Is *redirect_scene bugged?

Had that issue recently as well. Talked about it in this thread

I think you need to tell where to go. For example, when I start the save system I use this:

*gosub_scene savesys save 1 "chapter12" "variables"

This line (and the softsave program) names the position where the save is from. Thhe chapter is “chapter12” and the first scene there is “variables”

Then in the stat screen I use this:

#I would like go back to the [b]last checkpoint[/b].
    *gosub_scene savesys load 1
    *redirect_scene {savesys_slot_1_scene} {savesys_slot_1_label}

The {savesys_slot_1_scene} is what was saved in the save (in this case chapter12) and the {savesys_slot_1_label} is the first label (variables)

So for the save in chapter 12, the redirect scene would actually look like this:

*redirect_scene chapter12 variables

And it would be different for every point you can save from.

Hoped that helped.

EDIT: In short, you need to name what chapter and what scene you go to when using *redirect_scene