Leas: City of the Sun - Wishlist Now on Steam!

You’d be wrong. Definitely not all HGs go on Steam.


Huh, really? I never tried to get one that wasn’t. :thinking:

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Leas, a city in the middle of a desert, is indeed full of steam.

Or at least hot air coming from the Wren, Rin and Keo trifecta.

The real question of the day is if Keo keeps the magical bunny … just saying.

. :revolving_hearts:


Some games do come out only on Mobile store.

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Alas, the bunny illusion dissipated when Keo removed its outer layer of magic. MC can express wanting to keep the “fire pets” though. So if you’re bummed about them being illusions rather than pets, just know I’ve already scolded myself about it through the story :laughing: I did get one request to let MC have a familiar, so maybe this could give me some inspiration for that in the next game, if more people express interest.

Thinking more about this, I wonder if there’s a list somewhere about what qualifies/disqualifies a game for steam release.


Reading the summary, it is really funny. It reminds me of Attack on Titan lol. Although, looking at the personality traits is kinda weird. It is weird that they are positioned as the opposites when you can hold all of these at the same time. You can absolutely be expressive and creative both, and you can be both carefree and methodical depending on the situation. Those definitely don’t work as opposites. Intuitive and methodical is also a weird dichotomy to have as opposites and that one I know from personal experience.

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Hey @Anime_lover, thanks for playing! Some of this I can’t really address? There is no “creative” stat, and carefree and methodical are not paired as opposite stats in the game. As far as intuitive/methodical, I’m happy you’re embracing both aspects of that in your life! Hopefully it won’t impede your enjoyment of the game too much that they’re set up this way, but regardless, I’m happy you gave it a try ~


For those following here (and good lord, if you’ve been following the game this long thank you very much :laughing: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:) a quick update:

I’m planning to launch the closed beta of the full game sometime in the next week and a half! I’ve got all 13 chapters prepped and ready for testing (including edits, a bunch of reworks, cleaner code, etc.) and now I’ve mostly just got to rework the stats, plus one or two other minor items. I need to rebalance their increases and checks so that they don’t max out in book 1 when I’ve got two more books planned after that :sweat_smile:


Beta Testing Has Begun!

You can sign up to be a tester by replying to this thread, or by messaging me directly :slight_smile:

I will be eternally grateful for your help :orange_heart: And regardless of whether you sign up, thank you as always for playing!

I’m looking for folks who are willing to play the full game in its beta state and offer feedback on things like the plot, characters, pacing, any bugs found, etc. (Note: if you’re seeing this now, it means I’m currently looking for testers and would love to hear from you! If at any point testing closes, I’ll update this comment and the original post.)

The Beta is complete and I will be submitting it to HG soon :slight_smile:


You still up for another tester?

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Absolutely! Thanks for your response, I’ll dm you :smiley:

@LaReveuse definitely! Thanks so much, I’ll dm ya :smiley:

@euclids69 you betcha, thank you! Dm coming your way :smiley:

@Alvin_Chi1 yes I do, thanks much! I’ll dm you :smiley:

@anon21994237 I’d love to have you, thanks! Dm incoming :smiley:

@Harlequinalis definitely, thanks! I’ll send a dm your way :smiley:

@saharasdawn absolutely, thanks! I’ll send you a dm :smiley:

@ChanceOfFire that would be great! I’m hoping to get all feedback in by Sept 17th so that works great. I’ll dm you :smiley:

@Axe_Ward I’ll send you a dm!


Hi there! Do you still have space for one more? :grin:

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Got another spot for a beta tester?

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Do you have a sport for another beta tester

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I would like to beta test if possible!

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I would like to be a beta tester if you’re still looking for some!

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Oooh, congrats man! The game is really fun and I can’t wait for the final product

I unfortunately don’t have the time to beta test, but I wish you and the ‘team’ the best of luck!

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@MeowMeow422 thank you so much! :smile: :revolving_hearts:

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if you have room for one more i’d be happy to help!

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Do you still want beta testers? I won’t be able to offer feedback asap, but I’ll try to get you something over the next weekend.

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