Monsters of New Haven High - last update 4/02

The demo is only the first day and you’ve said that your working on the second my question is how long is this book going to go on for and if really long do you plan on breaking it up into a couple of different books or have it all in one book? Btw this is my favorite book on CoG.

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The game is going to last seven days, and as far as I remember, there’s not going to be a direct sequel, but Sashira might make one or more additional games set in the same universe.

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Hope so! Antagonistic relationship are my favourite.

They’re among the most interesting for me as well. I like the idea of the monster hating twins becoming torn about the MC. I also feel like my self loathing pacifist Wendigo would like being close to someone that could put her down if she lost control of herself.

Correct, the game takes place in seven days. (I am planning to let players unlock the whole week for one price, and that will all be part of this first game.)

I do already have some notes for a sequel, though. It will take place at a monster-only university, and while you won’t be able to continue with your MoNHH character, I will try to work in references to them.


Edit: Never mind, I’m channeling my inner illiterate apparently. @Sashira You’ve probably answered this somewhere else, but does this game take place over an entire week? Or is it a school week like Life is Strange?

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From the post before yours.

Thanks. Being overtired is not the most helpful thing when attempting to read.

I’m so excited i’very been a huge fan of this for a long time for to finally be so close ehhhh

oh my lanta i need some more mnhh in my lifeeeee

Since I’m guessing that the MC can romance the twins, I wanted to know if there will be a choice of helping them hunt down monsters or try to convince to not hunt down monsters

Oops, missed this one. All of the main monsters are dateable as NPCs, unless you aren’t into their gender (Benny the goblin and Carl the werewolf are always male, Victoria the vampire and Wendy the wendigo are always female.) Chantal/Caleb switches appearance depending on orientation (Caleb is the front man only if the MC is attracted solely to men), and Hunter/Artemis will be the main twin you interact with based on orientation (it will be Artemis only if the MC is attracted solely to women.)

All of these characters are dateable, unless you are playing as their species (in which case they will not show up as an NPC.) Certain characters will also have other romance options: werewolves and wendigos have a chance to meet a partner of their own species, and demons can meet some love interests by dating.)

Taylor was originally a gender swapping character who was dateable. I am leaning heavily towards cutting that romance and making Taylor a friends-only option, since I’m having trouble making theirs as interesting as the others. I have also been considering collapsing the game into five days or so instead of seven to make things more action-packed, and am in the process of revising a bunch of stats. Otherwise, everything I’ve said previously is still true.

I’ll keep it at this: you can definitely influence their attitudes depending on your relationship with them. People can change, but only if it doesn’t directly contradict their desires and beliefs. You can guide a lot of characters in certain directions, but won’t have total control over how they react to things or what they believe.


I’m guessing Sandy won’t be a dateable NPC, as she isn’t of one of the main races (bummer, that could’ve been an interesting route), but will she at least be able to be befriended by the MC?

You have it exactly right. Sandy is not dateable, but she is an interesting character you can befriend and learn more about. She is also one of the monsters who will be illustrated and explained in the Codex (All of the main NPC monsters will show up there; the most important are being professionally drawn and colored by @Owlet.)

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I know there was a kitsune mentioned in the game. Will we ever meet her, or is she just a mentioned monster?

@Sashira Cool, I knew you had been considering making a codex but I wasn’t aware that you had finalized the idea (the fact that it is being illustrated is also an awesome bonus).

I still can’t put my finger on exactly what it is about this world you’ve created that makes me so rabid for any and all new information, but as I’m pretty sure I’ve said before I haven’t been this interested in the background lore of a setting since I first played Mass Effect.


Hello, i just came by and found your game, and i must say that i’m highly interested by it !
I played of what was availaible and it was very enjoyable.

Hope to see it completed.
Congratulation for what you already did and good luck for the rest. :smile:


PS : (Sorry if my english is a bit strange or wrong)

Okay that spoiler made me really happy and excited! Good luck on the progress!

Can’t wait. Hey, will I get to actually fight in my werewolf form at any point?

will that’s some interesting info since i will be playing one of those monsters