I'm thinking about making writing my career

@DJ_CUTY 6 million gamebooks sold? You overestimate us greatly. We’ve maybe sold 150k this year so far.

If only we had sold 6 million gamebooks… :slight_smile:

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In other news, you should all congratulate @cataphrak on having a pitch approved for the Choice of Games label.


@Cataphrak well done! :slight_smile:

Aww, it was going to be a surprise. :stuck_out_tongue:

Congratulations Cataphrak!

Dare I suggest that it depends on how good those 50,000 words are? Choice of the Dragon comes in well under 50,000 but it’s a complete game, lots of choice and definitely replayable. It’s a good game and still one of my favourites. Quality, not quantity.

Congrats, Cataphrak! Can’t wait to see it. Hope this doesn’t mean Infinite Sea goes on indefinite hiatus?

@DJ_CUTY, like FG said, when you see an “advance” in a publishing deal, it’s not extra… you’ll get no further royalties until the publisher’s sold enough to make up the amount of your advance. (And if it’s print publishing, there’s a lengthy lag even after they’ve notionally shipped enough copies, while they wait to see how many books get returned from bookstores).

I got a good-sized advance on my book, because the publishers hoped that Afghanistan would sell well. In the end, it wasn’t a bestseller, and hasn’t sold enough copies to earn royalties in excess of my advance. So I’ll probably never see another cent on it. I made more ghostwriting a political book than I’ve made on my own writing…

Indefinite? No. It’ll probably just end up a month behind schedule.

Also, I appear to have misunderstood what an advance was, sorry about that!

(I also kinda want to buy that book now.)

Well, you can get it used for a penny plus postage on Amazon. :slight_smile:

Congratulations! Is it the sequel to Sabres of Infinity?

That’s a shame because, judging off of Choice of Rebels, I’m sure your book is amazing. I’d read it now but I’m busy writing my own, haha xD.

Hmm, I thought it would be somewhere around 6million from 2009 to this day. I estimated Choice of the Dragon at 2million, Choice of the Broadsides at 1million, Choice of the Vampire at 1million, Choice of Romance at 1 million, and then the rest would be about another million.

@DJ_Cuty Do research. There’s no need to estimate the figures. You can actually find them out.

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And I’m afraid they’re lower than your guesses.

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Considering they don’t even tell the authors the exact figures, and the vendors are extremely vague, I don’t know how you expect me to research it.

@DJ_CUTY That’s exactly it; it’s not easy for anybody to research. That said, as far as I can tell, Dragon has been downloaded less than 450k times.

The Google Play store alone says Choice of the Dragon has been downloaded 500,000-1,000,000 times and google play usually accounts for about a 3rd of the CoG sales, which is where I got the estimate of 2 million downloads.

Nope, you’re not the only one.

Most of us are still stuck somewhere in the it-doesn’t-make-a-living-wage phase, though.

Yeah, sadly:/ it’s fun, though!


That is just downloads. Choice of Dragon is free don’t forget so there are more downloads.

What…? I know xD Jason said that Choice of the Dragon has less than 450,000 downloads total but I was saying that it has 500,000 at the very very least just from google play, and probably around 2 million from all the vendors.

My point was that it has that many downloads as it is free. You’ll get a better idea checking out the paid only games.

Yeah the free gamebooks have about 50 times more downloads.