Mass Mother Murderer (renamed to The Pernicious Panacea)

You’ll have to wait and see. :slight_smile:



On one of the sites I frequent there are numerous authors who are psychopaths.
Also random fact 1 in 5 ceo’s are apparently a psychopaths.


I believe it. :confused: I’m sure the number of psychopaths/ and sociopaths in governments and police forces are disproportionately high, too.

I should say, though, that I’m basically the opposite of a psychopath or sociopath in real life, lol. I have anger issues but I’m also a vegan who cried when he couldn’t save a little bird who fell out of his nest the other day. :innocent:



That is both fascinating and true. :grin: (A quick google search and you can find the study that discovered this.)

But you tease! :smile: Which site is it, pray tell?


qoura (twenty characters)


remember that sociopath don’t know remorse…

beyond that…I’m REALLY TRAUMATISED! couldn’t make a choice there…so gonna pass on the story . But that mean you have something good there , good luck! :grin:

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You’re thinking of psychopaths. Sociopaths have warped senses of morality but can feel remorse, empathy, and love to certain extents. Multiple people have tried to lecture me on this but it’s not an opinion, lol.

Thanks! This story isn’t for everyone but I appreciate you trying it out.


wasn’t trying to lecture you . And to me , they are the same . Again…not gonna open a debate about this .
Of course , if my best friend was still alive (passed away in november due to cancer)…I think you would’ve loved to exchange on the subject . She was a criminologue , and made her life study of psychopath and sociopath (and mostly serial killer) .


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Pop culture waters the terms down and uses them interchangeably, because they’re very similar, but there are important differences between the two and they’re distinctly different medical terms.

Yes, that must have been an extremely interesting career!


Ha! If there was one place I didn’t expect to see the word Quora, it would be here. There are indeed some writers on there who are psychopaths.


Mind you, not all psychopaths are killers, or even all killers will become serial killers.

On top of that, psychopathy does have different levels, meaning while someone may share a few traits, they are not necessarily a pure psychopath themselves. More importantly people like to confuse psychopath and mental illness as the same. Psychopaths aren’t crazy. They understand enough to get when they do something wrong, but don’t really feel bad about it.

Most people do have at least some psychopathic traits. Myself included. Yet, I don’t think even that’s enough that I could be labeled as complete scum by societal standards. I treat my dog well, I stay away from hardcore drugs, and I work hard at my job even though it really sucks. Later today, I’m going to go volunteer at the food bank for a couple of hours.

All the same, some psychopathic traits aren’t enough to make someone a psychopath. I can’t be sure if I really am a borderline one or that just comes from my Asperger’s Syndrome. Even then. I always thought those things should be an explanation of behavior as opposed to being an excuse for them.

That’s what separates me, who is in the group of people of people who are actually diagnosed with it, from the people in modern society who diagnose themselves with it and use it to justify behavior they know is being a jerk.

My brain still definitely works in a different world from most to be clear. I don’t think “I wish I could be like everyone else” I think “Why am I supposed to care about this in the first place?”


Yeah I definitely agree with all that. There are millions (hell, more like billions) of people who do terrible things on a regular basis but feel guilty about it and try to rationalize it one way or another. Psychopaths wouldn’t even bother because they simply don’t care.

I’ve got aspergers too. :+1:


Want to try your game someday. I really like when indie developers finish their demos or game. Its so cool that you can create what you imagine

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I have Aspergers as well.


Before what I figured out what exactly being a psychopathy meant I thought it was a way to describe serial killer (since i watched alot criminal minds and EVERY killer is a psychopathy according to the FBI in the show) then i started reading about serial killers on Wikipedia which then lead me to looking at psychopathy and sociopaths which then led me to follow some writers that are psychopaths and now im educated about it ish

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So, it will likely be something like a year til I even start writing the climax of MMM, but I’ve nevertheless been brainstorming some supervillain names for the MC. You’ll be able to input your name if you choose, of course, but what do you think of these aliases?

  • Demonizer
  • Womanizer
  • Black Phantom
  • Voodoo Virus
  • Raven Slayer
  • Dress-Up Butcher
  • Midnight Specter
  • Doll-maker

If you have suggestions of your own, feel free to let me know!


I like Black Phantom

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Heh. Demonizer just has me picturing the mc posing very provocatively at a (very unamused) demon in knee high boots and fish nets. Ha, moving on, I much prefer Black Phantom.



Lol :joy: like a womanizer? I was going going for the traditional definition: “portray as wicked and threatening”


Oh, shit. Womanizer.

It sounds silly, but all things considered of what the character does and the things they do, it actually takes on a pretty dark tone.