Keeper of Day and Night (Update Post 1932)

The more important question is can we “influence” Leon and Altair to do so?

Huh? I honestly thought Theron had that same quality as Alty where everybody likes him.

Awww…well…shit, if he’s working for my mc’s asshole magical “dad” that’s another complication. :unamused:
Nothing to it but trying to keep work and personal business separate. :persevere:

In any case my mc now knows where not to intern I guess.

I agree, they’d go differently without the mc meddling in them but most would still reach some sort of resolution. Maybe the mc can even hear about some of them in-game as rumours, status updates and talk around the proverbial or literal water cooler for the ones we do not get involved in? :thinking:

True, but if it means looking like a (comparative) bum while forced to mingle with high society that’s one more reason why my mc would hate the keeper gig. :unamused:

As far as making money in NMC goes I suppose my poor mc will lose his relatively cushy job with Cy’s dad that Leon had gotten him with the increased fame as I’m afraid Secretary Monroe would no longer be content just to use the mc as an office assistant.
The same goes for the hospital job (I don’t think the hospital will like the new influx of visitors trying to gawk at the new Keeper) in the NMC News internship, as it’s hard to be(come) a good investigative journalist when your face is that known. And, no, my mc would not to transfer to work in front of the camera. :unamused: