My new game, A Wise Use of Time

This game gave me much fun. I really enjoyed the fact, that it have 200k+ words. I gave 5*, keep up the good work. You could have made the primary antagonist more “deep” though, and I’d enjoy more time with romanceable characters, nevertheless this game is great.

Ps: If my english is bad feel free to tell me . It’s not my primary language, I am trying to learn it.:slight_smile:

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The game is awesome,loved the way each character has been portrayed ,is there there any way to spend more time with Alisha and can the relationship stats with her cross beyond 60?.

@Captaincharisma_Ezhi I know it’s possible to reach 70+ with Alisha, and the best way to spend time with her is at the Ren Faire (aside from the standard scenes).

When I was asked to give five thousand to get in, I robbed the casino. Yet, I lost five thousand from my money. Is that supposed to happen?

EDIT: after the casino I got the money back

I’d say Sem reminds me more of Varric or perhaps a less manwhorish Zevran. Oooh, or Dorian! <3 <3 <3


Thanks Saerise!

@JimD-- i actually realized something when i was re reading WUOT today-- you never describe your love interests up front. When Olivia comes to save you on the stairs, when Raj come sin, even when we meet the office guys-- there’s never a decent description. I think this might create a disconnect with readers and if they should be interest in the character, (as shallow as it is XD) Even a cursory ‘your pretty roommate’ as Olivia comes bounding down the steps i think would go a long way to making her (or any love interest character) stick out as one the reader should pay attention to. otherwise, they’re just sorta ‘there’.

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@WayWalkerLeigh I actually removed some of the early descriptions of roommates, so the game wasn’t presenting it as “here’s your roommate and potential RO.” After the introduction I describe her but not in terms of attractiveness. It’s possible, I was too safe or subtle with it.

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Yeah I think you did-- I remember being shocked during the first read through when you mentioned she was Philippine decent-- it had not been mentioned until around the convention. As it stands the first read descriptive stuff you get from her is she’s got brown eyes dark hair and a snake tattoo (which for me was kinda turn off when out of context with her being a tattoo artist–nit a fan of snakes; when I learned she was one it sofened, but first impression was already made.

I may be a little late to the party and kind of reiterating what others have said, but I felt like this one was a very mixed bag, so I’m going to throw a wall of text at you. I loved ZE, and curiously in regards to what’s been said here, felt the ROs and NPCs in general were handled well. There were aspects that were maybe a bit off, but otherwise I think the setting helped in that “community forced together whether they like it or not” kind of way. I also think there’s a bit of “less is more” going on. I have very little difficulty projecting desired traits onto a character if things line up right, so I can get a lot out of a pretty sparse description.

With WUOT, I found the coming of going of the various characters very jarring. Hailey, as has been mentioned, felt almost like misdirection as I realized she wasn’t going to really factor in. Alisha I apparently screwed up, that’s on me. Trying to figure out the various characters who threatened me with their vastly superior knowledge of what was going on had me very hesitant to act. My biggest bone to pick, though, was Raj. He put me off a bit right away, but by the time we left the casino I was pretty much done with him. The alleyway scene didn’t help his case, so when the question was outright asked, I took the “no, he’s a jerk, I hate him and I hope he stays away” option. Fast forward a few minutes and I get “you had a rough day, so you decide to spend some quality time with your dear friend Raj and relax.” That kinda broke me.

Contrary to my whining, I really enjoyed the game, and I feel I really need to go through it again before I make up my mind. I think it took me a while to figure out how the power mechanic functioned, and I was way too cautious in the early going, but it was well written, and the characters themselves I felt were very solid (there’s obviously nothing wrong with having someone to hate, so long as you have options in dealing with that). The powers were interesting, and enjoyably “present” in just about every scenario. I just felt there was a crippling lack of agency. To some extent it’s a limitation of the format, and of course you can’t write a new scene for every player’s whim. Without the zombie apocalypse forcing my hand, though, I felt my character would have a lot of options that I did not. With the narrative largely centered on your day to day life and the larger threats mostly lingering in the background, it didn’t seem like there was in-universe justification for the restriction of my choices.

I think I’m rambling and starting to lose my point here. Bottom line, I did enjoy it and I think there’s a pretty inarguable high quality to the whole thing, but something in the characterization and pacing really threw me off. Playthrough 2 is on my to do list, and it’s entirely possible that’ll throw my entire perspective for a loop, but this was my first impression. Keep on rockin’, I’m looking forward to ZE2.

p.s. Sem was the Raj of WWU. I actually stopped playing after the 17th time I told somebody or other I couldn’t stand him and then woosh, I was forced into a conversation with “hot vampire boy” again. I apologize for that, as I understand it that game really deserves a second chance, but I don’t want the mystery female to stand alone in the anti-Sem campaign. Solidarity is everything.

@JimD I finished my first playthrough of this and it was an absolute delight.

The roommates were my favourites, like others mentioned the description of their appearance was a little vague (no idea Livvy was Philippines decent until halfway) but their personalities were down to earth and relatable. Olivia was such a sweetheart and really reminded me of my sisters, kind nature and always putting other people first. Her reluctance to discuss her health problems in full detail worked well, I felt like she didn’t want to worry her friends and (if you choose the romance option) not telling her parents about your relationship was she didn’t want her parents to be angry and not leave a bad impression on you because she just wanted to please everyone but struggled with it. The kidney problems was insightful, never heard of the disease and really raised my awareness how serious it could be.

Surprisingly I really enjoyed Raj, normally his kind irritate me with manipulating the MC for his own gain, but the lighthearted banter and party boy attitude made him grow on me and made him and the MC bros. His addiction was realistic. The indenial, creating excuses to keep gambling and borrowing money and how he was wringed and squeezed by bookie gangsters are all common for many people with a gambling problem, which was further enhanced by how he used the MC’s abilities to fuel his addiction and if you choose to go through it makes it progress and worsen. This was a deep storyline watching Raj feed his problems without realising the true consequences that came with it.

I was hoping to bond more with your co-workers, like working with them on the Salvia account more. I felt there was a lot more we could of discovered about them and Benjamin, but of you’re planning on making this a series then I will understand the vague info given.

Barnabas was a fantastic Villian. He was stalkerish, cunning, mad and like a predator. He Tries threatening your loved ones to make you submit and respects you as a worthy opponent just like a classic Villian, he was fascinating and terrifying.

The other time travellers I had mixed feelings about. Alisha I liked because of her lone wolf attitude with a secret longing for companionship, but how she went about that was weird. She was withdrawn about herself and paranoid towards you when we first meet her but at the same time very flirtatious, it’s possible of course but seemed very odd. Malaya was great, she gave me the impression of being a wise but lonely person, her power to slow her aging was unique and made her seem experienced with it yet I disliked how she used Olivia as a leverage to get what she wanted out of you if you request it. Jeremy I hated, he was an asshole to say the least. He seemed so humble when we first meet him but all of a sudden turns into a massive player acting half his age, made me wish I shoved him off the bridge.

I did notice a few odd tidbits. I was in a relationship with Olivia but we was still referring to each other as friends. Started to think that we had one date and then she friendzoned me :smile: Also after the bar scene when she has a breakdown in the alley, I left her to cry and Raj got REALLY close. He leaned his head on my shoulder and squeezed my hand, I was pretty much like “shouldn’t I be comforting Olivia instead of getting touchy feely with Raj in front of her?”

Overall this game is my new favourite. Favourite scene was the MC’s and Olivia’s first kiss, it was awkwardly funny and adorable and I really felt sorry for that old lady :smile: well done on this.


A few people voiced similar feedback. As I wrote the game, I never thought she’d interest people as much as she did.

It may be worth it if I rewrite some scenes to use your relationship level with Raj more effectively. Instead of “you had a rough day, so you spend it with Raj,” the game should say something like, “Raj harasses you until you spend time with him.”

Thanks, and I definitely understand the criticism. Feel free to provide feedback after future playthroughs as writing is a continuous learning process.

@Nathan_Faxon thanks for your feedback and experience in the game. I tried to make characters develop over time. Some people felt it was too slowly, some people enjoyed the pace. I’m probably going to do a mix for Safe Haven, but I have lots of room in that game.

Is there a chance of having romance? If there is one I couldn’t find it

Just wanted to let you know that I bought and played AWUoT on Steam, and I absolutely loved it! I feel like it had a good range of choices in terms of morality and the such, and a good sense of balancing between developing your powers and concentrating on the rest of your life. I hope to see more official CoG games from you!

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Many occasions:


I haven’t tried Kate or Kyle yet, but there’s hints to say it’s possible

Edit: in fact Alisha made it very clear she would like to romance with you on the final chapter, she did so for me when I was romancing Olivia. I think it was because I treated her well and ‘unconsciously flirted’ with her when you first meet.

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@jacklyn044 thanks for your kind words and if you have time, please leave a review on Steam. Every positive review helps! I hope to see more official games from me too.

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Is it possible to romance Kyle? I got him to best friend status but couldn’t become more.

I actually have no idea. You can ask him to come to the casino, I did it with Kate and managed to romance with her so the same should work for hin I believe.

Speaking of which, @JimD is it possible to romance Malaya? Or is it forbidden to try it with a technically immortal time controller? :smile:

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I did and even went with him on his trip. Still wasn’t able to do it.

Hmm interesting. How did you develop your MC? Like gender, romantic interests, charming or intelligent etc.

Could help me out on a few achievements? I’m trying but I’m so damn stumped.

Katie’s personal achievement with her family.
The two achievements to do with your dad.
The one with funding Oden’s research.

For the life of me, I can’t figure them out. Do I need a ton of money to pay for Kate’s father and the research? I hired the private detective but that was as far as I got

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