Need a click counter to move player on before selecting all options

I have a set of four locations and want players to be able to visit two of them before the game moves them on to the next part of the story I have them set to be unselectable if the player has already visited them. I need help with the code to use to make sure the game doesn’t let them pick all four options. Here is what my code currently looks like:

Looking around once again, you pick a building to investigate first.
*label firsttimeexploring
    *disable_reuse #The Bar
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring
    *disable_reuse #The Cafè
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring
    *disable_reuse #The Library
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring
    *disable_reuse #The Flower Shop
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring

I’m wondering if I need to use an if and a goto in conjunction with one another? something like

*if ((location1) and (location2)) *goto timepasses

But then I’d have to come up with all possible permutations of their two choices and it would be a big mess.

I’m sure this problem has come up before. I just don’t know what to call this function to be able to search for help. I’ve tried ‘timer’ and ‘click counter’. Either a code suggestion or a link to a relevant premade post or tutorial would be super appreciated!

Thanks for your time!

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you could use something like this

*temp choicecount 0
*label firsttimeexploring
*if choicecount = 2
    *goto [whereever]
    *disable_reuse #The Bar
        *set choicecount + 1
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring
    *disable_reuse #The Cafè
        *set choicecount + 1
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring
    *disable_reuse #The Library
        *set choicecount + 1
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring
    *disable_reuse #The Flower Shop
        *set choicecount + 1
        placeholder Text
        *goto firsttimeexploring

You, my friend, are amazing! That worked perfectly! Thank you so much for the help!:smiley:


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