Heads up, the images aren’t working on the new site. Couldn’t see Kent’s form, or a certain special letter in later chapters
There is an infinite loading bug at the end of ch10. Other that that, perfect. I havent been this hyped for a game since Breach)
I’m so happy to see news on this game!! Been following it since the first demo dropped and genuinely have not gotten it out of my head since. The new content is feeding me so well!! Small question; on the Tumblr Update post it mentions the public demo should be playable until chapter 12 but my game doesn’t go past chapter 11. (POTENTIAL SPOILERS: It ends after getting home from Andy abducting my Button - I’m also on a romance run with Kent, in case that makes a difference c:)
Yea i just finished a playthrough with the updated public demo and also ended on 11. Saw the tumblr update say its till 12 so I’m curious about this as well.
Some days, I’ll find myself thinking about Mind Blind. I’m glad the game is finished and the demos have been updated. I can’t wait for the release. I still believe that with its plot, this game could even make it to the cinema or Netflix
I would pay to see Rosy on the big screen
To those willing to play a MC who hates ments and is planning on siding with Vengeance, kudos to you cause I just can’t do it I could only imagine what Nick would say about their little sibling hating them
I fully, 100% could do it just for Andy alone. In a heartbeat and without blinking an eye.
so happy to see that there was an update!
the game ended for me right when I am compelled to go to the restroom. “Play Again” page immediately follows this section for me.
edit: thank you @Bullets ! I tried not loading any saves and just playing it straight through and I was able to pass the bug and proceed into the next chapter
It could be a cogdemos bug as I’ve encountered similar bugs on a couple other wips. Reloading a save (made on the current version of said wips) seemed to fix the issue.
Anybody know if the Patreon demo is further along than the public update?
It’s done. Public beta is expected during the spring
anybody know how to win against rosy test other than blinding K with hotsauce and asking for glitch help?
Insight 25/mapping the dimensions of the room and locking the door shut.
A fake vision of K’s dogs works as well
How the heck you blind with hot sauce?
Oop- found a bug, my game ended after going undercover with Kent at the restaurant.
Reload a prior save/refresh site and restart are a couple of solutions.
You get it with one of the breakfasts that Nick makes for Button and put it in a perfume bottle. Everybody hates it though, but I remember that being the first time I ever gut busted laughing at an IF because it was just so unhinged lol. Anything for the win.
That’s so random but also hilarious, lol thanks
how do I (successfully) romance Kim? our relationship bar is stuck around 20%