LGBTQ vs Realism

As someone who likes his escapism I think stories need just enough verisimilitude that feels consistent with a well-crafted game-world in order to feel realistic without being actually realistic.

No, the best stories are never 100% realistic. They are often set in profoundly unrealistic universes to start with and even for the ones that aren’t. Well I’ve just spent some time arguing that the author of a new Roman Gladiator game better not make the possible manumission of our gladiators entirely realistic as that would be an inevitable downer ending due to the historical differences between the sort of “manumission” gladiators could sometimes get and the partial citizen type manumission some other slaves got. Where the latter is good and a way to advance ones status in the Roman world, whereas the former was a gilded cage sham at best.

AAA gaming conventions we’ve both come to dislike, eh?