Love Interests in Choice of Games or Hosted Games

@Vladthe_Grim, YES!!! And here i thought i was the only one who cannot choose more than one partner in gamebooks, i really love achieving all of the achievements but it is really hard to choose another person when there is that one person who already stole your heart, well… temptations still exist though^-^

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Somebody understands me!!! (Huhu, so happy! XD) Yeah, I am so loyal to the end because I know exactly who I want from the very beggining. Although, once, I debated between Breeze and Oli in Versus (Oli was kind of late but glad no hooking up with Breeze since I reserved my options when I changed my mind)-and then I learned I was automatically paired with Breeze instead of Oli, I trashed my room and rotted in my room for 3 days (playing only song 'Sorry for everything…). That is how heavily affected I am by just 1 character. I can’t help but think why people are not satisfied with just one :C. It’s unsettling and thing is, I am not very affected by new temptations when I have one true bae. ;p.
Somehow, I only fell for the earlier characters (book 1 characters)


There’s a lot but here are my faves

Semryu from Way Walkers. My favorite romance of all! Bad boy in a good way. His romance is so sweet and hot at the same time. Played through his romance countless time already!

Garrett Finch from A Study In Steampunk. If I were to choose a romance second to Sem, it would be Finch. I like the fact that in the start, he was very cold but when you romance him, he gets very open and vulnerable. +++ Very awesome and loving

Evan Ecstasy from Slammed! Ughh no words needed. Very cute romance. Very supporting as well.

Honorable Mentions:
Black Magic from Heroes Rise
Silvanus from Fatehaven
Stunner from Community College Hero
Oli from Versus
Hawkins from Mecha Ace


A few memorable love interests cross my mind, but Jenny from Heroes Rise is an unmatched contender for me. :grin::two_hearts:


my favorites from published games would have to be
1.oli from VERSUS
2.Miss caraway from tin star
3.evelyn from slammed
for WIPS i only have 2 Morrigan guenevere and sophia (though she isnt technically romancible yet i still love her personality) from Kingdoms a mans journey


While they arent my absolute favourite romances (not because they are bad, there are just so many others that i like :slight_smile: ) i think that romances in Wise use of Time deserve a mention. I like how all the possible characters had some problems of their own. It made them feel more real by shifting the attention from protagonist to them. That it’s not everything about you.


I liked the romances in that game (never tried romancing Raj though, hes a jerk) but the whole game was so linear that even the romances couldn’t save it for me


Hm that’s many ROs tbh… (okay compared to the number of games and wips I played maybe not that many)

Sem - Way Walkers
Larry - Magikiras
Sid - So, You’re possessed!
Jury - Heroes Rise (…more because of how it could have been instead of how it really played out…but well can’t get everything)
Caraway and Preston - Tin Star
Vega and Wakefield - Choice of the Deathless
Aaron Salt - Metahuman Inc

Callie and Santiago - Children of Gods
Anara and Blondie Mirabella - Totem Force
Perry - For Peace we Die
Ciro - Elementals
Damon - Team Zero
Josephine and Javier - All: The Replica Series


I couldn’t get enough of meh wuvy dovy Oli so I did this for him! Luv you babey! You are my No. 1 favourite beh! So basically, this cute (#handsome, #beautiful, #omg I need another VERSUS book right now) face right here is how I imagine Oli from Versus. I can’t believe I did this! I am curious as to how others imagine him/her?
Now, I gotta try doing something for Prodigal, Fynch and Black Magic—man, my Black Magic looks like Johny Depp so there is no need to make one for him…


A Favorite Character who didn’t become a love interest because there was already black magic—I really love and respect her.


Choice of Games should make a fan page…


Have you played the third game in Heroes Rise yet…?

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If I hadn’t read the third book, I wouldn’t have loved her enough to painstakingly make a fanart (took me a week), so, yes, I have read the 3rd book.

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The creator of Heroes Rise and Versus, Zachary Sergi has accounts on various social networks so if you want you can post it in one of them too


Shelly from way walkers.I think she is a very interesting girl and she has a super power,I mean who dont want to remember everything they read.

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A bit off topic but do you know how to romance the girl whose name starts with A in way walkers

I think I know the girl about who you are talking .I think you can ask her to go with you at the winter ball but your friend Jun likes her so you better leave her for him.If you want to be a good friend.I hope I helped you and succes at reading.


You can’t. They and Jun are basically soulmates (I think even twin flames if I remember that right?), so nobody can come between them, not even the MC. At most you get the ball but that’s it.

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Well, i hate Jun even more now

My favourite choice of games romance so far is Jess from The Lost Heir Trilogy. I love how she starts off as Cocky and cold-hearted, not opening up to anyone, but slowly warms up to The MC and becomes more trusting of them and becomes a Loving Wife and Mother, while still maintaining that pragmatic and sardonic attitude that makes her who she is.

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Jun from Samurai of Hyuga. I’m a sucker for angst and his obsession is extreme, though a lot of people really, really hate Jun as well. I know that this love love? isn’t going to end well for my little ronin, and that fact both excites and destroys me.
Yiska from Tin Star. This was the first CoG/HG romance I actually cared about, so it deserves a mention. I loved fighting the good fight with him, even if I knew it wouldn’t really make a huge difference in the end. Sadly.
Semryu from Way Walkers University. His character is entertaining, lowkey the only thing that got me through the books honestly. Bah, I’m still buying the next one though!
Patch from Fatehaven. Who doesn’t love him! Silvanus got me on a deep level too, but Patch is… I just want to smoosh my face into his chest and cuddle him all day. It’s strange since Silv is more my type but I ended up leaning towards Patch more.

Mason from Wayhaven Chronicles. To all those complaining that romance isn’t represented enough in CoG/HG games I present to you The Wayhaven Chronicles! :dove::black_heart: Mason’s got my heart in his big vampire hands.
Arthur and Lancelot from Guenevere. My Guen enjoys playing with both of their hearts and I love it. Yesssss, both…

Michael from SoS: The Mortal Coil. I am either an idiot or just love to hate to love. This will most likely change once the whole game is out though. I was going to say Ramiel but realised that I have so many mixed feelings about them.
Spectre from From Ashes We Rise (I really wish this WIP wasn’t locked so I could scream about all the angst and good kind of sadness it’s giving me). There isn’t really any romance in FAWR yet, but I know that my outlaw will definitely be pursuing Spectre. Though I have to admit recently Troy, that damn bastard, is kind of getting to me. I can only see the relationship with Troy being abusive though, probably not a good idea to let my outlaw near them.
Icarus from Icarus Sun. Do I even need a reason?

I have a bad habit of getting much too emotionally involved in WIP’s that aren’t even finished * wheeze *