Keeper of Life and Death (WIP, updated 9/28 post 1278)

I am unreasonably excited about this! Keeper of * and * was probably my favorite recently played choicescript game.


I think that an option should be put to determine whether or not we said who our mother / father was at the press conference

The demo was amazing! The only things I felt were were missing were a few more masculine semi-formal to formal wear choices for the dinner and maybe a bit more acknowledgement from Leonā€™s grandmother if Leon and the keeper are in a relationship.

Iā€™m so excited about the new demo!
With the choices at the end when you think the thug is dead the last set of choices I chose ā€˜I need to be more carefulā€™. It didnā€™t feel like my character was remorseful for almost killing someone and was only concerned about getting in trouble for killing someone. It just felt like the MC was kinda detached from the situation.

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Iā€™m really excited for this to come out. I loved the other two games!


Literally can not be anymore excited for this than I already am!

Canā€™t wait for Gisela to be mean to my MC once again

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Didnā€™t expect to be too fast, canā€™t complyā€¦i enjoy the heck of the two books, now having a taste of the next installment, canā€™t wait to check it out and future updates.

Congratulations @daydreamsincolor for release this continuation and thanks a buch for it too.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Although I do hope the second game is changed soon so we can save our data for this third one.

With this series I have an unusually high number of routes I want to get through- most of the species options and several of the love interests.


Same here!
Iā€™ve already done several path, been both an angel and what would be the spawn of Roxana and Julian union, and dated and flirted with everyone!
Now Iā€™m just waiting for the saving system to secure all that for Book 3 :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Itā€™ll probably happen like it did last time, the feature will be implemented when book 3 is complete.

Finally, sphynx make an appareance in the saga, and do in they way we always experienced, trying to destroy us, yay! :sweat_smile:

I know is an early draft, but itā€™s going to be include a prologue of where was left the history, right? :point_right: :point_left:

Iā€™m memory I have this picture from a long time saved in my SD, like a decade, just find it recently-ish, not sure how last that long.


So Seraphina says that she loves you, but then she tells you that she knows your weeknesses in case she needs to kill you? wow i am really dissapointed of her

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Eh idk itā€™s pretty in character. Of course sheā€™s going to have a plan, the MC is one of the most powerful people alive, itā€™d make sense for her to have a backup plan in case they go off the rails.


if she has a plan then it means she doesnā€™t love him 100%. When you love someone you donā€™t have second thoughts or other plans. You love him, you are with him. Period.



That may be truth, and I see your point, but althought Sera has grown in varios aspects since the first book; she is still a very rational minded, emotionally complex character. One canā€™t hope for in one-two years change her whole mentality when, since birth and specially since Celosia took her, she has been taught to be the way she is. At least, thatā€™s my opinion.


My mc just wishes sheā€™d tap Marcela on occasion now. Why does he always have to take the brunt of the monster attacks and be the one who canā€™t have nice things?

Itā€™s also that on that particular mission we repeatedly get it thrown in our face that we are a newbie to the magical world who still cannot perform simple utility magic, like Astridā€™s clothing resize trick or that we do not understand all the intricacies of magical culture.
Yeah, the mc and Marcela both got a shitty deal out of the Keeper thing, but on this occasion there would have been something to say for picking the Keeper who is more familiar with the magical world and its cultures because, unlike us, she has lived in it her whole life.
Or, alternatively, bring Marcela for the diplomatic dinner wrangling and the mc for the monsters, split the workload somewhat at least.


Maybe because people is crazy and some of them think is a good idea to put monsters on our backs. Or because weā€™re too attracting to let slide the opportunity to rip our throats :D.
Besides, she already went through some shite. Kidnapped by a terrorist organization that also killed her mother, was it? And has some sort of cancer.
Itā€™s not exactly balanced, but neither the MC and her had have it easy.
I get you tho.

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Iā€™m sorry, but I have to voice an objection to this claim. There are plenty of real life situations where two people love each other to death, but something happens that makes them quietly start preparing for when or if the relationshipā€¦ ā€œSuddenly doesnā€™t work out,ā€ letā€™s say.

Maybe nothing so extreme as having to kill them if they go nuts, but me being the true crime drama-watching nut that I am, Iā€™ve seen more than a few courtroom shows where the victim had had a sense that their partner wasnā€™t right in the head and was in contact with attorneys and private detectives, trying to figure out some way to cleanly sever the tie and get out of that relationship before something happened.

I also remember reading about someoneā€™s take on Hawke from Dragon Age 2, who they had specialized in Templar training (Templars being anti-magic knights of the church in Dragon Age) and had romanced Merrill (an elven blood mage, blood magic being extreme taboo in Dragon Age because it tends to lead to demons). I remember the quote being something like:

ā€œMy girlfriendā€™s a blood mage. Iā€™d like to believe nothing bad would happen, and I know sheā€™d never do it on purpose, but itā€™s good to be prepared, just in case.ā€

Plus, if we take a gander at comic books, Batman and Superman are friends (unless they happen to be enemies that particular day for whatever reason), yet Batman keeps a stash of Kryptonite on hand if he ever needs to put Superman down but good. Not because heā€™s itching to use it, but because he knows that Superman, with his almost godlike powers, would pose a severe threat to humanity if he ever had his murder switch flipped, and there are a very small number of Justice League members who could stand toe-to-toe with him at full strength.

So, yeah, I agree that it makes Sera come off as cold and conniving, and itā€™s not my favorite character arc either, but to claim that love is 100% trust without question is a bit of an erroneous stance to take.


Probably because she has a rocky relationship with Marcela and asking her to do anything for the MC would be kind of strange given their relationship.

In fairness, this has little to do with Seraphina and is mostly because of things outside of any of the suite mates control. For example, MC is apparently pretty high on the Viconti scale, which already seems to attract monsters to them, and that combined with the fact that Celosia has purposely been sending monsters out to attack the MC in public so that they can build a reputation as a strong keeper probably leads to MC almost dying much more than Marcela.

True, but itā€™s also entirely possible thatā€™s sheā€™s still in the hospital after the events of Book 2, we donā€™t really know yet. If she is still in the hospital, even MC would have to agree that it makes more sense for them to go along, since, you know, people who are on deathā€™s door shouldnā€™t really be out raiding tombs, especially when theyā€™re one of two remaining keepers.

I also disagree, though Iā€™ll provide a different reason here than the others who responded already have. First, sheā€™s not having second thoughts about being with the MC, or really even second thoughts at all. She has a plan that she is prepared to use if (and only if) the MC starts to go off the rails.

Second, I donā€™t think it shows that she doesnā€™t love the MC or anything like that. I think one of the big themes of this series is power and the way having it changes and shapes people, as seen by the fact that literally every prominent politician in NMC has done something reprehensible. Just because Seraphina is aware of power and the way it changes people (due to her position as a nymph and the fact that she has to work with these politicians) doesnā€™t mean she doesnā€™t love the MC. You can love someone and still be aware of the fact that they can change, and that you may not love the person they become. Itā€™s not black and white imo.