Keeper of the Sun and Moon (WIP)

Paging Lt. Cmdrs. Data and La Forge. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
My mc knows nothing about holodeck operation and maintenance, so he’s hardly going to be the guy to fix it, eh?

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Doesn’t that make more sense for people who play humans though? Plus less Deus Ex Machina to randomly save us is a plus in my book.

Isn’t Celestial magic a race thing?1

God Cole looks so much better in game, especially evil Cole. Lighting gives you free wifi and battery right? But fire gives you hot food and warm blankets… and ice cold drinks… oh god the most difficult choice in the game.


Wait, how??

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It is, seems to be mostly for Cambions, Draikana and Nephilim. Since my mc falls under that last category he’d probably fall into the category of “keeper” they are probably going to try and force to use celestial magic exclusively. Given my mc’s feelings about celestial magic he had no intention of complying, either in the old or new situation. But given how much of a charity case he is in the new one, they likely have greater leverage over him. :unamused:

If this were at the end of the series, like it was in Heroes Rise, I’d be more inclined to agree. In the old opening it was simply our powers manifesting as wild magic. With that being said maybe it defeating the Gorgon on its own was a bit over the top, but in the new situation they don’t manifest at all.
What I would have liked is a compromise between the old and the new, where the mc’s powers do manifest when their life is actually threatened by the Gorgon but they still need Astrid’s help. The mc clearly having powers would also have avoided the whole mind-rape attempt and being treated like a criminal thing.

Again with the new situation, since the mc’s powers never deigned to manifest before, not even to save our lives, but then decide to show up during the one instance where my mc would have vastly preferred they didn’t, he’s still left hating the damned things ( I mean the power to remember a mind-rape attempt? Really! :unamused: ) and wondering “If they only manifested this late, how worthwhile could they possibly be?” .

Yes, but not for the mc, much like the clothes resizing thing, that sort of everyday useful utility magic always was completely and utterly beyond the mc, in both the old and the new situations. It just hurts a bit more in the new one.

Lightning is electricity manipulation… and it involves electrical particles… even when WiFi is wireless, the data transmission still require traveling of Electrical particles :slight_smile:

Wait so we could just hack into anyone’s wifi without needing the password? Interesting skill.


I am thinking we still need knowledge of reading and reassembling those binary numbers or Ascii code to understand what they mean even if we manage to transfer the data away via transferring of particles … unless you are Neo from Matrix :slight_smile:

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Dude… I think it might be easier to just ask them for the password at this point.


Yeah, that’s what control magic’s for. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have a feeling that if the mc tried they’d be arrested instantly. It’s only using control magic on the mc that’s sort of okay, not the other way around. :unamused:


Nah, just use control magic on the people who come to arrest you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: It’s the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems. :grin:


not if there aren’t any witnesses


That would assume the mc is anywhere near competent in using it. In gameplay mechanical terms that would require levels of willpower neither of our (primary) mc’s had, if I recall the beta testing. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the conspirators who created the mc had some way to track them and their magic use. If so there will always be “witnesses”. I mean Patil is awfully quick at the scene and though Astrid’s family is fairly important I’m guessing it wasn’t her he was really there for, even if he tried to make it seem that way in the new opening.


Honestly… Offering free food is just as effective as control magic.


You are assuming people got anything to hide in their account ? :wink:
Most likely just loads of junk mails and some family letters … perhaps some bills as well…

Here is a 10 ounce prime cut sirloin with green beans and a bottle of glenlivet 18…do my bidding.


Just one thing wrong with that, our mc’s can’t afford it. If you’re on bad terms with Astrid and don’t do Leon’s job twice, which requires sacrificing valuable time you could spend doing other things. The mc could quite easily end the beta version of the game literally broke. Which means they ain’t gonna be able to afford the prime cut either.

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dang well i guess its back to the cheap rameon & gallon water jugs for me if i cant get astrid to save me
my only hope

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Didn’t it mention that when you pick it?

Good thing my mc had good high stats all round. Though I also wasn’t in the beta so I don’t know if it’s been balanced a lot differently.

Funnily enough charisma skills are usually my dump stat but here I could raise manipulation without cost to my other stats most of the time.

You just find everyone’s internet history. Instant blackmail.

Just make them break out in song and dance.


you fiend!.. I approve.

lieutenant: why is the Chief River dancing?
Everyone: we don’t know but its a great show.

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