Monsters of New Haven High - last update 4/02

You know, Nimrod was a biblical hunter, maybe there ought to be an option to call Hunter that when he annoys the MC.

Or if one wants to be more pop cultural about it, call him Elmur Fudd and starting singing “kill the wabbit.”


Be vewy vewy qwite, I’m hunting wewewowves. huh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh. :joy:



grins Now I have the whole Spear and Magic Helmet refrain going on in my head…

Anyways, this isn’t so much a bug, as a possible suggestion. It isn’t nothing wrong, but feels a little disjointed to me.

If you play as a vampire, on the first day you get picked up at school. It basically mentions you going to school every day by car (driven by a chauffer)
One of the responses is: You’re considering taking the bus from now on. After being schooled at home for so many years, you don’t need to make yourself any more of an outsider.

Where the slight disjointedness comes in is when you go to school on Day 2, you get an option:
It’s time to get to school. You…

  • Head to the bus stop. You like riding with the other students.

At least for the start of Day 2, if possible, you might change that to “This morning you decided to take the bus to school for the first time…” or something along those lines.

I might be overthinking it, but the way it is currently phrased, it implies you’ve been riding with the other students for a while when that would actually be your first time.

I know this is just a small thing, and not really worth a hassle, but it just felt a little off for the above reason.


Thanks for pointing that out! I forgot to address that in Day 2; I’ll add it to the edit list.

@Lithophene makes some good points - you’re more or less group-oriented for a werewolf, not compared to the average human. (And yes, it’ll be important later to determine your role within the pack; both personality types are valued there.) However, you do start out the game pretty low on popularity for a star athlete; I’ll see about bumping the starting score, so a lone wolf will have to work harder to be left alone.


Yay new update, yaaaay! goes, reads

I really enjoy it I can’t wait for more

I can’t believe my Wendigo character is a Slenderman fan. That’s awesome. I guess they have some stuff in common.


I really enjoyed playing this demo and can’t wait until the next update!

Not really any comments on the new build, but just a piece of fanart I commissioned.

I loved the seen where Wendy looks at her own reflection; it was really poignant (along with what she could say to Artemis/Hunter about her mom tugged at my heartstrings).

So this is inspired by that moment, though some liberties were taken, such as a more bestial wendigo. Once the artist puts it up on her own deviantart gallery, I will change the link:


Awww that looks so cool! I played as male wendigo and I was really touched by that scene too, I can just imagine npc Wendy doing that too, this art is very touching. Your awesome for commissioning that, and I think this is really a way they may see themself. All in all, definitely gonna think of this everything I go through the Wendigo path.

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Sashira did a great job at making each character’s story/background distinct. I know I’ve touched on some scenes, but other parts…like how she lost her mother and what Wendy did to survive, all those lost years when she was just a creature of instinct, seeing what happened to her people…of all the characters, I think I’m personally most invested in her…and at least for my wendigo, she would be the most desperate to become human if she could.

I also intend to get some of the other characters done as fanart as soon as I come up with some decent picture ideas for them :slight_smile:

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Okay, sorry for asking but how did you get that scene? This is the first time I´ve heard of it :neutral_face:

Which scene? The one where a Wendigo looks at their own reflection? It’s in Day 1 when you first enter your bedroom. You get three options there, two of which involve keeping your mirror covered with sheets (or something similar). The last one has you look at your own figure to try and come to terms with your body.

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@Lithophene is correct.

Of course, the scene as written doesn’t show your ‘wendigo’ self…just Wendy’s human self. That’s why I said the picture was inspired by it…I can easily see my wendigo MC as visualizing her monstrous form in front of her.

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Idiot me, self facepalm, thanks a lot guys

Benny is without a doubt my favourite character, when I’m not playing a goblin myself, and I loved the new lunch content with him. Not necessarily for the content itself, though it was a good insight into his character, but for the way he was shown to interact with his friends/fans/followers/academics. I found it incredibly refreshing to see a character, who for all intents is physically unattractive and lacking magnetic charisma, was still able to command admiration and respect from other students. Typically characters will be popular because of their looks or their social skills that often the fact the people can be just as drawn to intellectual brilliance in people is forgotten. Sorry, that sentence is kind of mad, I’m not sure if it makes sense.

But anyway, Benny being actually shown to have friends who respect and even admire him in the case of Presley was a pleasant surprise. Since earlier observations record him as being shy and reserved. You’d mistake him as the usual genius with no social skills without that scene. It shows that even though he is introverted and academically minded, he can still hold court with people of similar mindsets. That he can show compassion to others, even though he believes them less intelligent than himself. I’m just really pleased he didn’t end up insanely arrogant and isolated but was a little more, human, if you’ll excuse the word. So thanks, in short I really like the character.



The goblin gets some love.

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Goblins seem to be underrated in here.

That’s because Benny being shy built a device to wipe the memories of praise about Benny from your mind seems to still have glitches though because you still remember @Sleepyowl comment and you can still rememb-… what was I talking about where am I?

Goblins are definitely underrated, depending on the way you play one you can be just like The Doctor, a genius pacifist with a fondness for humans. Except for you know, the fact Goblins are the shortest lived species, that kind of ruins the analogy. The goblins aren’t quite advanced enough to have conquered death yet, judging by the comments in regards to the Frankenstein documents you can look at.