Mind Blind (04/30 Demo Update. A Story Where You Are NOT The Chosen One!)

I’m curious about this as well, since so far the pairing doesn’t seem too popular. So let’s put it to a vote! I’m open to reworking the current execution. (As of five seconds ago, for example, you can now decide to matchmake the two without eavesdropping. As it currently stands, Sally still needs to enter first, but I’ll probably change that too after reading comments.)

Snickly, Yea or Nay?
  • Yea.
  • Nay.
  • Hey (i.e. “Not setting the two up personally, but otherwise don’t really care”)
0 voters

Also, please consider leaving comments on this thread with specifics. What about their dynamic do you like/dislike? What could make it better? Would your opinion be different if Sally wasn’t an RO? Reading targeted feedback helps me improve. And I do read it all, even if I often don’t have time to respond!

For those trying to set up Sally and Nick: It only works if you’re not in love with her.

Also, major thanks to everyone for reporting typos and bugs! I think I’ve now fixed all the issues reported on the forum, other than maybe the one missing chapter image–I reuploaded the file, but it still doesn’t seem to working and I can’t figure out why. Maybe I’m subconsciously projecting via bad coding the fact that that route makes me sad? :sweat_smile:

I’ll give some thought into people’s suggestions about Kent’s tie, although I think the best thing would to have that option appear in a later scene to demonstrate that the relationship between the two is growing closer (especially since Kenna needs a comparable option). I’ll also consider more positive responses to K’s reappearance in Chapter 2 despite the fact what a Ment not revealing they can read Button’s mind is suuuuper unethical. Button can be not bothered, but objectively speaking the whole thing is pretty sketch.