Life As Ruler:Nexus Island. Kingdom Simulator.450,000-Words! (Full Demo_11 Feb 2025)

Hey there I haven’t touched this WIP since it was first released and a lot has definitely changed. First off congrats on how much work you’ve done and now a warning I will go on a long rant about various aspects and parts of the game in no particular order.

Sperm Race

This was definitely not something a was expecting and quite frankly it was enjoyable the first time, though it seems as though there is only one correct path to choose anything else will result in failure which isn’t as bad since you have an option for us to restart from the beginning, but it does get annoying after the third retry not knowing where I am going wrong.

Character Bio

You have a lot of characters, but then what IF these days doesn’t, you already give us a short one when we meet a new character however if there was a menu for us to go and check when we meet a character that we already met but forgot about that would be nice. An example of such a character would be Natalie, the person we saved from a burning house, after the first scene u don’t recall her being mentioned until the coronation where she just pops out of the blue? This part however is genuine criticism. What the actual f*ck, that scene made me so confused, so somehow we planned this set up where she would pop out and take out our guards claim that she is our half sister. but sike were besties and it was all an act.

Why, what purpose does that scene serve. to be fair I haven’t gotten past that part yet so if there is a good explanation as to why then I’ll get to it eventually I suppose, but there is also the problem that we orchestrated this whole plan yet we as the player who have been in control of the MC since their voyage weren’t even hinted at it? To me at least it just seems as though the scene was forced in to have some action going on and to increase some stats, which brings me to the next part of my rant.


Ok first of all you are the GOAT for allowing us access to your files, some of the comments you made were funny and that song on Suno is pretty decent, despite that I honestly have no idea how you keep track of the variables since they don’t follow a naming scheme that I have ever seen, but you do you if it works then continue on. Now the actual part of this section, stats. They seem like they will play an important role in the future of the game, the main and possibly only part so far in the game where they matter yet is the coronation, however it wasn’t clear beforehand that stats such as Charisma and Intelligence, to name two, were even a thing. That’s on top of the very few chances to actually boost those stats, the earliest I could find was the chat with our father on who would succeed him when we left.

So to make it clear, since these stats exist make it clear they exists and will have an impact on events and increase the chances we have to increase these stats. Also perhaps have the two stats we select as our primary and secondary to give us a boost in those stats, since when I selected leadership as my primary and chose to “traverse this path” with leadership just to get told that leadership apparently wasn’t my forte despite selecting it as one of my primary stats.

Story Stuff

Now as for some things I noted during my most recent playthrough, it seems as though our MC likes to flop over like a dead fish out of water whenever they have to try, that being the keyword, something. The first example that comes to mind is when we find our missing sibling and they put our fathers amulet in some sort of lockbox and we try to open it but our character says something along the lines of “Since I have to try in the first place, I have already failed.” And I’m just what wtf, what are you talking about. How have you already failed by doing nothing but attempting something it doesn’t make any sense. Maybe I missed something from earlier if so please enlighten me. Though I can assure you that the many typos did not affect my comprehension of the story.

Though referencing that same scene, I get the feeling you want there to be some mystery with our sibling but in all honesty you haven’t paid it off at all in my opinion. We don’t get a single answer for their sudden change in demeanor, hell they aren’t even torn about not being able to tell us anything in fact they seem to revel in it, which considering that we are the person they love the most, I find EXTREMLY odd. Also they issue us two challenges and yet our MC already gives up on the first one, but is like I can possibly do the second one, yet doesn’t even attempt it and I didn’t see any option to do so. Which gives me the impression that this is either a story thread that is still being worked on or forgot about, either way that annoys me to no end.

Settlement Management/Resource Management

Ok so I read another comment of someone saying they like the management system, which is good for them however I spent the better part of an hour trying to figure it out by going through different menus until I gave up and just used cheats, which pains me but I wanted to get on with the game. Now I played games like Civ 5 and 6 and many Total War games among others, so resource management isn’t something I am unfamiliar with, but I seem to find that such a complex resource management system doesn’t work well with choice script where everything is text based. So just a suggestion but perhaps either simply this system or have an in-depth guide on how it works and some suggestions on what buildings to start building first.

In the God Mode menu you state that we won’t get the satisfaction from our accomplishments if we don’t work for them. Or something along those lines yet I wasn’t going to from the start since I couldn’t figure out how the system worked in the first place.

Now to end it off I will say that I can’t wait to get out of the dungeon and get revenge on those hypocrites. The nexilion priests state that they oppose tyrants and the like yet when someone refuses to bow before them and acknowledge their authority, they label me as a tyrant and drag me off, even my elite guards didn’t bother to help. Though I labeled myself as an anti-hero earlier in the story, when I get out heads will roll, but not mine.


It means you can get something without working for it. what it doesn’t mean is everyone can see you as one.

Wow. Because I don’t understand English the way I am supposed to, my head is spinning. That’s a long list of many things I have to get straight in my game.

About the mc’s sibling, she is better than the almost everyone because of a certain secret. For that reason , you can’t defeat her in any competition. That what I meant for the reader to understand.

You have have mentioned a lot of things and I need time to compile my best respond offline.

Critiques or criticism, I don’t. If anything I have learned is remove the rotten part of a rotten apple and eat the. That’s another way of me saying I love your feedback. It opened my eyes to a different perspective in my story, one I never knew to exist.

Please, keep 'em coming. I will so do what can be done if I can.


Sorry if the rant was confusing I’ll summarize the main feedback in this post, though I do believe there is some confusion regarding the sibling fight.

Just to be clear, for the ‘sibling’ fight that occurs right after you have been crowned ruler at the coronation, I am not angry at us not winning, quite frankly if there’s a good story reason then it doesn’t matter to me. What does matter is that it comes right out of left field and at least to me seems to be for no reason, though like I mentioned earlier I haven’t gotten past that part since I haven’t got the time yet. Since apparently her and the MC were planning this since the preparations for the coronation, it doesn’t make any sense that us, the readers, aren’t being clued in to this, even some hints of this going on before would go a long way, if you don’t want us the outright know that this is going to happen. Essentially there is no buildup to that scene. Though you state that you wanted the reader to know that she, at least yet, can’t be defeated, though I fell like there is a much better way of going about that, especially if we organized a tournament for the coronation could you not demonstrate that there?

  1. It would be nice to have character bios in a menu in the stats screen so that I can refamiliarize myself with characters I apparently met but forgot about.

  2. Be clearer that stats such as leadership for an example exist. The reason for this is that we don’t have stats bars in the stats menu so I didn’t know they existed until the ‘sibling’ fight where we would get a boost in which ever method we chose. It also confused me when I chose Leadership as my primary stats but got no reaction from the crowd since apparently that stat wasn’t my forte.

  3. The resource management for the game, to me at least, doesn’t seem to translate to well to a text based game such as this. There are two ways I can think of on how to remedy this to varying extends. First off you could create a guide/tutorial on how the system work, how to get certain resources like wood and water, how workers functions and such. Or the system itself could be simplified, and example could be removing the different mines such as iron, graphite and gold mines, then just having different level miners. So a level 1 would mine iron, a level 2 graphite and a level 3 gold. This is just a suggestion.


Hey there I haven’t touched this WIP since it was first released and a lot has definitely changed. First off congrats on how much work you’ve done and now a warning I will go on a long rant about various aspects and parts of the game in no particular order.

Sperm Race

but it does get annoying after the third retry not knowing where I am going wrong.
Even when I play that myself I fail more than five times. I may have created the paths but it gets trick when the sperm reaches the Fallopian tubes. There is no way to tell which tube has the egg or eggs, left or right.
Unless the Mc activate the wayfinder. Because of you that’s now possible. Failure to carry out the intended task will just be deliberation on the player’s part. Thank you for mentioning this one. It’s one of the scenes I enjoy playing, I get to fail at the game of my own making.

Character Bio

however if there was a menu for us to go and check when we meet a character that we already met but forgot about that would be nice.
Done to an extra mile.

*Why, what purpose does that scene serve. to be fair I haven’t gotten past that part yet so if there is a good explanation as to why then I’ll get to it eventually I suppose"
That scene is now optional. You were right about me trying to just force some action. Lately I have realising forcing things on choice games is not a way to go.


since when I selected leadership as my primary and chose to “traverse this path” with leadership just to get told that leadership apparently wasn’t my forte despite selecting it as one of my primary stats.
That part was based on stats that were set in the prologue. I changed the whole scene but forgot the impact it has on the part you mentioned. It’s fixed now.

Story Stuff

I’m just what wtf, what are you talking about. How have you already failed by doing nothing but attempting something it doesn’t make any sense. Maybe I missed something from earlier if so please enlighten me.
I did the mc a favor of not letting them try and do something they can’t possibly do. I mean, how in the world can you open a locker of which the combination you know not. Not to mention, that’s the first locker you have seen in your life. Since this is a game of choices, sure you can try and open it. I will make sure of that. Though if I may say, every time I encountered a choice in any choicescript game that had the word try in it, I ended up failing.

We don’t get a single answer for their sudden change in demeanor, hell they aren’t even torn about not being able to tell us anything in fact they seem to revel in it, which considering that we are the person they love the most, I find EXTREMLY odd.
Maybe one should be wondering what happened to their sibling. What kind of a person dresses in front of a covered mirror? When the Mc tried to uncover one, the sibling stopped. Almost as if they don’t want to look themself in the mirror. There is a reason to everything. To answer the contemplation on the sibling’s change in demeanor, maybe you have missed it since you are already past the coronation. The sibling finally opens up. They tell the Mc almost everything about what happened when they went missing. Since they have a split personality, the Mc doesn’t know the one they are currently talking to isn’t their day to day sibling. If you have watched Marvel’s Moon Knight, tell me what kind of a reaction would the main actor have had if they had met their wife for the first time. Except it wasn’t their wife but their split personality’s.

I can possibly do the second one, yet doesn’t even attempt it and I didn’t see any option to do so.
It won’t be hard to provide such an option. Honestly, it was and is on my to do list. It din’t seem fair to always make the Mc the victim of the morning shower. Though to repeat what I have already mentioned, the MC’s sibling is exceptional in almost everything. That being said, no one can beat them at any competition. Except the Mc and many other seem to think because the sibling has never trained or fought, they may have a chance. The events at and after the coronation says otherwise. As to why that is so, I too longly await for the secret to be revealed in the prologue.

Settlement Management/Resource Management

So just a suggestion but perhaps either simply this system or have an in-depth guide on how it works and some suggestions on what buildings to start building first.
I working on Quests for suggestions on what buildings to start first. I believe it would help the Mc towards the next chapters
As for an in-depth guide I have provided an option called Resourcpedia. It let’s you know how to get any resource needed for any task. I hope it works. I too find myself scratching my head when I think of the steps I have to take to acquire a 100,000 stonebricks. Just so I can build a level one road or bridge. Then I think I have to do this like six times for every level 3 construction. My strength just goes away. It’s one the reasons why I created the God mode.

Everytime I had to restart my game because of a bug, it used to take me from three to six year to complete the bridge and road constructions. Well, not anymore thanks to the MC’s other settlements. Even so, I won’t lie, the first year won’t be easy. Building something from scratch with so little people is no joke.

Please tell me if Resourcpedia works. If it doesn’t, I really need to work on a tutorial feature.

I can’t wait to get out of the dungeon and get revenge on those hypocrites.
Though I labeled myself as an anti-hero earlier in the story, when I get out heads will roll, but not mine.
I’m not saying it’s impossible, I am finding it hard to facilitate the options that will let the MC do exactly that. Against their firepower, the Mc stands no chance. I can totally take it out of the picture, which is a way of saying what you are looking forward to is possible.

But for the sake of argument or something else, how would you put Nalpha’s head on a pike? Super-spoiler I mean, the man can time travel, teleport, wipe-memories and freeze time. None of which the Mc would know if it wasn’t for Mira. How do you defeat someone like that? I for one thinks if the MC manage to take out Nalpha they would become the nost feared person on the island.

I really found your feedback to be helpful @DashingCoward. Because of it, I had a busy week working on fixing what I could. Muito Obrigado.

I really hope you won’t stop here.

To you all who are playing this WIP, your support is appreciated. My game is big, I really can’t playthrough all possible playthroughs. Some scenes will come out wrong or hard to comprehend. Some tasks would be impossible. I do hope nothing stops you from mentioning these typos and bugs. Your contemplations too, I am already finding some shaping the MC’s available options in my storyline.


I will see what I can do, thank you. Some of the things you mention have been recently added.

So I have a question is there a way so we could give turning to our MC

Turning? I don’t follow

Like could we train the MC so we could upgrade our state like leadership strength and ability

And I have report to make


For me the same problem is occurring in many places :smiling_face_with_tear:

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yeah its a nice game

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Thank you.

Thank you.

And guys, the errors you mentioned have been fixed. I hope I didn’t miss anything.

Training the Mc is inevitable. I just have coded it yet.

endv and Loseg line 9600 error has been fixed. I hope you had a saved game before you clivked on that chapter 3 button.

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I haven’t read this at all but seeing an author willing to listen to feedback and actually work on it is amazing, it is a sign that your works are only going to get better from here I’m going to try this out