Model Citizens: Unmasked (WIP - Update March 11, 2022)

Well, that’s more a matter of the MC not having the finances at this very moment. You’ll have the option in several points in the game to improve different aspects of the MC’s life and equipment. Each of which with their own benefits. (Better housing, clothes, and cars can help with reputation, better cameras, recorders, etc. can help with the quality of the articles that the MC produces, better self-defense items can help with the MCs… interactions with some of their more powerful interviewees, etc.)

Essentially the player starts at a point in the MCs life where they’ve worked enough to get all of these at the very basic level, and now that they’ve gotten each the player can choose which to improve by expending their money as time goes on.

So, really, the MC has been improving their life, just slowly because The Rust doesn’t really pay much and you’ll have to pick and choose what’s most important as you go on.

This isn’t really clear in what’s up right now, so it probably does seem like the MC is just kind of okay with their situation- but that definitely doesn’t have to be the case. And won’t be, as you’ll have the chance to improve the MC’s lifestyle as time goes on.

Well, that depends on the MC you play. If you play an MC who isn’t very ambitious then… well, yes, I’d agree it’d be hard to romance someone like Lucy who does have a lot of ambition and plans for the future and doesn’t really mesh well with a more ambivalent personality.

But the MC can be fairly ambitious in the game, and aim to utilize even their current situation to make some pretty major changes. (From imposing new rules and regulations on the hero and villain communities, to swaying public opinion, to even just furthering their own standing in society, to maybe even aiding or taking down a certain hero or villain. Keep in mind that media is a pretty powerful tool.)

So you can just write articles for the sake of writing articles, do it because it’s a job and that’s all the MC cares about, but there will be options to go after a larger goal. There already kind of is a larger mystery that the MC has to solve that’s propelled even the most apathetic MCs into working for The Rust, it just hasn’t really been revealed yet because… well, the game is still in its earliest stages.

But, yeah, I hope that assuages some of your worries. The MC definitely doesn’t have to be ok with their situation! And will have options to both have different ambitions and work towards a better living situation in the future!

Huh, really? Yeah, looks like it! Never knew. (Learn something new everyday, I guess!)


Would… would the second not be cannibalism?

Well, I guess it depends on what dead thing your eating.
Technically the second could just be eating a club sandwich at 3 AM in an old cafe that you pulled over to on the highway because you’ve been driving for 12 hours since the GPS took you into some backwoods town with a bunch of ducks trapped behind a fence squawking angrily at you through the window while you have no idea where you are or why you’re there.

Pure. Chaos.

You can never have enough weird alternate realities.

[spoiler]I mean, even if you did, nobody could ever meet up to Phil’s standards of living.

Well, it wasn’t out of jealousy. There’s a reason but it involves some heavy spoilers for the plot of the last book… which means it involves some heavy spoilers for this book too, I guess, since it’s technically part of what leads up to… everything. :sweat_smile:

I mean, Female Likewise would still probably blackmail Ricky if she could… any Likewise would. Any Likewise would blackmail anybody if they could. Blackmail is wholesome fun for the whole family.

Sadly there won’t be any Informant in the next update. The next one is the second (and last) half of the Chat Blanc party. So the unveiling of the statue, the interview with Yolanda/Q&A/chat with a little somebody (depending on how you got into party), and all that jazz. The Informant will probably show up either in the update after that or the one after that one- I know when he shows up but I seem to have a tendency to make certain scenes longer than anticipated. :sweat_smile: Which means it might be a bit longer before he pops his head back into the plot.

For some reason my brain twisted up the order of your words and I just read “I’d kill Ricky”. Which, I mean, okay, got some chaotic MCs out there I see…

Anyway… Ha! I can see that being something the MC would ask if they romanced Ricky. Oh, geez, that’d be something very funny. (Especially if he was just bs-ing the MC to see what their reaction would be by saying ‘yes’.)

Lucy would team up with the MC to put Likewise in jail as the psychotic cereal killer they are. Raf would wonder what the hell is going on.

Sure, because the MC could probably lie and say it’s all on purpose.

Well, they could all go on a vacation to Tahiti, then the problem is solved.[/spoiler]

But what could ever be as exciting as the deadliest game of Hide and Seek?

Hmm, that might work. Especially considering the second case is going to be the Oppenheimer case. (Just makes most sense, considering that’s the one the MC was working on before they got the Red Light call).

Could have a good defusing the bomb scene. Have the MC choose whether or not they want to try to save everyone by getting rid of the bomb or save everyone by getting them all out of the building before it goes off. Either way could lead to some tension and a time-based puzzle-type section. And if the MC fails then it could lead to…

Alright… I have a couple of ideas now. :smile:


When will we talk to Lucile?? She sounds interesting.


Word, I literally came down in the comment section to say that, and you beat me to the punch😂 Because all I see if RAF and Ricky lmbo


Yeah all I’ve read so far is Ricky or raf. Lucy needs some time in te spotlight.


If you really liked her, you would know she doesn’t like being called Lucille :stuck_out_tongue:.
And if you guys want to know more about her, just ask @RenaB. She ( sorry if it’s the wrong pronoun, if it’s wrong I will change) is answering the question others users ask her, she answered all my question about Lucy. It’s just the majority ask her about Ricky and RAF.

I’m gladly to read it, now the MC is becoming more interesting :slight_smile:

I really liked this part.

Yep, fears assuaged, I’m more excited for the game now.

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The player will meet Lucy (face to face, that is) depending on who they chose to be their ex. So some will get to interact with her sooner than others but that being said it should be relatively soon either way. (Within the first chapter, as I want to get everyone introduced sometime in there.)

But, yeah, like @Urban said I’m more than happy to answer any questions you guys have about Lucy! (Or if you just wanna talk about her in hypotheticals, I love talking about the characters because it’s fun and also just helps me know and solidify who they are as a person and how they’d react to different situations.)

You’re all good! I use she/her, so you’re correct!

I’m really excited for it, too. I want to let the player sorta have an influence on Nickelport and change the way the people within it react and interact with the different elements of the story. Never underestimate the power of news!

Yay! I’m glad!

If you ever have any more questions/concerns/comments, I’ll gladly answer them! :smile:


True it may not be the most suitable for every super-villain, but I think likewise would be an exception here since his power is to mimic and steal other super-powered people’s powers, right?
So if we capture him while he has borrowed a not all that impressive power that can be adequately protected against, he becomes just a normal, albeit very dangerous man and if you staff the facility with ordinary humans there would be no other powers for him to borrow.
Trick is getting the location and timing right, while he only has an active power that can be dealt with and there are no other super-powered individuals in the vicinity.

Arg, so torn now I wanna see it Ricky as the sidekick, even though he wouldn’t be useful and would only be causing us more work and trouble. :laughing:


ATTENTION EVERYONE! I HAVE NOTHING IMPORTANT TO ADD! except i annexed Canada and maybe the all of the Caribbean also i have added the pits self destruct room guarded by one very sleepy security guard and watcheted by a camera that has a very big blind spot

uses reality manipulating powers to walk to the moon

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That sounds amazing :joy:

Ugh omg… I’d probably say profiles though since everyone focuses on the face so you can get away with bad hands (and you could just cover them up if they’re really that bad) but less so with profiles

Thank you! :grin: Had a lot of fun coloring Yolanda (told myself I’d go easy on the highlighting/contouring but that didn’t happen… Just like when I say I would on my own face irl… But hey, you can never have too much glitter, right?)

Well… Not exactly, but he’ll get better

And speaking of him…

I’ve always wanted to do one of those ‘draw the otp/3’ things. Unfortunately can’t find the original source for this anymore since even in the original image the signature got cropped out :(((((

Wesley: You’re scamming him?
Self Insert: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him.
Wesley: What? No way!
SI: Why not? We already stole a cat.
Elaine: Hey, guys.
Wesley: No, we didn’t. Elaine’s a giant talking cat, she can do whatever she wants.
Elaine: I wanna steal.

From Over The Garden Wall

Wesley! He’s my “”“canon”“” MC but I’ve been neglecting him so much… In my headcanon Black Cat (aka Evil Self Insert) exists in his universe. In the self insert MC’s, he’s just a normal dude trying to have a normal life but is failing horribly at it because he lives in Nickleport and has a giant hairless cat monster for a roommate

(Is this picture the ‘Wesley MC + Black Cat’ universe or the ‘self insert MC + Wesley the guy with a roommate who’s a cat’ universe? Who knows)


Yes, that’s correct (and nullify powers as well). But it’d still be pretty hard just to get Likewise.

Well, then again, that is the MCs specialty so… I guess if anyone is going to kidnap a supervillain.

I can just see how your MCs walls are littered with little stick notes and strings, all plotting out how to capture a super villain, who would be best to capture, and how to brainwash them to do his bidding.

I’d say this is some kind of Moriarty level of forethought but…
Technically it already is.

Ha! Well, I can see if I can work it in… Even as a spoof of some kind.

Sounds like some good planning to me!

I’m going to take a wild guess and say that you’re probably going to name the cat that.

It was! Especially because some of them got really weird. Like an umbrella alien where the hook was just this giant eye. And then she started to mix them together and make hyper-realistic alien birds with flesh-feathers…

Beautiful, funny, and terrifying!

Could always just cover everything with hair. Cliche-metal-rocker-style.

Yolanda wholeheartedly agrees with that statement. And, honestly, there’s no way she’d ever go out without makeup, so it’s pretty accurate. :wink:

What are you talking about?? He looks fine!

Beautiful… just… beautiful. (Poor guy looks so confused about what is going on. :sweat_smile: Buck up, Rick, I’m sure sanity will return sometime soon…)

Also, that begets the question, if it’s one person, but two versions of that same person, involved, is it an ot3 or an otp? (Important philosophical questions that must be answered with deep intellectual thought…)

This feels like the set-up for a sitcom. “One man alone in his room trying to make a living and lead a normal life… but there’s just one problem” (cue the cheesy 80s sitcom music) “My Roomate’s A Giant Cat Monster”

Also I love how serious SI-MC looks when talking about stealing with Elaine. Because this is the kind of business that must be taken with the utmost severity.

Maybe… it’s both? At the interdimensional rift that put all the alternate MCs with the Nickelport MCs these two worlds also converged.


Sorry this is so unrelated to the current conversation and super abrupt and probably a little behind but am I correct in saying that MCU is on the list of COG releases this year?? That’s awesome, @RenaB! I’m so happy for you and really excited and actually a little surprised, just because it feels like this WIP hasn’t been up for super long, but you’ve probably been working on it since wayyyyy before any of us have seen it. Anyway, congratulations! :tada:

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I was extraordinarily confused at first when I saw this :sweat_smile:

I had to check the upcoming COG page because last I checked I was still writing the first chapter, haha. Now I’m laughing a bit because it looks like there’s a separate game called Unmasked about superheroes and reporters… well.

I’m gonna guess that’s a new thing on there because I hadn’t seen it before I started this game and probably would have renamed mine to avoid confusion.

So uh, no, that isn’t the game (it’d be cool if I could write that fast, though!)

But I guess I have to rename this now? (I don’t particularly care either way, so long as the Model Citizens part stays. I will want to see if there’s anything else I can think up that starts with ‘Un’ though, cause I had a theme planned out for the other books but I can probably think of something else…?)

But yeah! Thats a different game, apparently. Model Citizens, sadly, isn’t that far along. Yet! :smile:


Wow lol I had a feeling I might’ve been mistaken but it sounded exactly like MCU so I figured it couldn’t have been a different thing. But I don’t know why I jumped to that conclusion so quickly, since, as you said, you’re still in the early stages of writing the thing. :flushed:

Anyway, if you’re taking suggestions for a new name:
Model Citizens: Exposed
Model Citizens: Unveiled
Model Citizens: Revealed
Model Citizens: Exposé
Model Citizens: The Journalist
Model Citizens: Choice of a Journalist

I don’t particularly love any of them I’m just brainstorming.


Aha, don’t worry about it! You’re all good! :smile:

Hmm, all good suggestions. I’ll mull over it for a while but, in the end, we’ll see if it even needs to be changed. It might be fine as is but it’s just something to keep in the back pocket for right now so we can keep it in mind as everything moves down the road.

But you’re all good, so don’t worry about it at all!

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Model Citizens: AwkwardNature :grin::grin: Can’t hurt for trying ay?


I would use it but it’s just too good a name. I’m not sure the game could ever live up to that kind of quality. :grin:

Also, for some reason, the acronym of that makes me think of a bird call. MCAN. Like a “M’caw” type of call, but “M’can”! A very positive, go-getter bird I suppose?

Weird thoughts.


I that’s the best turn down ever, done so sweetly​:joy::joy::joy:


A few days ago, I checked out the releases page, so I knew what @freelance was referring to.
But I decided to keep quiet and see how things would go.

It was hilarious XD Just thinking about the potential outcomes of the conversation had me laughing for a good half minute XD


lol that’s definitely something that would happen to me, you waited for someone to embarrass themselves first, and it was me! :joy:


Would eating a zombie be considered cannibalism? I mean, technically they aren’t human anymore.

Are you speaking from personal experience?

That probably explains the irradiated leeches and that bottle of absinthe…

Marvel is proof!

[spoiler]Why does Phil get all of the good stuff?

Knew it! And spoilers, boo!

Everybody loves Likewise. Arson, murder, and poisoning via sugar are also wholesome family fun. Does that mean Likewise would try to blackmail MC at any point in this story?

I want to know who the mastermind behind the sugar poisoning is. Was it you Yolanda?! Someone’s probably going to cackle maniacally while everyone else is vomiting up rainbows. Time to play Clue.

Please tell me MC will have the chance to be adorably awkward and be endearing. Or weasel a name out of Informant…

I imagine MC probably told Ricky that they’d kill him if he ever broke their heart when MC started blackmailing Ricky. So, what if MC tells Ricky to prove it? I mean Ricky would have to do something unless he wants MC to never take him seriously.

Oh Raf, the things you have to put up with…

But MC would never be able to answer, “How did you even get up here?”

Is Lucy capable of relaxing?[/spoiler]

This is about that How Not to Be Seen class isn’t it.

You could also have Ricky be a damsel in distress, MC will be the knight in shining armor on an imaginary steed of sarcasm and sass. Ricky will be so happy… :hugging: