High School Revenge (WIP) (Chapter 3 OUT NOW, Mar 24, 2024)


Law and Order SVU could be helpful for revenge stuff. It had it’s moments.

Maybe different colored contacts so we can change our eye color.



So I got to a point in the story were I realised there are two ways I imagine the revenge:
1.A moment on the 14th of February of the senior year where we gather all the chosen targets and do a big revenge where we humiliate them all.
2.Doing separate revenges, like in the Count of Monte Cristo, where we hit them anytime in the story, risking to get caught before ending it all.

I also realised that I like both approaches and I thought about doing both at the same time but that would be harder. That’s why I’d like you guys to vote so I can escape the decision of choosing. :smile:

  • Big, flamboyant revenge with all the chosen targets
  • Random revenges on different targets, not in a chosen order, any time in the story
  • Possibility to do both, in the same playthrough

0 voters

Also, I’m at the half of the second chapter and have around 5000 words. Cheers.


So I’m assuming “chosen targets” doesn’t automatically mean everyone who pranked you but more of everyone you’ve deemed you’ll get revenge on cause there is actually a character I want to spare. I mean I think individual revenge plots make for a better story but I’d rather play it safe and not tip anyone off before I’ve finished, or at least that’s how I’d do irl I don’t mind doing individual targets in the game


My poor Nigel…

Oh yes

Also I think I’m overly paranoid, during the prologue I kept having flip flopping opinions on Olivia because of expectations of tropes or subversions of them. And then that spread to Dylan… which turned out to be true. So not overly paranoid?

I need to see this. I need it to decide who is really family.

Nor do I remember how I got a chair off. Or did I explain to mom why I came home with no pants?


My character was in a dress, sooooooooooo…


I suppose the alternative would be emulating the hospital gown look, though with more underwear hopefully.

Or bring mom a new chair. I’m a good son :blush:


That… is actually a really good point. I have no idea how no one has noticed that until now. :sweat_smile:
Would it be far fetched to just say that, along the way, because of the punch, the chair slowly unglued itself? :thinking: Because, if it’s not, I’m gonna write that down right now.


Oh great now I’m littering, leaving a chair in the middle of… somewhere.

Luckily it was one of those miracles glues that dries only when someone touches it and is impossible to get off normally but weakens off screen.

And can I throw away Nigel after the disaster?


My character thirsts for revenge lol.
Being humilated alone then realising no one by their side is sweeter than let them suffer together. Besides, each one has their own fear, so torturing them separately is more interesting bwahahaha


Personalized revenge works better with the potential for player choice, like if you somehow decide that this particular person doesn’t deserve what you’d originally planned for whatever reason.


Does it really? It doesn’t seem that excessive to me at all. And what was done to the mc was really terrible. I don’t think it’s unreasonable or excessive to want to permanantly and irreversibly ruin someone’s life and make them regret the fact that they’re alive if they did something so nasty.


This is senior year in high school. Perhaps meddling with someone’s college applications could be done as a form of revenge?


If the mc has the means to do something like that then I say take a step further and mess around with everything: bank accounts, social media profiles, identities… even change their criminal record (or maybe issue a warrant for their arrest).


The MC is filthy rich right?


You guys are going about this the completely wrong way. The easiest way to get revenge is to plant some hardcore drugs in their lockers.


Which would still require money.


shit, you right


Also money would be needed to hide any trail back to the MC.

That is rather vicious, though I suppose when it comes to that crappy teacher who stood by, did nothing and laughed with the rest of them I suppose my mc wouldn’t be above fabricating some evidence of “impropriety” with pupils to ruin his career, but only as a last resort if nothing else incriminating enough can be found.

As for the intensity of the revenge I mostly agree with what @HeroBoots has said here:

Really life destroying revenge would be saved for any characters who are irredeemable and maybe that lousy teacher, as he was already an adult and an educator and really ought to have known better. At the minimum my mc would want to ensure he’ll never teach again.

And quite possibly very well educated and gorgeous to boot. If not for them dredging it all up with that humiliating video going viral that would honestly have been revenge enough as I imagine that prior to that incident my mc was just about ready to process it in a more healthy manner.