October's Writer Support Thread

This would be great and the achievement would be adored by all cat lovers.



Catā€™s Wild Ride ā€¦ a riff on Mr. Toadā€™s Wild Ride. :cat2:


Now the tricky part comes in what do I name the achievement. :rofl:


Nevermind. I think I found a suitable achievement name.

To glory!


Haha, this made my evening. :joy:

I havenā€™t said this before (at least I donā€™t remember) that these supp threads that Eiwynn is making each month are really influencing forum for the better. Bringing everyone to share their happiness and sadness with real-life or more exactly with (real world is just a stage for us writers to get the material for next story, right? ^^ā€™ā€™)

This thread brings a lot of people together. Otherwise, people just mostly stay on their fave WIP threads (at least that is the feeling I have from stalking at some points).

Thank you! :slight_smile:


If I were you Iā€™d pick one and really crack into it for a while. Best not to have two projects splitting your attention each night.


Oh, I know. I donā€™t actually work on them at the same time. Personally, I can get bored easily so being able to go to another project for a bit helps me some. In any way, though, Iā€™ve been working more on Iron Kingdom (gah, still hate that wip title).


Ferrus Feudalism

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Soā€¦ itā€™s the end of the week and Iā€™m planning to forget that this week ever existed. I accomplished nothing other than annoying the bejesus out of myself with my inability to focus. Hopefully, during the weekend, Iā€™d be able to double the work I did for these past 5 days.


Come on You can do it! I am in a similar situation but I am going to do my best this weekend. At least we will die trying


iā€™ve tried to make progress and iā€™ve tried to force my brain to create something up but to no avail! trying to power through, fix the error from my game and get the prologue done but oh wellā€” anyways, I hope you all the best <3 donā€™t be like me and ignore everything until the last minute


Havenā€™t been feeling well the past few days (couldnā€™t focus), so not a lot was done. Today, though, I was able to work more on my current main wip. Now up to about 1711 words, have the ROs more or less figured out, and have started on world building and gone more into drafting the plot.

The whole token thing I was doing has been scraped due to the plot changes. It just doesnā€™t make sense any more; might revisit them later in another project.


Donā€™t beat yourself over it. You will eventually get a rush of inspiration and everything will fall into place. You just need a stimulus.


iā€™m trying not to, dw :heart: iā€™m trying to be kinder to myself and iā€™ve actually finished half of the prologue so thatā€™s a start, ig! anyways, thank you for comforting me, tho :pleading_face:


Donā€™t worry! It was my pleasure. When I need inspiration, I just listen to the appropriate music.


I was having writerā€™s block then I started writing backward. In my head, I had a clear idea of the cliff hanger ending but was stuck developing the middle part of the storyā€¦ and it worked :slight_smile:

Itā€™s progress, and now I wonā€™t have to worry about having more stuff to write when this portion of the story is out of the list of undone.


Eh, still not ready. I donā€™t know if it is effects of the quarantine, ring rust, lingering junk from the ā€˜rona, or what, but I just canā€™t write much right now. I bounce from thing to thing, which I never did before. And I hate the words almost the exact moment they show up on the screen no matter the genre or format I am writing in at that moment. Itā€™s been this way since April, and as much as I want it to be different, it just seems like itā€™s not there. I just keep praying it isnā€™t permanent. It hurts knowing that if I was operating like I had the last couple years, I might have a third story ready for publishing right now.


Hi Matt ā€“

I am sorry to hear that you are suffering a rough patch lately. The past few months have had a number of things combine to affect me as well.

From what you wrote, it seems that you are deep inside yourself and that over time, you keep going deeper. Have you developed any strategies or self-help tools to get yourself out of your own mind?

We are all different, and so, I wish I could point you to the golden ticket (Willie Wonka reference) but I know this is something I can only empathize with you on.

Know that there are a lot of us in your corner, supporting you and your efforts. We know from experience and first-hand knowledge of your writing that your writing is better than goodā€¦ so in this time of distrust of your own writing, you can put your faith in us, and trust us when we say "your writing is good, Matt?

When I am experiencing imposter-syndrome and I can not trust my judgement of my own writing, I turn to dear friend who I trust in all aspects of writing and game making. If she says my writing is good, I believe her, even if I do not believe in myself.

Is there such a person you can confide in confidentially and with confedence?

If there is no one, I am here to act as a sounding board; just hit me up in PM ā€¦ You have experience with my feedback, so you know what to expect.


Thank you, Brittany. Your support and encouragement in both my writing and situations like what happened with my father a couple years ago mean a lot. In this case, Iā€™m not sure thereā€™s a pomodoro clock or technique that can change where I am at. My struggle is less to change it and more to make my peace with it for the moment. I already wrote a story I hated (by the end, at least), and the result suffered for it. If Iā€™m not feeling it, I wonā€™t put myself or my readers through it.

Iā€™m trying to move on to getting some of my already-written childrenā€™s books going. It wonā€™t make much money, I am sure, since it would just be self-publish. But it would be nice to have a physical copy of something I wrote for a change. Just the challenge of getting art and trying to figure out what program to use and how it works.


Take your time to heal. I need years after my grandmother died of cancer. I hope you take solace due to the fact that you have a good
number of fans and friends


Thanks, Mara. I can at least be glad that I have a life blessed enough where not being able to tippy-tap properly on a keyboard is one of my bigger worries. Plenty worse than that going around right now.


Goals one and two are done! I seriously underestimated how long goal number one would take me but then again, I always manage to do so :sweat_smile: Donā€™t know why I even bother with self-imposed deadlines at this point.

It is done, however, and Iā€™m very happy about it^^

As I predicted, goal number three really was nothing more than wishful thinking. But at least, Iā€™ll start it this month. That should count for something.

Overall, October was very fruitful for my WIP. I hope the same can be said for all of your creative endeavors :orange_heart: