Nothing left (to burn) [WiP] — July 16 update!

This game makes me feel the same way MC feels (or I chose him to feel). The theme of the story is something that I like but enrage me, at the same time. I can’t wait to see the next update.

It seems Bethany, that friend who left MC and Drew, will be that type of person who looks after her always… a traitor. My thoughts :thinking:


Okay, I updated the demo, fixing the typos and mistakes reported, thank you a ton, @Ninja1 and @Fay! I also made a few tweaks, so in case you don’t start anything with Monich, Eddie won’t mention anything about a fight.

For those who experienced the romantic route, I have to say I believe it’s such a shame that it had to be cut short: I would have loved to make Drew stay. But its fugacity is one of its points; short and sweet. It also reflects Drew’s nature in that while it was cute and gentle, and it could have been so much more, circumstances bigger than them happened and it’s heartbreaking. So I’m happy to see that scene made you guys feel it too :blush:

You could alwats have a “canon” route and a different MC to try other options if you ever feel like it :wink:

Your fault? Why? Or do you mean your character feels guilty for what happened to Drew?

That’s one of the main approaches for the MC game-wise! I wanted to give the players choices that reflect anger, detachment, sadness and guilt, and I’m still working to implement them properly. The highest the Aggressive stat is, the more access to “angry” responses you’ll have in-game (like snapping at people, breaking things, more “extreme” forms of revenge, etc.) :upside_down_face:

That’s the initial idea I had of her :smile: I like the idea of working with archetypes and changing some elements without deviating too much from the “original” prototype, so the range of characterization is wide but without losing its initial essence. So theories like these:

Aren’t too far off :wink:

In the next update, I’ll reveal what she did, and indeed, it’s not nice.

@demontears well, the game is named Nothing Left (to burn), there must be someonething flammable around :fire::fire:

Yeah, I know it’s bound to happen, but I do feel bad for you, because I don’t want you to play something indecipherable :sweat_smile: But thank you for your understanding!

Sadly, this isn’t that kind of story, actual happy endings will be hard to reach :pensive:

Thank you! :blush: One of the aims of the dream (and the more that will appear in future chapters) is to fuel the player’s desire for revenge, so I’m glad to see it works!

I think it’s to early to discard such option, don’t you think? :shushing_face: I do like light/subtle supernatural elements in stories that could be explained scientifically (but whose probabilities are very low), so keep an open eye!

And well, I’ll give you a little spoiler; Drew will appear more, and not only in flashbacks. How, it depends on the player’s choices :wink:

I’ve put a lot of thought on it, and while it’s true that I started with the initial idea of making it a big flashback with the last few chapters set in the present time, I’m starting to doubt the whole premise.

I like how it begins, and I prefer that short interrogation scene over starting right off the bat with Drew asking the MC that. But I could return to the present at the end of Chapter 2, when certain deed is done. I have to think about it some more :thinking:

It’s okay, really!! Sharing your thoughts on the game is as helpful and valuable as finding bugs and gramatical mistakes, thank you a lot. As long as it’s not hate masked as “constructive criticism,” anything goes, after all I made this thread to hear your opinions! :grin:

One of my favorite parts of writing is creating characters, so I’m very happy to hear he managed to make such a strong impression on you! I love it even more when you can tell what kind of person they are even if I didn’t show you a lot :smile:

Yeah; it’s not canon because not all the MCs have them, but a possibility detemrined by a choice (the one where they either only have self-harm scars, or they also tried to commit suicide during their years in St. Mary’s.)

I don’t want to make anything set, there will be several choices as the story progresses that might make some symptoms manifest or even mitigate them, so I’m still working with MCs who didn’t reach a maladaptive behaviour yet. Towards the middle/ending of the game it will be clearer, but vague enough.

You’ll see a lot of her in Chapter 2, that’s for sure :imp:

@CreedH00d Thank you for dropping by! This story is going to be an emotional roller coaster, so get ready for anything :wink: And yes, Bethany always thinks of herself first and foremost, making her a rat in the MC’s eyes.


On it being the fault of the Mc, At the end of the Dream Drew yells at the MC telling them it was their fault. :cry:


How’s Drew’s reaction?

Part of me almost thought my MC kissing him without asking for permission (I finally have a all Red MC! Nothing could stop him becoming more Reder…urr it’s not a word) might also be a straw considering here’s a certain girl who punched him because he refused to kiss her so…I almost gave myself a panic attack that Drew’s reaction didn’t been described though I love how the MC’s feelings been written.

Here I feel like this part is somewhat rushed…or forced, whilst I could understand this turn, but…they were just finished dinner and yes they helped aunt, so how could time passes suddenly, I mean they’re just talking and confessing how come it’s midnight already? Happiness is always short-lived huh.

Will Drew be a ghost in the relationship of the MC and their current RO?:smiling_imp: Well I would be the one who’s heart got broken first anyway.


Oh my gosh what if a really emotional and unstable MC kept getting hallucinations of Drew because of their grief and overwhelming emotions? I was gonna play as a numb MC but I guess I’m gonna have to choose the more angry options now :eyes:


That would be awesome! My MC is feeling so much rage and want to take revenge so bad. If MC can, also, see Drew in real life (mocking us, giving us advice or something else)… Damn, I’ve goosebumps :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Oh, you mean that! I thought you were talking about a personal headcanon. Silly me :upside_down_face:

I absolutely see your point :thinking: That was definitely an oversight on my part, I’ll go back and tweak the scene to give hints that Drew is okay with a surprise kiss/is waiting for a kiss.

Another good point, thank you! I’ll correct it for the next update :smile:

If the MC dated Drew, it can definitely affect their relationship with another RO. They won’t always be there, but there will be some critical points.

Nope, that’s not how it’s going to work! You can stick playing as a numb MC, I meant choices like feeling extremely guilty, not sleeping much and the like, decisions that can affect the MC’s overall health.

Those are possible outcomes! Depending on your choices and how their revenge goes, the MC can perceive Drew as angrier/sadder/crueler :wink:


Ah yes, emotionally repressed MCs squad rise up!! Who doesn’t love a “I’m-dead-inside”-MC??

I wonder how Drew would perceive the MC with the state they’re in now…


That was my plan. But I’m actually a huge wuss in real life when it comes to talking about feelings and such and it even carries over in games because I get really immersed. I literally had to grit my teeth and close my eyes while pressing the confess option.


I cannot quote blurred text so I made a screenshot instead…

I hope they come back as a ghost or hallucination. I am not ready to say goodbye to them yet and MC sure as hell ain’t ready either. Personally, I am hoping for ghost!Drew because it means they are more ‘here and real’ then if they were a hallucination. But I wouldn’t say no to the latter either…


Uh, a few weeks ago I couldn’t sleep so I tried to draw Drew instead. I ain’t an artist or anything; I know nothing about anatomy, proportions, shading ect. And frick me I’ve never drawn curly hair before! She also kinda looks like a kid :sweat_smile:

Anyway, I hope you accept my humble offering.


Did you say anything to Monich (the relative), or directly went outside to avoid conflict? :thinking:

Oh, they would cry for sure. The real Drew would feel guilty, extremely guilty since the MC is doing that on their behalf (even if that’s not what they would want). But if you mean the other one, the Determinaiton/Compassion stat determines if they will be angrier/sadder at the MC, but the other stats can also make them seem more cruel, sweet, cheerful, etc.

Oh, I understand that feeling! It happens the same to me whenever I try to be “bad” or rude to nice NPCs; I feel awful and most of the time and end up unable to do it :sweat_smile:

The initial idea is to make them appear in dreams (as memories) and as hallucinations (brief sightings). But depending on certain choices, Drew can become more “ghost-ish,” and make full appearances in some scenes, where the MC can interact with them.

I can’t believe you made a drawing of Drew :heavy_heart_exclamation: :exclamation: :heavy_heart_exclamation: I love, love, love it! Thank you so much, it’s wonderful! Her expression is adorable, and her hair is so well done, it looks very fluffy :heart_eyes: You should give yourself more credit, it’s a lovely drawing, thank you! :hugs: :hugs: Can I put it in the main post? Linking your username, of course :grin:


Oh heck yeah I love how this reply made me 10x more heartbroken and you know what? I love this. This is actually be so sad because this is in no shape or form their fault, but MC is just blinded with sadness & rage :sweat: :cry: Like rip Drew I guess but I’m still gonna be emotionally unstable


This wip made me ugly sob, like, The MC and Drew (romance) is fucking killer- I don’t think the Love interests can top that level of angst I feel.

Oh god please don’t top it.


I have to disagree lol I want the other ROs romance to have the same or even more angst! It would be kind of disappointing if they didn’t. Drew is dead, MC has to eventually move on. Making the other ROs relationships as angsty as Drew’s will probably hurt my feelings but, honestly, I don’t care. Make me suffer!


The new update is great! Much richer in content. A few typos here and there though.


What about a haunted Drew ghosting the MC? :wink: If the MC is specially cruel with their vengeance and feels no remorse, Drew will appear as extremely upset/sad, almost acting like how they would do if they were alive :smiling_imp:

Okay, I thiiink I know what’s going on. And don’t be shy and feel free to ask whatever you want (as long as you’re comfortable, of course!) :smile:

Uh-uh, is that a dare? Because Drew’s romance is VERY sweet and fluffy compared to what I have in store for some of the ROs, just saying :smiling_imp: You don’t have to try them, but as @Flinx says, Drew is no longer with the MC; there are way more chances of anst :crying_cat_face:

@Sel_Lee thaat’s nice of you, thank you! Although you’ll have to be a bit more specific with the typos, as it has been shown that I’m unable to catch them :sweat_smile:

Sorry for being quiet the last two weeks, I had my hands full with some things in real life.

I didn’t make much progress for Chapter 2, but I’ve pondered on a lot of things and worked through the demo; I need to change some things in the prologue and add others in Chapter 1 to make the flow of the story better. I’ve also decided to change the format a bit; while it wasn’t a story told from the end (like a huge flashback), it’s true that a good chunk of it was the MC recalling past events and then returning towards the middle-end of it. What I’m going to do is that at the end of Chapter 2, something is going to happen and then the MC will be brought to the present, and off to take care of the rest of their revenge.

I hope you have a good day! :smile:


So the extremely sad/upset Drew ghost hallucination/dream figment is the closest thing we’ll get to the real Drew? :cry: You know what, I’ll take it. I’ll punch Ethan Davis in the face, I’ll yell in the relative’s face, I miss Drew and I’ve only known him for one & a half chapters…

It’s okay, I’m personally very happy over the fact that you answer the readers’ questions, suggestions & comments. We’ll always support you! :sparkles:


No, it depends on several variables: I thought of different outcomes depending on the players’ decisions, so if you play with different personalities, you will see different sides of ghost Drew :wink:

Some examples are:

  • Cold MC who doesn’t regret any of their actions → Distressed Drew, feels extremely responsible for everything.
  • The MC shows too many doubts and is too compassionate with their objectives → Drew will be angry and dissapointed
  • Determined but emotional MC → distant and nostalgic Drew, will often comment on past events or things that could have been.

All of these facets are close to what was Drew like (as the MC has seen all aspects of them over the years), but as the story advances, these ghosts might end up (too) distorted and the MC might not be able to tell by then :wink:

Again, sorry for the long silence; this time I’ve been quite sick, so I had my hands full (of germs). At least I’m back to writing, and I hope to finish all the changes and edits for the prologue, Chapter 1, and add content for Chapter 2. This time I don’t have a planned date for the update, but I know it will be big!

I hope you have a good day! :smile:


Oh my… if we confessed to Drew, does that mean this version of ghost!Drew will remind us of all the things we could’ve done together, like going on dates, getting married and having 5 kids, etc? Therefore fueling MC’s nostalgia and strong emotions?

Don’t apologize for feeling unwell, we understand! I’m glad you feel better now, though. Very excited for the new update!


That would be really cruel, don’t you think so? :smiling_imp: Indeed, it’s a possibility, but it’s not limited to a nostalgic Drew; if you confessed to them,l all of their forms remember. The way they express it is different, though: an angry Drew will say things like “you did not really love, right?” or “how can you let them go, after what they did to me? You don’t care, you never did.”

Aw, thank you so much for your understanding; aren’t you a sweetheart :hugs:


Hello! :smile:

I don’t have a lot to tell you, progress is slow and will be even slower next month with college, but that’s life. As for now I’m working on Chapter 2 rather than the prologue, as I feel like I need to carry on with the story or I’ll stagnate on the prologue. There are some mistakes narrative-wise but I think I’ll do fine as I don’t tell you which ones exactly :stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s play a game; can you guess who said this? This quote belongs to someone who appears in the current demo, so you don’t have to worry about unknown NPCs. Also, extra points for who those who guess what’s happening :wink:

I hope all of you have a nice day! :smile: