Mass Mother Murderer (renamed to The Pernicious Panacea)

Agh, foiled again by the need to keep readers in suspense! Oh well, guess I’ll just have to play the game when it comes out and find out for myself…

Oh wait, also that reminds me. Is there going to be a weapon that adds to stealth? Cause that’s the main stat I like to go for and none of the weapon choices were very stealthy. Maybe like a dagger we can keep in our boot or something? I just like making MC’s that are literal backstabbers.


Good suggestion. I’ll do some brainstorming and add a particularly stealthy weapon to the choices. I’ll also add an automatic dagger.

Also, shout out to @PisceanLover for dropping 50 likes on this thread. :ok_hand:


Who wouldn`t like this interesting WIP.
I have a question tho, what would the MC be like if Edina was actually a loving mother?


You know what’s up. :wink:

Good question. They’d still be a psychopath, just less traumatised and bitter. So still selfish, callous, conniving, and manipulative like how they are to the other villagers in chapter 1, but not necessarily a straight up serial killer who wants to torture, mutilate, and murder their mother.


@Samuel_H_Young Expect so much feedback from the update later tonight that you’ll probably want to kill me.


My body isn’t ready. :stuck_out_tongue:


I imagine they would still be a psychopath
but just replace their desire for vengeance with a desire to advance in society and replace their utter scorn for everyone around them with a more apathetic attitude.


To an extent, but they likely couldn’t resist fucking shit up one way or another, just not “murdering several people ruthlessly in a week” kind of fucking shit up. :stuck_out_tongue:

You tease :joy:


Getting “Youjo senki” vibes

Okay now I’ll hide in my otaku corner, I did my mission.

I just looked it up and it looks really interesting. It does seem a bit similar as far as the morals of the protagonists go.

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Why must you tease us with these cliffhangers!?


@Samuel_H_Young :joy: My apologies; I had fallen asleep and my day had not given me the time until now.

The new update was quite the pleasant surprise. I had known, of course, you were going to have us participate in the investigations against ourselves, but, honestly, I was not expecting this level of choice. It was so satifyingly fun to watch my fellow guardsmen struggle with attempting to find out where this missing person is. It was also intriguing, equally so, to try and piece that together myself. How did we take her so…expertly? Of course, there’s that little mistake we made, but, for our first ever victim extraction, id say we did excellent, all things considered. What I want to know now is where the hell we are keeping her, and just what options you’ll present us with to carry out our first kill, whether it’s her or not.

But the options already here? Oh, I betcha I’m one of the only ones who intentionally chose to have our character fail slightly to contain their rage after that sunshine bastard discovered the only piece of evidence we failed to berid of. Very great role-playing opportunities here; I hope we continue to see more of this, as I, personally, am going for a more angry, driven and focused character than the mere brash ass we’re kind of being nudged into being (you could probably tell from that piece I wrote :sweat_smile:).

All in all, consider this a good first update. Sorry this isn’t as much as I had originally intended.


@Voldy Damn, you saying that (the thing with the evidence being found and us not hiding it well enough) reminds me of Saw we are kinda like Hoffman in that sense.


Just messing with you. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad you liked it! There will be a lot more investigating throughout the story, and in several different forms, too, as more villagers start to disappear. Margo will finally be introduced in the very end of Chapter 2, but I’m having fun with the sort of mysterious atmosphere. :innocent:

I’m a cliffhanger-loving bastard. :woman_shrugging:


they would still be a psychopath, they are purely born not made.

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Lol I know psychopaths are born, I just wanted to know if their motivations/goals would be any different.

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Yes, they might still kill people eventually, but probably not as many and it would be out of curiosity rather than revenge.

Also, big news: I’ve decided to extend this into a trilogy, with lots of big events happening after the planned climax of this installment. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Can we make a Faustian pact to achieve more power?

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More evil!!!


The devil doesn’t exist in this world but there is the Netherworld with lots of demons. :stuck_out_tongue: