OFNA: Birds of a Feather (WIP - Updated 8/09/22)

I remember when I first saw you in the interest check thread, postulating about writing this. Happy you went all the way and wrote it. Continue the good work. :slight_smile: Also, definitely not a magic cult. :slight_smile: Yay.


Lol definitely not, cause it’s a bird cult…

It’s a bird magic cult, so, definitely not a magic cult. :slight_smile:

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Nope, definitely a bird cult, they did all that writing names in blood thing wearing hoods and all in the creepy basement in the dark, DEFINITELY a bird cult :joy_cat::smile_cat::bird:… It’ll be a bird cult no matter what unless @ofna says it’s 100% not…

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I assume the person just meant tashas personality is their type so they wish she was a male and Jeremy or someone else was female instead. I tend to choose a mix of RO’s genders if possible unless the ro’s are a small team like the wayhaven chronicles so the character cast is equal even if i only personally romance men. I tend to like romacing snarky and/or rude men and tashas persoanlity fits the bill. iI the person who asked that likes the same type as me I’m suprised they aren’t going for elliot who I am definitely choosing.

replying to myself after reading the comments, i definitely need to explore some of the options more so far I made my mc show up herself with the “because I have no choice” option.

WoW, that’s good, I have z feeling that majority (myself included) are playing as a resistant MC…

I definitely want to senselessly beat up Elliot (at least for now,cause there’s not much interaction to feel otherwise yet).

That makes sense as it sounds like he’s terrible with a resistent mc.

@Mercz94 said it first, but I have to say it again: I have never wanted to make “difficult,” “resistant” character choices as much as I do in this game. Generally my characters are nice, reasonable people — but OFNA!! :rotating_light::rotating_light:

OFNA’s in a league of its own. Unsettled is how I feel about them kinda forcing themselves into my MC’s life (literally & figuratively :grimacing:).

I can’t really play this game as I play most others; I have a tendency to always be nice/open to characters like Jeremy and Elliot (as they are potential ROs :eyes: :eyes:), but here, I find my character making choices very opposite! The sketchiness of OFNA’s switched my MO hahaha. Now all my character wants to do is resist compulsion and get away. :joy:

I’m curious to see how everything plays out, and I especially wonder what the consequences of non-compliance are (yikes :grimacing:).

I’m glad our songbird friend’s personality is independent of our character’s! I chose the chickadee bec of irl fond memories, but I was concerned when its corresponding trait was anxiety hahaha. Anxious wasn’t really a trait my MC was going for.

…and yet, my concern about our bird’s personality pales in the face of my concern about the RO secretly on the enemy’s side, whoever that enemy might be :sweat_smile:. lol we love the suspense?

Never thought a magic bird cul—ornithological society, I mean— would thrill me as much as this one does! Can’t wait for more!


I love this premise, I can’t wait to see more! Your characters are undeniably annoying and off-putting enough that it felt natural for me to resist everything so far, which is something considering I feel like I’m a pretty easy going person, haha. Keep up the great work. Quick question, why those particular birds as familiars? Any chance that we can choose our own birds or do the specific ones affect game play/choices down the line? Ta, til next time!

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@violet I’m glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, it wasn’t originally my intention to make the story come off as so unsettling, but once I started writing I just had to include options to resist everything. It’s just too weird to not include it. I think resisting is the most popular branch for so far. As for the one RO being on the enemy side… I hope you choose the right one :eyes:

There will be an effect on gameplay. In addition, I also have specific personalities and descriptions of the birds at certain points and it would be hard to do that if I let players enter a specific familiar. I’m pretty set on the options I have now and likely won’t be adding more. Although they’re all songbirds, I think it’s a decent spread of looks and vibes in the birds so that (I hope) it’s varied enough for most players. Thanks for playing! <3


Interesting… I’ll be following the progress on this.

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I see I might be the only one with 1st MC not resisting :joy: it might be because I reuse the same characters in every game.
Anyway hope to play the whole game :slight_smile: I do love birds, especially blue jays


I also decided to not make my 1st MC resist! Thought I’d see how that goes :stuck_out_tongue:

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There will be pros and cons to both options!

I should hopefully be able to balance it out for the most part so either choice is fun to play :blush:


I think I’ve decided on a happy medium for my first MC: lets the twins in to talk reluctantly but then decides not to go because it sounds dangerous. But once Elliot shows up with TELEPORTATION POWERS she figures she can’t really get away and needs to make the best of it.

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Put me in the apparently rare group who just went “working in a diner is really boring, might as well join a weird bird cult, after all, the recruiters were both cute.”


Lol that’s the kinda reaction this gives me…

Lol whatever the official name is, it’s still a bird curt :joy_cat::smile_cat::smirk_cat:

It’s not a bad thing though, if the story is giving this much strong emotions and feels then it’s obviously amazing…

Indeed in a rare group…

AHA :joy_cat::smile_cat::smirk_cat: another one


Can there be pepper spray option to use for Elliot and for the twins if they try to break in the apartment in future update? Love the demo :heart: and can’t stop laughing :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, my MC is so resistant :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This might be a good middle ground for people looking to resist more, thank you! I likely won’t be making large edits to anything already in the public demo at this point, but I’m definitely going to see about working this into my developer version!

And FYI, I love hearing about all of your MCs :revolving_hearts: I might do a poll a little later on get a feel for what options are popular.