How do I make the game recall a choice from a couple scenes ago?

Hello, I haven’t been able to figure out this problem!

Say I have the PC say some dialogue, nothing significant but just some small comment. How can I set it up so the NPCs change what they talk about later on depending on what the PC said?
For example, the player says something aggressive and then 2 scenes later one of the NPCs mentions that they said something aggressive.

I’m really not sure what commands to use here, doesn’t feel like *if would work but I’m not sure what else could go here.
(P.s I’m pretty new to Choicescript and a complete newbie to coding in general (I’ve only made small unfinished projects in Ren’Py and almost nothing proper on Choicescript)


Try it with a boolean

  #aggressive answer
    *set aggressive_answer true

*if (aggressive_answer = true)
 *goto npc_reaction

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You can use the *temp command if it’s in the same scene/chapter. If it’s in different scenes, put a *create in startup.

Same scene:

*temp says "unknown"

        *set says "Yes"
        *set says "No"

*if (says = "Yes")
    You said yes
    You said no

If the choice and response are in different scenes:

*create says "unknown"

^ this is placed in startup
These two below can be in different scenes, and the game will remember when the time comes for the if text.

        *set says "Yes"
        *set says "No"
*if (says = "Yes")
    You said yes
    You said no

Question answered.