Interest Check Thread

Like Choice of the Dragon where the reader can play through the entire story from start to finish.

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Pssst, @AChubbyBlackCat She meant that both can be played in full for free. : )


Iā€™m making my first IF game that I had intended to write as a traditional story back when I had the idea for it. I came across Evertree Inn and fell head-first into CoG, however, and now Iā€™m excited to try my hand at writing with choicescript.

The premise is that the MC is a werewolf (I know a werewolf game just came out but it was my plan since before I had heard of choice of games. Plus I still like werewolves). You live in a big house that doubles as a sort of boarding house for wayward werewolves, and one night during the full moon you donā€™t transform. The MC then has to deal with a sudden lose of a big part of their identity, and maybe try to solve the mystery of how it happened.

There will be 10 chapters and 5 romance options. At the rate Iā€™m working a draft of chapter 1 should be ready next week.

Is this something that any of you would be interested in?
(Sorry for the long post)


Eh, thereā€™s room for more than one werewolf game at the time.

Curious, @bjosh, will there be an option to avoid romance altogether, or perhaps even a friendship route?

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The basic premise for my story is it follows you (Michael) the angel of loyalty as you crawl your way from hell and return to the mortal world with no memory of the past. You team up with a female NYPD member taking on the supernatural and trying to get your memories back.

This will be gender locked to male and will have a mature theme but would anyone actually be interested in this?


Agree with @Hazel, always room for more werewolves.

Will there be more than just the 5 romance options to develop relationships with such as friends or family or equivalent? Or will it romance centered?

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@bjosh I love werewolves. No reason not to have more werewolf games, I think. Anyway, I kind of like the idea of a werewolf boarding house and the plot sounds like itā€™d interesting to explore, Iā€™d be all for it

@Oliver_Fell With male gender-locked games I tend to just assume itā€™ll also be locked heterosexual, and since you mention the deuteragonist (iā€™m assuming thatā€™s what she is) is female, will it also be forced romance? If thereā€™s romance at all, that is. Iā€™m personally not a fan of gender-locks and especially not straight male-locks, so Iā€™d probably pass on this but the story itself sounds cool so Iā€™m sure thereā€™s plenty who would be interested

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Could sound fun but Iā€™m wondering as to why an angel would need a gender? Couldnā€™t they be non binary instead? Unless itā€™s absolutely pertinent that they be male I cant quite grasp an angels logic in conforming to a mere humans social norms.


i thought about this too but after some research. i found that they often do depict Micheal as being male and do use the pronouns of He and His


actually there will be two female love interest and one Iā€™m gonna keep hidden story-wise

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Iā€™m doing a lot of research on angels - not only the Christian ethos but many others as well. Is it essential that you use Michael the traditional archangel in your story?

The reason I ask, is that if it isnā€™t, you can use many others or even modify your world to make Michael into whatever archtype you desire.

Either way you decide to go, angels are always popular, so you should get a healthy interest at the initial release of your story. Iā€™d suggest getting to the point where you have an actual demo to showcase - you most likely will be changing a lot between now and then, and what you have might change.


Itā€™s staight locked or will there be a male ro

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@hazel yes there will be friendship routes for each of them if you donā€™t want to pursue romance.

@eska there will be NPCs other than the romance options cultivate. It is sort of romance-centered since thatā€™s what Iā€™ve focused my attention on so far, but I do want there to be other characters to interact with as well.


That is wonderful to hear, Iā€™m very excited.


They also say God is male but why would an infinitely wise and powerful being confine itself to an arbitrary gender? Iā€™ve often heard angels are genderless, so I would go that route, personally. You could also say ā€œwho cares whats ā€˜typicalā€™?ā€ And just do your own thing.


Awesome, Iā€™ll keep an eye out for your work.

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@oliver_fell colour me interested. Not gonna question the direction you decide to go with your game. Like @Eiwynn said angel stories draw healthy dose of interest from players.

Wish you luck!


there will be one male ro

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In the spirit of ā€œOsmosis Jonesā€ and ā€œCells at Work!ā€ anime, what if there was a CS game focusing on the human biology and the daily life of one individual bacterium in a personā€™s body. Or would it be too complex?
Plus it would be informative and education to set each organ as a physical location.

I was thinking it in terms of this example of a possible stat page:

Profile (main stat page)
Hostā€™s name (Custom name and surname)
Cell population: 50, 000+ (can be customised through choices ingame)
Hostā€™s body status: (activity such as eating, sleeping)
Emotion of host: (random)

Current Bacterium: (Custom name)
Job Id: (random number)
Cellā€™s job: (custom job)
System of organs: (Digestive/Lympathic, etc)
Cellā€™s location: (body organ)
Organ status: (Healthy to sick)
List of duties inside the body: (blahblah)

  • Iā€™m interested!
  • Not interested
  • I donā€™t like biology
  • Games should be educational

0 voters


Sounds interesting. We had a scientific/educational-ish cs game before. It was a tad dry and I couldnt quite connect to my character. Which can be quite hard (understandably so) to achieve seeing as we play as an otherwise unfeeling phenomenon.

To strike a balance between informative and fun would be quite a feat that I would love to see be conquered in the cs medium.