Mind Blind (04/30 Demo Update. A Story Where You Are NOT The Chosen One!)

Ahahaha… omg. You keep doing this to us.

Those visions tho. Anxiety: rising. …which is pretty damn impressive since it was sky high already since the last update. Mind Blind: The game that will mess with your blood pressure.

Found an issue with the dialogue options if you accept a ride from Lev (unmarked spoilers behind cut):


See the almost identical second and third dialogue options? The first gets you somewhere neutral, and the second has Button be a sad little pine tree over Sally.

For context, I got this accepting a ride from Lev with a Button who’s been swooning over Kim and shown no interest in anyone else. This isn’t an issue in and of itself, since you’ve been free to admire every RO you come across. It’s just that there’s no “here there be pines!” indicator on the Sally option.

I’m assuming code gremlins.


I don’t know about anyone else but I personally would like to see options where the character can be more of a quiet romantic instead of in your face kind of romantic. Like maybe just walk over and help k with their tie and be a little shy about it or when we stop at K’s house maybe include an option to still be firm about helping the dogs but still can’t look him in the eye. Or before the test with the MC and their AMO to just be able to ask K shyly if they wouldn’t mind helping them win.


I actually wouldn’t mind an option where we are alittle bit nicer to K during the test. We don’t really get a whole lot of nice options like yeah they didnt tell us but we didnt exactly ask lol.


I found had a glitch in the stats.


That’s no glitch, that’s Nick’s love for you.


If you mean Nicky’s relationship bar. That’s no Glitch. :wink:


Actually it does say Glitch so…

Sorry I couldn’t resist.


The most recent chapter transition image when you don’t like Nick doesn’t show up


While I approve of the existence of Sally’s crush on Nick in the story, I can’t help but be grossed out as mc because I’m getting intrusive thoughts of my best friend and my brother smooching, neither of which do I want to think about lmao
I’m gonna have my mc romance Gray to give Nick the same dillema :p.


I love your WIP, I think the way you let the player design the personality and explore personal relationships is really amazing.
@Sel_Lee the only appropriate response. Saint Nick has to learn the consequences of his actions.


He’s an overachiever.


That part was already in there when Glitch’s route home was first uploaded! I tried it once just to see what would happen, but I don’t think my Button would ever actually fake-propose so soon lol, unless Glitch was safely in the friendzone! So far he’s not though :eyes:

I have to agree: Button/Glitch interactions are pretty great! :heart:

I read through all the visions, and none of them seem to be super great regardless of which one you choose…I’m scared now :fearful:

For my Snickly people, how do you feel about it now, given the circumstances? At one point I was all for it, but now my Button is all :grimacing: :grimacing: at the concept of being a conduit of Snickly’s romantic tension for the foreseeable future.

Also…I felt kinda weird about how Sally just like…changed into Nick’s old sweater (at least in my playthough) after her shower. I get that she’s supposed to be like family, but dang that was a little too familiar for me. :grimacing:


Ugh sally should be wearing mcs sweaters tho


Did they change something recently? For me she changed into my MC’s sweater. Maybe its because your character was a girl or something or I just read it wrong.

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Sally only wears Nick’s sweater if you’re trying to set them up. Otherwise, she wears MC’s sweater.


How do you set them up?? I thought I had my Button doing that, but Sally came out in one of his Giant sweaters lol.


I’m curious about this as well, since so far the pairing doesn’t seem too popular. So let’s put it to a vote! I’m open to reworking the current execution. (As of five seconds ago, for example, you can now decide to matchmake the two without eavesdropping. As it currently stands, Sally still needs to enter first, but I’ll probably change that too after reading comments.)

Snickly, Yea or Nay?
  • Yea.
  • Nay.
  • Hey (i.e. “Not setting the two up personally, but otherwise don’t really care”)
0 voters

Also, please consider leaving comments on this thread with specifics. What about their dynamic do you like/dislike? What could make it better? Would your opinion be different if Sally wasn’t an RO? Reading targeted feedback helps me improve. And I do read it all, even if I often don’t have time to respond!

For those trying to set up Sally and Nick: It only works if you’re not in love with her.

Also, major thanks to everyone for reporting typos and bugs! I think I’ve now fixed all the issues reported on the forum, other than maybe the one missing chapter image–I reuploaded the file, but it still doesn’t seem to working and I can’t figure out why. Maybe I’m subconsciously projecting via bad coding the fact that that route makes me sad? :sweat_smile:

I’ll give some thought into people’s suggestions about Kent’s tie, although I think the best thing would to have that option appear in a later scene to demonstrate that the relationship between the two is growing closer (especially since Kenna needs a comparable option). I’ll also consider more positive responses to K’s reappearance in Chapter 2 despite the fact what a Ment not revealing they can read Button’s mind is suuuuper unethical. Button can be not bothered, but objectively speaking the whole thing is pretty sketch.


I kinda viewed it as a “You didnt ask I didnt tell” kinda thing. So my MC would be embarrassed but not offended per say. Especially since he basically was planning a wedding and K just stood there listening lol. I’d like an option where we just simply greet them again though. Kinda like the flirt option but without being a total creep about it :joy:
As for Sally Nick set up my MC is going for it. I did find it weird she was wearing one of his shirts without at least asking though. Kinda just felt weird.


That makes sense! I’ll take another look at the passages. A more neutral response shouldn’t be too difficult to include.


Damn was hoping for way more nays