The Race discussion thread

I suppose. It was certaintly suprising. I thought that all those warnings were OBVIOUSLY an attempt to divert me off the path to something awesome. It was awesome…sort of…

Hmmm… If you liked that, try having Leonie as a partner, taking a shower in the hotel, then going to Leonie’s room. With the right stats, you CAN get in there…

I’d describe that one more as “slightly embarrassing”.

By the way, is there any point at all in befriending the Canadian/German team before the race starts besides getting to see their funny intro? Seems like even a rally smart character can’t keep them from running off on their wild goose chase.

Afraid not. They were targeted first as their nations were strong in previous races (see the game intro). They always fall at the first hurdle.


#13 #Copacabana

Upon arrival in Copacabana, you have an hour to spend as you please. If you haven’t drank any Mata de Coca yet, you have one more chance here, at the restaurant near the hotel.

#14 #The Final Destination
After your hour is up, the final destination puzzle begins. Even if you have never heard of the final destination and you don’t have access to google, this puzzle is completely solvable. Hints below:

-Your 10 letters are A, E, I, O, L, L, L, S, S, D.
-In total, there are 25 words, each using some of your 10 final letters.
-The shortest words have 3 letters, while the longest has 6 letters.
-If April is your partner, she tells you: “It’s not two words! It can’t be the two five-letter words as we only have one E. It can’t be Ladies as then we need a four-letter word made from L, L, O, and S. There isn’t one. Also, it can’t be Soiled as we would then need a four-letter word with an A, L, S, and L. Again, there isn’t one. It has to be three words!”
-She’s right.
-Using all 10 letters, you MUST be looking for one 4-letter word and two 3-letter words.
-Look at the three and four letter words. By process of elimination, you can work out which words can or can’t be paired together. For example, ‘AID’ can’t be with ‘DEL’ as you only have 1 ‘D’ to use. Likewise, ‘AID’ can’t be with ‘LES’ as there is no four letter word with the letters L, L, O, S.
-The easiest way to narrow it down is to look at the four letter words, and see which 6 letters remaining can be paired with the 3 letter words.
-Your choices are:

From here, you could just persevere and try them all (not forgetting to change the order of the words as well!), but with 36 combinations remaining, you might want to narrow it down further still:

You are in Bolivia, a Spanish speaking country, looking for a place name. Looking at the list of possibilities, you’re likely looking for three Spanish words. Last time I checked, DIAL and LAID aren’t Spanish, but Isla is. It means Island… Certainly sounds plausible when we’re by a lake! That gives you just two choices for words remaining with 12 combinations. You might consider that ‘Sol’, meaning ‘Sun’ is a better word in a placename than ‘Los’, meaning ‘The’. It takes just a little more thought to get to the final answer: Isla Del Sol.

NOTE: When entering ISLA DEL SOL, do so all in capitals with only one word per text entry.

*Now, here’s the interesting part. Once you know the solution, depending on when you enter it, the other racers finishing positions can change. If you finish with six or less attempts at this puzzle, then the Spanish team will be out, meaning that the final three teams are yours, the Americans (or English) and the Indians (or Koreans). However, if you take seven or more attempts (but less than 16) then the Spanish stay in and the Indians (or Koreans) are out.

#15 #The Last Leg

At 1:00am, the last leg begins. To win the race, you can afford almost no mistakes. So let’s see where you could make them:

*Mendez stops talking. As soon as Mendez appears to be in an overly long pause in the conversation, start running! To do this, choose the ‘Do something else’ option. It will give you a couple of seconds on the other teams.

*On the boat, if you are with April, or with Leonie and you choose to steer, you have to handle the boat’s controls. Twist the handle towards you and away you will go.
If you are with Dan, or with Leonie and you choose to navigate, you really can choose any of the three destinations and win the race.

*The first dock to the East:
-This dock takes approximately 2 hours to reach. Ignore the Spanish/Korean/Indian team and head west.

*The second dock to the East:
-With either Dan or Leonie as your partner, this route is straight-forward with only one potential hazard. See Altitude Sickness, below.
-With April as your partner, you HAVE to go this route. The final outcome will depend on your stats. Your speed + stamina needs to be 70 or more. If it’s less, you will fail. If you have over 40 charisma or you are female, you can keep the twins busy for 15 mins while April runs. Otherwise, they only stay for 10 mins.

*The far dock to the West:
-This is the most isolated path and straight-forward. The only obstacle here is the altitude sickness (see next).

*altitude sickness:
Regardless of which path you follow, there is a high chance that you will have altitude sickness. However, if you have drank the Mata de Coca at least once on your path here, you will be fine and not feel it’s effects.

Will I win it?
Assuming you’ve made no mistakes, the final outcome as to whether you actually win the race or not depends on your combined speed and stamina score. If you have > 60 (speed + stamina) then you could win if everything is perfect. If you have >90 then you could win even if you made some mistakes. If you have Leonie in your team, you will get an extra 5 minute bonus as well. All being well, you will win the race and have lots of money to throw around!

#16 #Final thoughts:

It is this speed+stamina method to determine the winner that makes me think of April as the hardest to win with. However, I believe Dan is the hardest to play with at all, as he doesn’t help with the other puzzles. Leonie at least uses her speed to help you at the end.

Well, that’s it. I hope you find this guide useful. While I haven’t covered every option, all four paths are now clearly laid out for all to see. Did you find them all?

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Yes I did. Thanks for the detailed guide. I even got the ending with the crazy cab drive getting me hurt. Moral of the story: Don’t argue with cab drivers.

Andy, could you post some sort of walkthrough? i love your game and all and I want to see ask the possible choices and endings but it’s quite a pain having to start over the whole race to click a different option. If you posted a page containing the results to choices that would be very interesting :slight_smile:


If you scrolled up you would see a walkthrough. Since this thread probably needs to be closed though: @Reaperoa @Havenstone

Yeah I noticed now sorry !

I’m on mobile and I can’t delete the comment :confused:

Oh I found that when I completed the conspiracy ending and i pressed the end and it started it over. I clicked on the questions for determining my stats but when I viewed stats it hadn’t reseted from the previous game. This is for the race app

Oh and is there a way to find out who the woman was for the conspiracy ending?


Your questions are better suited to Andy who (I think) doesn’t come on here very much. Perhaps you can send him an email with these questions.

@jasonstevanhill @CJW @JimD @Reaperoa @Havenstone

There’s another typo I found. When you pick leonie and do the conspiracy path and the dinner you talk with Americans and lighten the mood with a joke. It says “and then every starts laughing” but you mean “everyone”.
Sorry for all the posts


A major update to The Race. New content: Some scenes have been fleshed out and errors removed. A progress map has been included showing the route you have taken. Achievements have been added (although they are not working on Apple… I’ll address this with Jason). There’s also a brief introduction to The Race 2 as well as other games.

So, if you’ve never played The Race before, now’s the time. If you have played, why not give it another go? There are four paths to complete. There are 15 achievements too. Can you get them all? The Race is FREE to download on your phone or it can be played directly through this website.


There’s a bug in the android version I’d like to report. Once you’ve finished choosing your companion, the game loops back to the beginning once. Then, if you play through your choices for the second time, the game runs smoothly as usual - except you get to pick up a second round of stats.

In other words,
You begin the game normally, and pick your strengths. Once you go through the cutscenes about wallets and fires, you get to choose your companion for the race. Once you choose your companion, the game loops back to the title screen. You pick up another 2 strengths, go through the wallets and fires, and re-choose your companion. Then the game continues.

Thanks for reporting this, @Wyrmspawn. I’ll see if it’s a bug in my code and change it for another update.

Congrats on the update, Andy – hope it brings a wider audience back to The Race!

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When I click the link on the Hosted Games page, it asks for a password. Strange. Once that’s fixed, I’ll post to social media about the update.

Thanks @Havenstone, some new readers would be nice!

Thanks @JimD. It seems to do that for all Hosted Games now.