much, but I’m not doing the Saboteur route)))
I cleared the cache and haven’t encountered the error during the repeat run, so all is well I suppose. Hooray for more pointed violence!
This still happens though - if killer MC doesn’t choose the option to bring weapon to the store, fights with fists and tells “I could’ve taken it down”, Merlin dismisses the hunting knife. A rather minor thing though, I suppose.
Also don’t know if it was already mentioned - mute MC loses their mute tag after asking about the blob creature, while other ask options allow to keep it.
Finally had time to try my other MCs, here’s stats if still needed
For my mute fairy cop
Blobbed: Nope
Bold : 177 Sweet : 70 Sassy : -59 Optimist : 43
Health : 94 Mark Status : Healed Merlin Healing : 2 Merlin Forced Healing : 1
Hi! Big fan of this WIP so far! In fact, I created this account just to comment so
Polo Possession Bug?
My Scopophobic MC is possessed after saving Pippa (2 Corruption → Possessed), specifically after the group is dismissed. I assumed this is due to everyone watching you and increasing your fear level, but it’s Apprehensive for me throughout the scene, and Fearless from the point of being successful.
Polo Grammar Ignores Mute Flag
Adrian has been watching you silently this entire time. Has your internal struggle showed up on your face — what little that can be seen above your black face mask, that is? In the pauses between your words. In the hitching of your breath?
“In the pauses between your words.” appears regardless of the MC being mute.
Ok, so I’ve played this an embarrassing amount of times, (because it’s awesome) but in the last (let’s call it 8 in the spirit of chivalry) times I’ve played, I am suddenly failing tons of stat checks. All of my prior MC builds, for example, had a few options when we first see the hellhound in the restaurant. I could defend Adrian (which I love) step up, whatever, now, I get “aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” and hyperventilating as my only options, and as far as I can tell, I’m making the same decisions to get to this point as I always have before. For a lot of playthroughs. Is there a gating factor I’m somehow missing from my other playthroughs? It’s just frustrating, the choices are there but I can’t get them any more.
In other news, I continue to enjoy this immensely. I often read the thread and wonder, “how the hell do I get to that line?!” Which only makes me play again lol.
biggest cut of point are always fear. they can paralyze mc completely and make him unable to do anything for quite a lot of situation.
worst is fear of fear some other are also very bad but there effects can be easly gussed.
after that there are few different mechanics that can do that.
most obviously don’t get possesd.
then there are fear coruupt and denial stats which can cause possession and also paralyze you. if i had to guess you are failing one of them
lastly there is also will power which is secret stat that can sometimes negate fear level and denial.
one other possible thing is also your sin as all of them have mostly negative consequences and can sometimes block of choices.
I’ll add the nipple piercings to my “Thinking about it” pile of suggestions. Like the genital piercings, that would really only ever come up during the sex scenes, and the piercings/scars/tattoo customization section coding is a real mess.
The flirting stuff has too much going on behind the scenes to be boiled down to a simple symbol (same reason I can’t add stat check indicators). The bold stuff where you’re metaphorically humping the ROs are one thing, but the really subtle stuff counts as platonic until the MC has done it enough that the RO starts looking at them and going “Heeeey, waitaminute…” or if you set one of the mental affinity attraction flags, or triggered one of the other flags beforehand or… etc etc etc.
In addition to what you’ve already been told, the very bottom of the Stats Menu says “You have yet to speak a word.” when the mute flag is in effect (and it’s turned on by default at the start of the game).
So when it disappears, you’ll know that one of your recent choices had you verbalize something and turned it off.
No, the mute flag is just keeping track if the MC has verbalized at all.
If it’s still active past the Merlin intro scene, then the game is assuming that the MC hasn’t spoken in years. Once it’s been turned off, it’s the silent variable keeping track of how quiet/talkative the MC is being.
There’s still different flavor text for a super quiet MC, it’s just not always the same stuff as for the fully mute MC.
Yeah, in real life (right now) you’d need to be able to speak for certain non-deskwork positions in the police. In OKS, assume the precinct has been shifting the Mute MC around to assignments and positions where the small delay caused by the phone speaking for them is acceptable.
2/3rds of the original first responders were killed during the Pestilence Pandemic in OKS, so the cops & paramedics really can’t afford to be overly picky here (unlike with the reporter job).
I think I fixed the bug with the Serial Killer MC & their weapons. I definitely fixed the mute blob creature one. I forget if I pushed that as a hotfix to the public demo or if it’s still Patreon-exclusive at this point. Either way, it should be fixed with the next Chapter 2-3 Beta update.
The possession check has nothing to do with the fear levels. With such a low level of corruption, it’s probably a high denial + low willpower check that got you. Also note that the security guard will always eventually fail the possession check no matter what.
Otherwise, the Mute MC is still communicating with words, they just aren’t spoken aloud.
Besides all the Monty Python references (I think i actually did have a reference to police barging in too), they know where the Grail is now. Now whether Galahad deigns to appear with it remains to be seen.
Where are you playing this? That particular error happens if you try to download the game and play it offline. It’s not meant to work outside of the website.
All the major characters have their names blocked from being used, so it shouldn’t be too bad.
The stats check limits haven’t been tweaked for a long while (and if I recall, I actually lowered them way back when), so nothing should’ve changed this year.
That said, if you’re using an old save, you’ll want to go into the Stats Menu and make certain that your stats haven’t been reset back to the default starting ones (big tell is if your MC’s name is suddenly ?¿?¿?¿ again). Unfortunately, if they have, then that particular save has corrupted and is a loss… you’ll end up failing everything & getting error messages using a corrupted save.
No clue what causes some save slots to corrupt like that… I’ve had quite a few of my own ones do that.
Otherwise, @maroder123 has a good rundown of various variables in play. Keep in mind that fear encompasses both the total fear level (shown on the Stats Menu) + the exact phobia. Fear-phobe & death-phobe aren’t going to have a good time confronting the two-story hellhound.