Keeper of the Sun and Moon (WIP)

@ParrotWatcher of course, he was born on March 4, 2016, while @TSSL as born on April 7 of the same year.


Crickey, I’m all old and ancient even here on these forums. Born in '12 for me. :older_man:

Hard to believe I was still in school back then, even one with the appellation “law” before it.


My MC has two loving parents who apparently want to murder the people he most cares about :disappointed_relieved:

Well, at least it’d be nice being in a disapproved relationship where the disapproval has nothing to do with it being a gay one :sweat_smile:

I do like those kinds of scenes. And the other way around, too… meeting family of RO’s… though yeah, some of the ROs probably have more interesting families than others :thinking:

And his character is older than mine inasmuch as he joined Keeper much sooner than I did :stuck_out_tongue:

But, um, I was saying that I was trying to avoid being a complete clone :sweat_smile: I know it’s hard…

And I was in my postbaccalaureate year of college when I joined :baby:t2:
(that’s an extra year after graduating.)

Actually, I guess I’m sort of still in school now, just online school :thinking:


Well your own wip is radically different from the stuff @ParrotWatcher likes to write, so there’s that at least. You’re also the slower writer. So lazy you young’uns. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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And this forums been here since like what '11?

Sometimes I miss the old formats, though this is still supremely better. If only for not having unending load times…

Oh how time flies by, I just realized this thread’s about a year and a half old.


Bring back optional pagination and this would be a near perfect forum. Not a fan of endless scroll here too, as even I do browse these forums on my potatoe of a phone during particularly boring commutes on occasion and the load times then, ugh!


I also remember something about how we load up threads that lead to me necroing by accident for my first few times, and we couldn’t jump anywhere in the thread right?

And here we are reminiscing like old people… while @ParrotWatcher and @TSSL probably have no idea what we’re talking about…

Though I could just have my time frame of the switch wrong…

Closest thing I had to that was racist great grandparents, well I guess my family hated my basic functions too, but they didn’t read up on my quirks…

Um I’d guess Seras, if she is closely related to a dragon Thalia’s family for trying to kill us and then shifter guy… Yakov? Because a shape shifting family has to be fun.


Huh. Didn’t know we used to have that. Not sure which I’d use, but I’m always in favor of having options.

Does Seraphina still have family? :worried:

Shifter guy is Kol :blush: and, thinking about a whole shifter family… yeah, I just suddenly had an image of my MC hanging out with Kol, only for “Kol” to reveal that “he’s” actually his mother in disguise, who decided to spy on me to make sure I was treating her son right :open_mouth:


Nah, Discourse has never had the pagination feature, the old and much more limited forum software did, but it’s the feature I and apparently some others miss most from that era.


If you’re playing as a nephilim but don’t act like one and also dating either Cyrus and Cressida, their dad will not like MC at all. He’ll even threaten to cut off MC’s wings. Fun guy.

Seraphina is an orphan. She has no family because of the plot; Thalia has an older sister who will attempt to drink our blood in one of the routes in Chapter 7 (though in defense she doesn’t know who MC is); Kol hasn’t spoken about his family yet. Nevermind I was wrong about this.

As for Yakov, we had met his cousin briefly.


Thalia sister… is that when you can choose to investigate or go to different activities?

I wonder if who would have the most interesting kids out of us if hybrids are allowed…

I’d imagine Sera x Kitsune… Dragon Fox Babies.


Not sure what you mean by that question since it’s a species-specifc scene for hunter MC. She’s kinda heavily involved.

Ah, that’s why, I’ve never been a filthy, bigoted human.

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Anyone else worried about the consequences of using our side ability on Thalia?

Umm…im lost Which ability?

Ah, it was a pretty brief mention, but he did tell us a little bit:

“Well, I’m a shifter, and I have three brothers and a sister. My family moved a lot but eventually we came to NMC when I was a kid, and now I’m here.”

Not sure if they’re all shifters, or whether he’s an older, middle, or younger sibling, nor how emotionally close the family is, but, yeah, there are potentially quite a few relatives one could meet :thinking:

And, huh, now I think about it, shifters probably could, um, shift in such a way to allow certain couples to have children that wouldn’t normally be able to (and, conversely, good natural contraception)… yeah, lots of interesting implications…
(Wait, does their DNA shift with them? I… okay, I’m probably thinking too hard about this :sweat_smile:)

Huh, is that what tends to happen? :thinking: Just wondering, since the characters we’ve met mainly seem to be one thing or the other… but is that just a social thing, that people are expected to pair up with their own kind, so hybrids or rare, or is it that the children will usually take after one side or the other, so that the characters we’ve met might still have different kinds of heritage? :thinking:


Remember elemental powers have potential for multiple functions other than chucking them at people. For example lightning can summon storms, mess with electriconics, or other stuff I don’t remember. In the latest update if you have 30 in Magic manipulation you can successfully summon lightning cloud and nail her with lightning. Which by the way does serious damage.

How do you get that high i can only get to 26

Dedication,training montage, watching the fire dancers, and dating Thalia


Well i went with dedication, and i think i went training, but where was the fire dancers i only found knife throwers
I still fall short at 26