Ideeeeaaaaaaaa of mythological school and whatnot 13.4.15

Well if you think about it theirs a lot of weaknesses for most daemons so its what ever.

succubi aren’t just weak, they are pretty much a dirty joke, perverted and not to be taken seriously.

Can’t say they were not a part of history tho. Back in medieval times people used to blame succubi for many sexual crimes.

As a side note: I have seen that kind of monster work well in a serious story, the writer just needs to be creative.

besides the occasional wet dream, they didn’t pull off much, these days they are blown up more than what they are, but I think this is becoming a little side tracked to be honest.

Yes! In anime for example will be sure a succubus! This thing with succubus is too exaggerate now, and that only to serve more and more sexuality! For me this is not working,


I’m going to give quite a choice of how you can act. I am going to let the player chose their background which will give some more variety, for example I have so far written that a siren can be from a travelling circus which will give it quite a different story to a siren from a wealthy background. I don’t know if that answers it or not but yeah… :blowfish:

What will be the most evil race i can choose?

Well you can be any race and make them evil I guess, but the stereotypical “evil” ones are: Vampire, Werewolf, Siren, fallen angel and I suppose the humans could be as well. However races like elves, can be just as bad I suppose? Is that what you’re asking?
Oh! And you can be the child of Lucifer if a Fallen Angel, so that would probably be the most evil one.

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Yes! I will make my father proud of me! What powers will have the fallen angel?

'Fraid I haven’t thought that far ahead but all races will have different powers and strengths, once I’ve thought of it I’ll post it or the demo.

Hmmm, will be secrets of great power to discover? I like to to discover ancient secrets to make me more powerful.

Yeah I was going to make it so you can gain different powers later on but having ancient secrets does sound interesting so I’ll try and include it, but no promises!!

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What’s the headmaster of the school going to be like? It’ll take a devastating power to control all those monsters if things get out of hand.

I want the head master to be a little polite old man with no power

A headmaster with so much power is not fair(and i don’t like another person overpowered) personally i prefer teachers to have the role to maintain order in school.

Why would it be overpowered for the headmaster to be stronger than any of the students?

Which does bring up a question: How in the name of blueberry muffins do you have a school for such a wide range of species even work?

I’m not opposing this as a game, I’m just wondering how in the game world that would be viable institution able to even begin to address educating the students.

Maybe the uniforms could be enchanted to restrain demon powers, putting all students on an even playing field.

It’s not even about the power levels as much as that as that these are such different beings that someone from Japan and someone from a random rain forest tribe that has never seen any outsiders and someone from New England have vastly more in common.

I’d personally rather have the students have to face that they’re not the biggest fish in the pond in regards to relative to teachers and other authority, but I’m not set on anything there.

i believe a insanely strong headmaster is needed, but maybe you should make it that he isnt allowed to directly interfere, with different species, some will surely be clearly stronger than others~ thats just how it works

If i am a fallen angel to have someone more powerful than me is inacceptable!!! I must be the most powerful!!! This is why i don’t want some overpowered headmaster bothering me!!!