Kingdoms: Embers In Ashes[WIP] [OLD VERSION]

Hey, if you were doing a JRPG or “The Matrix” I would say knock yourself out. Still if you want to watch something, I would like to know what setting are you wanting to reflect? I have been assuming High Middle Ages or something akin to a D&D game (same equipment in a fanciful setting) but I could be wrong.

Fencing tournament is one of a good places to get inspiration for a realistic swordfighting. :hocho: :boom: :dagger:

Or as @Zadit said, anime for physically, mentally, and extraordinary fights.


If you want to add somewhat realistic swordsfight I will suggest samurai champloo. But you don’t need to stop watching your favorite anime fir sake of your story. you can always you tube for best fight scenes.

i don’t usually do this, but im going to say it. MST is superior to all time zones

Taking a break from combat for a moment (and forgive me if this has been covered earlier), I have a question about the stats.

Is it just me, or do I feel that stat progression feels a bit off? Case in point, someone training in blades or in magic. If I am swinging around a blunted training blade for long periods of time during the course of the day, my strength should be going up. Yet it is just blades that increases.

Now, I understand balance but it just feels odd unless you are wanting me to be a waterdancer from Braavos. (Which would conflict with the medieval setting, imo.)

I also wondered what happened to the intellect boost from learning magic. If I am working on arcane formula and gestures, that should work the brain to an extent as well, should it not?

Just curious.


Nah GMT is the best by far

Andus/Sophia: neither of them talks to each other
Vicky/Sophia: if theyre trying to be polite, glaring across the table at each other; if theyre not trying to be polite, they make sarcastic comments at each other and just insult each other
Marxus/Sophia: Marxus tries to be civil, but Sophia doesnt talk to him or react
Melissa/Sophia: Melissa tries to compliment her but Sophia insults her

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MST doesnt have daylight savings time though

Actually… I plan to add more skills. :sweat_smile:

Hm… Haven’t you watched the ending of School Days?

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i didnt even know that School Days existed

I feel like having a dinner scene feel realistic would be difficult because character progression is happening too quickly. For example currently sophia still hates you no matter what (she probably hates everyone else also but you know) you’re relationship with your brother isnt really defined since theres o ly like 2 scenes with him.

It could be a good opportunity to further define the MC’s relationship with other familly members or to see how fhe relationship has changed because of the wedding (loved the brother as a kid but now hates him)


Yeah, I’m working on that. :sweat_smile:

wait what is school days and whats the ending

Its a anime search up the ending if you want to be spoiled thats what sophia is going for

By the way, balancing stats can be realllyyy hard. :triumph:

IMO, it’s much easier if you write the whole story “statless,” and when you got the gist of how it’ll develop, you can begin assigning numbers on those *set hablahablah.

Utilize tools like “developer tags, commentaries, and placeholders” to help you. (in my case, it’s something like <<big +strength>>, <<massive melissa +rel>>, etc.) :hammer_and_wrench:

If you play my WIP, you might found a lot of those <<>> brackets.
shamelessly advertising himself

And TBH, as a writer/coder, I hate percentage variables :sweat_smile:

she dies maybe sophia wont go that far but you get the premise of it

can i have a link, because apparently theres multiple endings

Just type in school days boat ending on youtube the first one should be it