Last Dream - A Hindu - Buddhist mythological fantasy adventure ( FULL GAME. Scheduled Oct 3rd)

Cover change.

Here’s the latest cover for the game.

It (hopefully) conveys a stronger Hindu/Buddhist idea.

I hope you all like it :slight_smile:



Guess what, folks? According to THIS TOPIC, Last Dream is scheduled for October 3rd!

Fingers crossed!


Just curious, are you still using this cover art? I’m guessing it’s going into another part of your art assets for submission?

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Actually, no. We will use the new cover. In my opinion, it conveys a more Hindu-Buddhist mood. :slight_smile:

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I think it does, but in saying that I think your original cover was a more striking with a lot of detail and contrast and I suspect more likely to gather more attention for people to give your game a try. Up to you as it’s your game but people like dragons :smiley:

Edit- Just a thought (and perhaps I’m wrong on this), but didn’t hindu and buddhism originate in India? You’ve got a more sanskrit style title font, it might match better with this style of text behind rather than using chinese characters? (Although I get that Buddhism has been practiced by people now and historically throughout Asia and I definitely wouldn’t use actual wording from any of the sacred texts.)


Woah, seriously? Six months of effort down the drain just like that? It seems a shame though. Quite a lot of people liked the old cover, but the new one didn’t seem to get that many likes.

Did the new cover take you long to make?


The new cover’s okay I guess, but I thought the original was an amazing accomplishment. I’m kinda disappointed now. :frowning:


I see everyone’s point. :slightly_smiling_face:

In my heart, the first cover will always have a special place :heart_eyes:

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Just curious, does she have an online portfolio of other works I can see? I hope she’s not too disappointed that the original cover art isn’t going up. :sweat_smile:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Actually, she always says that’s MY work :heart: Don’t tell her that’s her work, or you’ll make her mad :stuck_out_tongue:

At the moment, she’s updating her Deviantart profile and she’s creating her website. As soon as they’re up and running, you will admire her artwork :slight_smile:

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How to immediately save the theurge??

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:rofl: :rofl: Sorry, saving the theurge requires time and effort.

You have to reach the end of the story to do it. :slight_smile: Believe me, it’s worth the effort.