Model Citizens: Unmasked (WIP - Update March 11, 2022)

Hey just played through again and quick question does anyone else know about the mc and there ex ? I think it was said that Finley might know about the mc being married to a villain . If so would that put a lot of strain on the relationship with the mc?

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Now that’s the kinda attitude I love to see! :grin:

First of all- Always intend the pun. Puns are beautiful creatures and you must understand that intending them is the highest honor bestowed upon us as a society.

Second of all- How a love-lost Lucy is gonna react is definitely going to vary depending on who the MC is dating- as she’s more fond of some people than others.

Yolanda Waltz is…


They don’t get along very well.

Yolanda is definitely both of those- she’s very self-confident, fairly narcissistic, and adores her job in the limelight… But she’s also something of an old-school romantic. Her idea of romance is very much in line with a lot of romance classics- Casablanca-style. So when it comes to the woman she loves, you know that she’s more than willing to make some sacrifices for her idea of love.

Or, in short:

(That being said- earning her love and respect is a fairly difficult road, and she’s had more than her fair share of brief dalliances so whether or not it remains as such or if it becomes something more along the lines of the tidbit is… gonna be hard work.)

Well, like I always say- that’s what multiple playthroughs are for!

You’re on a crusade to romance every woman in Nickelport, then?

Good luck.

It’s what I’m here for. :wink:

On a side note that you reminded me of- should I just put those mini story locations up in the OP so nobody has to go searching for them again?

I… feel like that would be helpful.

I’m probably gonna do that.

I feel like this should be a tagline for almost every memory with the Exes…

I have fun with dramatic irony in the memories. :grin:

There’s some more of that in the memory coming up. Especially Raf’s…

Everyone will meet Jacob later on, but if you want to get a brief glimpse at who he is you can head to the restaurant in the very beginning.

Jacob’s a sweetheart. (But… I mean, I’d say the same thing for Likewise- albeit with the caveat ‘… sort of’ tacked on. Point is- you probably shouldn’t entirely take my word when I say someone’s a sweetheart in this story. I’m biased.)

Redemption arc? Yes…?

Redemption is a weird word… There’s couple of things Raf has to do first before he can even consider stopping. Forgiveness is gonna be a big theme with him.

Whether the MC ends up acting like a hero… or even a villain (intentional or not)… is gonna vary from person to person.

In a weird way, you could be the one saving the heroes you’re trying to uncover…
Or you can be their downfall.

Up to you.

Hahaha, hahah, haha…
There’s a whole lotta plot spoilers that I can’t state that would be a better answer to your question.

Short answer: Not currently, no.

For the Finley bit: There’s a couple of ways Finley can know about the MCs past. The first and most obvious being they told them on purpose, but there’s also the option to have told them on accident. Or Finley could also be in the dark like everyone else and have no clue.

You also can choose just how much Finley knows of the whole… extravaganza.

Hmm… I have to see if I can find any for these few that don’t involve spoilers. It’ll involve some digging through my notes so I’ll have to get back to these in a little while but I’ll look around and see what I can scrounge up from the depths of my haphazard note-tracking techniques.


Maybe its better to do that, kinda unfair for anyone who new to this or miss the mini story don’t see it, but that my personal opinion


It makes the most sense, I think. I’ll go ahead and put it up right now!

EDIT: Alright! They are up now! I didn’t include the screenshots from the upcoming update since, well, those should be in the public demo soon enough.


Thanks for answering it was kinda a brain work for me.
Will we have a chance to tell other people or am I gonna have to wait for Raf to bust in through the ceiling and apologize for breaking my ceiling unknowing I have guests over, And are my guests gonna ask why in the hell I know a villian that has more screen time than my failed reporting career? (A career that isn’t even up yet in the game)

Or is it gonna be like dire measures where your dangling over a shark pit and your live interest is there to save you and so is raf and they both share an awkward silence as you dangle over death?


How much hard work are we talking here? :sweat_smile:




Very excited to see what will come up!


Happy to help!

You’ll definitely have the chance to tell others about your Ex…

Actually, okay, I have a funny excerpt from the very, very old version of Model Citizens: Unmasked including two characters who aren’t really major players as they were in the old version, but I remembered this and just dug it up since it was, quite literally, one of the very first concept scenes I had in my head that unraveled into the thing you see before you today- which is also why it’s told in first instead of second person, since it was before I even knew where Model Citizens was going to go and what format it was going to take. (I kinda want to rework it and change the characters in it to fit within the current one just because it’s remained near and dear to my heart.)

An old thing

Crouched behind a flaming, upturned car with my leg all cut up and blood seeping through the pants was really not how I expected a first date to go.

Most people, when they talk about horrible first dates, talk about how they ran into their ex, or made a fool of themselves spilling ice cream down their shirt, or maybe even accidentally bumping into their date’s side and spilling ice cream down their shirt as well. It takes real skill to pull off all three of those and, ‘cause you gotta fill up the free space in ‘bad date bingo’, get shot in the leg while running down the street away from your supervillain ex.

Well, at least he hasn’t noticed me yet. No, instead ‘Domino’ is much too busy duking it out with Neon to so much as glance my way, and meanwhile I’m left casually remembering just an hour or so ago when the biggest worry I had was whether or not my shirt was dry-clean friendly and if strawberry left lasting stains, and not if I was going to be able to get a second date with this guy after Armageddon finishes crashing down around us in a mix of hellfire and metal shrapnel.

“Are you okay?” Neil- I think that was his name- is pale-faced as he stares at the slowly pooling blood now that my jeans have been thoroughly dyed a dark red.

“Oh, you know, I’m… fine.” Neil is a fine name, I think. It’s normal. Unassuming. Just like the guy I’m with. Normal, black hair and green eyes, unassuming, in a grey jacket and red shirt- wait no, white shirt, he’s just bleeding too. I could do a lot worse.

A loud boom, like an explosion, rocks the ground beneath us, and Neil clings to my arm, nails digging into my shirt, an instinctive scream ripped from his lips.

I’ve done a lot worse.

The car that we’d been comfortably hiding behind us is quite casually lifted off the ground- simultaneously our heads swivel to face the green-and-blue-clad Neon, a woman with a long, platinum blonde ponytail and pearly white grin as she easily extends a hand out towards both of us. “You two should get out of here.” Shocking news.

And before Neon can bestow upon us any more nuggets of wisdom, a flash of black and white comes barreling into her, a fist driving its way up her abdomen as the heroine’s face contorts in pain, grunting out air as she’s knocked flying back. Domino steps back, shaking his hand with a cruel, easy smile on his face, dancing back on the pavement until he spots-


“Quinn?” That roguish grin vanishes almost immediately, replaced by shock and more than just a little confusion.

“Uh, hi?” I’m already grabbing Neil’s arm, shooting onto my feet and sprinting down what remains of the cracked concrete, “Great seeing you!” I call over my shoulder as I drag an equally confused date across the wrecked landscape, bobbing and weaving through fallen rebar and upturned slabs of street.

“W-Wait! Quinn!”

Domino, however, doesn’t pursue us- most likely distracted by Neon’s return from her brief time out of the ring, and honestly I won’t complain. Still, it’s more than a little distracting when Neil continues to yell in panic as I’m trying my best to not let us be crushed by one of the… fairly numerous projectiles dotting the sky. I skid to halt, Neil crashing into my back, as a- was that a mailbox?

Yes, yes it was. A mailbox almost just decapitated me as it now sits lodged into one of the few still-standing buildings in this area.

Now, that would’ve made for an interesting way to go.

“Keep moving,” I tug on Neil’s sleeve again, but he digs his feet into the pavement and jerks me back. I spin on him, eyeing the empty space over his shoulder warily- I can see two figures sprinting after each other in the distance- away from us but… for how long? “What is it?”

“You…” He’s out of breath, the veins straining on his neck as he bends over and pants heavily- no, wait, he’s hyperventilating.

I grab Neil’s shoulders and force him upright, “Breathe.” I’ve seen this kind of panic before. They say there’s fight or flight but this is the third reaction I’ve noticed being in the midst of a hero-and-villain’s battle can evoke in people- a kind of paralyzed, horrified awe. “Breathe,” I repeat, glancing once more down the empty street, “Preferably quickly enough so that you can speak.”

He knocks my hands away, “You knew him?”

Ah. Right. This. “… Yes.”

“That was-”

“Domino. Third on Nickelport’s most wanted list. Man of impeccable luck and stranger strength- yes. Menace to all- friend to none. Yes I know him.” And his many other media-assumed pseudonyms.

Neil backs away a step, fear in his eyes. “H… how do you know him?”

I grind my teeth, because that’s always the kicker. “He’s my ex.”

“Your ex.”


“Domino is your ex?”


“You dated a villain.”

“Married- actually.”

“You ma-”

“Look-” I grab his shoulders once more, “We can stand here and play twenty questions and probably get killed in the crossfire- or you could trust that because I was, indeed, married to a villain I might have some idea of how to get us out of here with all our limbs intact. I mean, it’s your choice what you do but I know where I’m going,” I jerk my head down a relatively quiet alleyway- shielded by what remains of the buildings- out of sight and out of mind, “You coming?”

Neil swallows, eyes flickering hesitantly away. Before, with final, timid reluctance, “Fine.”

“Good.” I shift to grab just his arm, “Then keep up.”

Here’s another fun side fact- ‘Quinn’ is now one of the three main reporters I use when I go in and test the game myself. They’re a bit different now, having evolved as my own character much like the story itself. (Though, one other MC I often use to run my own tests is much like the one you see here- Lenora, as I’ve named her.)

I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I really wanted to include something like this and was looking into some way to put it in.

Well… depends on two things mainly- 1. Your first impression (Yolanda is fairly quick to judge). 2. How you treat the relationship from then on. (If you don’t make it clear that you’re looking for more than just ‘fun’ then she certainly won’t be the one to take that step into something more serious.)

Glad to help with the hype. :wink:

I hope that it’ll be worth the wait when I put it up!


OMG I can just see my character finding every possible way to bring up Lucy to everyone :laughing:


And how should i “impress” her? :smile: And also from No.2, do you mean i have to be the one to initiate a serious relationship with her in order to progress with her? :thinking:


I smell fanart.

To be honest I used to use the same name for all my play throughs no matter what the game but then I decided to just go with a present cause it turned out to be a lot more fun for role playing. I use Janie Day as the real name instead of the alias and she is basically who I am committed to for this game. She’s even got a character planning sheet next to the other characters in my sketch book.

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I wanna draw something for your story but I don’t know what


I, uh, be careful with that.

Especially characters the MC used to know.

But, y’know, have fun with it. See how well… that… goes…

Waltz is mostly impressed by intelligence and eloquence- also respect. If you respect her, she’ll respect you. And respect is a big part of a relationship with Waltz.

It might be partially due to her slight narcissism (or maybe her standards are just too high, haha) but she really doesn’t… converse with people she doesn’t respect, let alone entertain the prospect of dating them.

Kinda?? Waltz can (and maybe even will, if she respects a female MC and you’re going to interview her) be the one to flirt first and initiate the relationship… but she won’t really think of it as a serious relationship as first. If you want it to develop into something more then the MC is gonna have to coax her towards the idea of something a bit more serious.

It’s a good smell.

Oh that’s so cool! I love hearing about people’s MCs so if you ever want to share anything about her then I’d be happy to hear!

I sorta ended up doing something similar when it came to sticking to these characters for play-tests- and maybe even slipped the three test-MCs I mainly use into the story as very minor background characters (they may or may not be the Rust workers that the MC overhears when they get their first case that got them into Finley’s good graces, as you’ll see, haha.)

Even if that’s the only time they come up, it’s my sorta nod to them as I’ve grown attached to my tiny test-MCs. (Glen, Quinn, and Lenora)

I would adore seeing it if you did so! And I’m super flattered you’d even consider it! :blush:


I’ll post the character sheets once I figure out how to draw again. Or when I have a few more done and more flushed out.

Well they probably get payed better than the mc so they have to be doing something right.


Ahhh okay. I’ll try that when there’s a new update to the game :wink: thanks for the tip!

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I’ve doodled my MC a few times but definitely not happy with her yet hahaha :stuck_out_tongue: if I ever get around making a version that I like I’ll try to post (unless you want my office doodles)

But definitely once I’m done with my other fanfics I can share (if you don’t mind written fan stuff that is)


Fanfics of female mc and lucy please? :joy: if you dont wanna is ok too :slight_smile: Im just teasing


It’s not so much a crusade so much as it is my destiny!!! Huzzah!!!


Honestly, I’m so hyped for this game that the other night I dreamed it was fully finished. I was a little sad when I woke up and remembered not yet… :sob:

That being said, I’m incredibly in love with the story’s concept and characters as a whole so far. I wanna date everybody.


Nothing quite like a good crusade on the hearts of adorable characters, right?