I, the Forgotten One Release Thread (1.2)

Really, really bad idea. I can totally see the Marshall having kids in the future, hell, I like the adopting a war orphan suggestion, but currently, as it is, they just are not in the right mental state for that kind of thing, not in the middle of the war itself, not when there are so many other things going on, Not when they’ve finally just started to pull themselves out of their hole


Edit: I disagree and don’t want a kid. I might be ok with an orphan. But remember the Marshall isn’t ‘fixed’ at the end.

Erased and modified on purpose.

Above comment was referring to a possible feature that could be added into the next game, I agree that what happens after that game is entirely up to player interpretation


The Marshal already has their hands full raising one teenager as it is…


I know this is a old message but I replayed the game and the prisoners aren’t 6000, they merely are two thousand and a half, they’re not as significant as you thought they were. You can get 100 of them to join you and it’s quite likely that the other 2400 who left the camp may have died of many ways or simply returned back to their homes, with only some returning to Rade’s army, so yeah, it isn’t much of a worry to leave them free after staying as prisoners.

Also, you can still encircle even if you tell the nobles that the king died.

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You can? That’s something I’ve never been able to pull off, just wasn’t able to have enough cavalry to enforce the line


I’ve been trying to model my army after the way I usually play Total War games, to mixed results.

“Marshal, are you sure we should have this many archers…?”
“You’re right, we should give the infantrymen a bow as well.”


That strategy works pretty well, having 1000 archers by the beginning of chapter 5 is enough for me to shoot dead any of my problems


Oh yeah… I totally forgot about Marshall’s mental state that isn’t very great to be looking after childrens since he is busy dealing with his family issues and such


You in fact don’t even need cavalry, you just have to dismount them and spread them among the line (same thing with the retinue).

Yep, but it doesn’t seem like 450 dismounted cavalry is enough and that’s how much you start chapter 5 with if you tell the nobles

There’s a lot of things to take into account so it’s complicated.

Could have sworn i had more by that point and had told nobles i could be wrong of course been a bit since my last playthrough. Did you happen to take out the archers on that one side during belos charge? And do well in the troop negotiations with the baron?


I’m trying to find it in this thread but it seems I can’t find it. So can everyone tell me what are the other ending? Since what I get always the second one (maybe I don’t really have a heart to stab the sister in the back) :upside_down_face:

There is four endings i forget parts of the endings though one is where we die in battle. The other is a draw in battle or victory and finally betrayal one.

Those are very short words for it lol i personslly like the victory and being loyal ending.

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Ending one: lose the battle and stay back while everybody retreats to hold off the enemy where you die gloriously.
Ending two: the one everybody gets.
Ending three: you overthrow your sister and take the throne.
Ending four: you lose the battle, your sister has leadership three or below, she gets wounded, she dies before her coronation, and you become regent


hate to do it to elya, but ending three is too tempting not to choose

There any reason ending three is the one you lean towards? I’m always curious when people pick this option

idk if it’s just personal preference but the Marshall just deserves it more. and the icing on the cake is that he’s an all round better candidate for it (only exception is when his ptsd hits). playing as what’s essentially her chancellor is like ntr for me, dangling the thing i covet the most in my face daily; all the while knowing that i would be a much better ruler. but tbf to her, given she’s not taught as a puppet, she does show a lot of character development by the end of book 1, so i do understand why people go for the other endings. i wish we had the option to rule without having to cross elya, but we don’t sooo no hard feelings elya.

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