How do you measure game length / word count?

You’re welcome. Yeah pm away and I’ll answer if I can :slight_smile:

Working on my script right now for my game and this suddenly popped into my head: How is word count determined in a choiceofgame? Are the choice options included into this word count of the story or is it solely based off of the main story path that the branches merge into?

It’s everything in the .txt files in the scene folders, so that includes code, choices, all branches etc. You can also do an average playthrough word count following the method in this blog post, if you’re comfortable using RandomTest.

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In main descriptions it gives the overall word count of the whole work, choices, code and all.

You can also work out the average length of one playthrough, just text of chosen options and text, by Random Testing a number of times and dividing the total length of the output by how many times you did the test. ie, the randomtest spat out 2,400,000 words when you did it 100 times, so 2,400,000 divided by 100 is 24000 for one playthrough.

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Quick and dirty: open a terminal window, cd to the /scenes file you’ve saved your game in, and use the * wc command to get the word count.


If you use CSIDE it will automatically track word count (with and without code) for you.

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Thank you everyone!